New year.

When celebrating the Chinese New Year in China, the real New Year for me is the 29th of the Lunar New Year, because that morning I will go to Huo Sange’s house to pay New Year greetings. Huo Sange will set up a flowing banquet and set up eight tables, including pai gow, mahjong, and poker. , whoever wants to be the banker will be the banker. There is no big or small on this day, they are all brothers.

At that time, I remembered that on that day all the brothers would drink to their heart's content and have a good time. If they got impatient, they could just go and have a fight in the courtyard of the villa, which would not affect their relationship at all.

Because at the end of the day and night, no matter how much you lost at that time, Huo Sange will prepare a big red envelope worth [-] yuan in the early morning of the next New Year's Eve!
At that time, it was good to have 800 or [-] yuan in our pockets. If we lost all, we would still have [-] yuan left, so even a fight would not affect our relationship.

On the morning of New Year's Eve, other people's houses were celebrating the New Year, and Brother Huo's house was seeing off guests.

The brothers also have to celebrate the New Year and all have to go home. Of course, he wants to send everyone off happily at this time.

I also chose Brother Huo San’s method of celebrating the New Year. On the 29th day of the year, I invited all the people like Lao Yaoying to my home. The table was set, the cigarettes and wine were ready, and all the brothers came to the table to have fun. Aunt Fang, My mother, Eminem and others prepared a flowing table. When I was hungry, I ate, and when I was aroused, I did it. I didn't care about anything on this day. I just joined in the fun and never went to the card table.

There is a big deal here. If you say you are on the card table, how can others play with you?No matter whether you win or lose, you have a face, but is this game still settled?How will brothers eat in the same pot in the future?
"Brother, borrow some money."

Tu Gang came over to me with his face flushed with wine and eyes wide open. I didn’t even ask, I picked up a bundle of ten banknotes and stuffed them into his arms, and cursed: “I’m going to lend you a piece of shit.” Win back everything you lose.”

Tu Gang looked at me and nodded heavily, then killed me with a fierce force.

I know that he still has to lose, a big loss, a big loss, but what I buy with money is not winning or losing, but his life.

So where did this money come from?

I withdrew it from the park. I didn’t keep any of the [-] from the park. I withdrew all of it during the Chinese New Year. This money is not only a loan after the brothers lose today, but also a red envelope for everyone when the door is opened tomorrow morning. What I have in mind is that I can lend out [-] today and give out [-] tomorrow morning, and everyone will be happy.




This group of people were all playing in a hurry. Poker, Pai Gow, and Mahjong were all too slow. Finally, they took the dice and counted two bowls. They simply guessed the size. The leopard doubled, and the game was just rolling and staring.

No matter how you play like this, there is not so much talk on the stage, and the Wa people such as Banbula, Saisuo and Zhenxin can also understand the game, and the group of people really has a good time.

However, Tu Guang opened my eyes.

I didn't see whether he won or lost at the gambling table, but he and Yutou got into a fight. The two guys tore each other's necks and collars and rushed into the courtyard. They insisted on tearing each other up, so I even detained Erbai Meizi. Betting on fish head to win, the result is...

The fish head went up and hugged Tu Guang's waist. Just when I thought I could bring him down, Xiaoguang hit him on the waist with his elbow, straightening his bent back. The next second , this guy hit the opponent's throat that was exposed after punching...

This is a killing technique!

Only then did I remember what kind of business the Tu brothers were doing, and I quickly shouted stop!
Otherwise, if Tu Guang does anything else, the fish head will end up here.

I went down and kicked Tu Guang's ass, and yelled: "You're going to fucking kill me during the Chinese New Year. Who do you want me to mourn tomorrow morning on the [-]th?!"

"Idiot?!" Tu Gang was pulled into the room by Tu Guang, who was about to stare. This kid was so drunk that he went crazy and refused to recognize anyone, for fear that he was playing tricks.

The fish-head squatting man was surrounded by us for half an hour before he stood up. He couldn't say anything. They started fucking at [-] noon. It wasn't until [-] p.m. that the boy said hoarsely: "You It almost killed me!"

The one that made everyone in the room happy...

The roof was not lifted.

The Tu brothers really have no brains, but their skills are really tough. Fish Head has average skills, but he can withstand beatings to the extreme.If you hit me this time, I'm probably going to be crippled. That's called a sore throat!
A day and a night passed in this environment. When the door of the villa was opened early the next morning, smoke was coming out of the house like a fire. Fortunately, there was no fire protection in this place and no one cared about it. I He led Aunt Fang to stand at the door, gave each person a bundle of money, and sent them away respectfully, finally making the whole villa clean.

That night, Aunt Fang was a little unhappy. She looked at me handing out all the money, her eyes full of reluctance, but she didn’t know that this was how she had to live when she was a grown-up. If she was even the slightest bit stingy, someone would say something behind her back. You gossip.

On the [-]th night, my mother put three coins, a piece of sugar, and a piece of ginger in the dumplings according to the rules of her hometown. It means getting rich by eating coins, living happily by eating sugar, and getting promoted by eating ginger...

I don’t know how it happened, but I had enough food for more than twenty dumplings to eat all these things. Later, the old lady was surprised and asked me: "Did you mark the dumplings?" ?”

That makes me angry!
At my age, do I need to use such tricks?
I thought, maybe I am going to have great luck.

When I was a child, I remember walking with Brother Huo at the gate of the park. A fortune teller said that I had to be middle-aged to have great luck. But at that time, every fortune teller said the same thing to young people when they met, and I didn't take it seriously.

The New Year's Eve passed smoothly, and on the first day of the New Year, I prepared four boxes of gifts, waited for the group of people under my command to arrive, and drove to the Judicial Committee.

We were going to pay New Year greetings. Lao Yaoying bought two green pickup trucks and filled the car with just four boxes of gifts. When the car drove to the Judicial Committee, no matter who it was, he stuffed gifts first and handed out red envelopes to acquaintances. Sent all the way to Lao Qiao's office.

However, when I got here, Boureia was standing at the door looking at the sky, and there was no festive atmosphere at all.

"what happened?"

I suppressed the voices of other people in the corridor and asked him.

I thought it was Lao Qiao who was "thinking about my loved ones even more during the festive season". Bujea didn't say anything and glanced into the room very lowly.

Really impatient to wait, I pushed open the door and tentatively called into the room: "Old man, our old lady has asked you to come home for dinner..."

"Old man, we are here to wish you happy new year..."

Just after saying a few words, when he put his head through the crack of the door, he saw Lao Qiao lying on the camp bed and about to move up with his hands.

I quickly got in and closed the door.

He held Lao Qiao in his arms and asked, "Young man celebrating the New Year, what's wrong with you?"

Lao Qiao didn't say anything. He opened the quilt on his body. His two feet were swollen like pig's hooves. He pressed them down with his hands, and the flesh sank deeply, but they didn't even rebound! (End of chapter)

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