The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 207 You taught me this, idol!

He is cheating on me.

This thing was obviously not done by me, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to kill four killers for him.

When I looked at the other people, they seemed to be waiting for my answer.

"What do you think I should think at this time?"

When this question rang in my ears, I looked up at Lao Qiao and responded: "Did I tell you that the search for a kidney source was missed?"

Lao Qiao slowly put down his phone.

I continued: "Then how do I know this thing was missed?"

"If I didn't receive the news, how could I possibly tell you that this matter was leaked!"

Nawu suddenly interjected: "But you didn't make it clear."

He still looks down on me so much, but this time I don't want to bear it anymore.

"Fuck you!"

I stood up and pointed my index finger at his nose and yelled!

"What should I say clearly?"

"What do you want me to say clearly?"

"Before I called Lao Qiao, a Thai man wearing a nurse's uniform rushed into the house with an Uzi and just finished shooting. If I hadn't been clever enough to kill him, I'm afraid it wouldn't be me talking to you now, but his mother. police!"

"I just killed someone and I was already thinking about calling Lao Qiao. I don't know how many people are outside the door or when the police will arrive. At this time, what do you want me to explain to you on the phone?"

"A normal person expects to run out of the hospital first, right?"

After I finished shouting, I found that no one in the whole room seemed to be thinking about this matter, and everyone was looking at me.

They did not point out the timeline loopholes in the evidence, otherwise the lie could have been easily exposed, because I did not tell Lao Qiao the news immediately, but only told the story a day after I encountered the killer. come out.

They just looked at it...

In other words, the root of this matter is not here. The root of this matter is that I have become the biggest obstacle for Lao Qiao to use the kidney source!
I'm still giving lessons...

I suddenly sat down weakly, and when I looked at Lao Qiao, Lao Qiao didn't dare to meet my gaze and lowered his head.

It couldn't be more obvious.

How could Old Qiao, who had lived a rough life and climbed out of the dead, be afraid of an assassination?

But after the assassination, he personally eradicated all the brothers who had been in the same trench!
Let alone me?
"Can you...don't use Aunt Fang's kidney?"

Lao Qiao looked at me and said nothing.

If he needed a reason, I could name 1, but he didn’t ask for it, so I said: “The medical institution of Heidelberg University Hospital in Germany once said in the monthly report of the American Society for Nephrology Research that according to Heidelberg Immunology Research Based on the data collected over the past 20 years, they found that 10% of patients will be unable to work after receiving a donor kidney..."

"Male patients who receive female donors are 22% more likely to have this condition, and the younger the female donor, the greater the postoperative impact caused by gender differences..."

These are the information I had to memorize every day when I was a piggy, because the person I wanted to impersonate was a foreign doctor. Who would have thought that one day... I would actually use these things on myself.

However, whether it was Lao Qiao, Tu Guang, or Nawu, almost everyone in the room looked at me as if they were not listening. They didn't say anything.

At this moment, I raised my head and finally said what was in my heart: "Aunt Fang is pregnant."


I stared at Lao Qiao and stared at him!

But, I didn't see even a trace of mercy.

The whole room was quiet except for the sound of breathing...

But I still tried my best to find various possibilities that could trigger the other party's compassion mechanism: "Isn't it just a kidney source?"

"How could there not be Muse, Muse, Laojie, and Miaowadi in Laocai? As long as you have money, how can you not find it?"

Lao Qiao finally spoke: "What if we can't even find it?"

He seemed to have completely torn off all disguises and looked at me coldly.

What he asked was, why should we look for it when we have already found it?
I didn’t know what to say, but I knew that if I didn’t say anything right now, there would be no hope at all... I fell into a great panic...

"When I first came to the park, I was a person who was afraid of dead people; when I left the park, I was a person who trembled when I heard the sound of gunshots;"

"Old Qiao, now you have turned me into a person who can kill four people without any psychological burden. I have turned into a beast, with the reins you tied around my neck..." I I hope he can understand what I am saying, and I hope he will not take a step beyond the realm of possibility.

"Now, don't you believe a word of what I said?"

Old Qiao was sitting in a wheelchair with guns on his legs, but he could answer calmly: "Who would believe in wild beasts?"

My back that had just been straightened felt like someone had stabbed me hard.

It turns out that the world is different from what I thought.

The kidney source that I hope he doesn't touch means whether he can survive or not. It is his life...

"Then we have nothing to say."

Things have reached this point, and Nawu is still interrupting: "What else do you want to say? You are just a dog raised by Old Qiao!"

I am...

But now, I don’t allow anyone to mention it.

I suddenly reached out my hand to Lao Qiao's leg. He was indeed old, and his reaction was obviously a step slower. When I reached out and grabbed the Glock and pulled my hand back, Lao Qiao had the idea to press me down. Initial movement of the hand.

I raised the muzzle of the gun, pointed it at Naou's head, and pulled the trigger.

The bullet penetrated along his cheekbone, rushed out of his mind, left bullet holes and cracks on the window glass behind him, and disappeared into the night sky.


The next second, I heard the sound of a gun being fired.

Tu Guang and Cheng Zhen looked at Lao Qiao at the same time.

Lao Qiao had a gun in his hand, and he pulled the trigger, but the gun didn't go off.

Ah Da and Big Boss taught me so many unique skills, and I finally used them. This is why I let Tu Guang walk in front of me. I had to take some time to unload the magazines from several guns and put them The bullets inside were pulled out one by one!
After all, once the assassination happens, Lao Qiao will definitely investigate, so the first breakthrough that will appear in front of Lao Qiao in these few hours is Lao Lin who is trapped in the 729 campus.

I don't have to explain.

As long as he still wants to use Aunt Fang's kidney source, I will have no chance to explain!
"Either you don't strike, you don't show mercy, you taught me that!"

I pointed the gun at Lao Qiao's left chest - bang! ! !

When the gunfire rang out, Lao Qiao leaned back hard, and the wheelchair hit the wall with a clang under the force of the bullet.

Tu Guang was dumbfounded.

Sincerely stupid.

I am also stupid.

None of them expected that this trip to Chiang Mai would actually bring the relationship between me and Lao Qiao to an end.

I should have killed everyone in this room, but when I turned to look at Zhen Zhen, he silently took out a gun from his waist and pointed it at Tu Guang.

I took out my mobile phone, dialed He Chuntian's phone number, and just said: "Turn on the video."

The next second, I connected to the video and pointed my phone at the messy room: "I killed Old Qiao."

After saying this, He Chuntian stood in a luxurious study room wearing pajamas and asked: "What's going on!"

"that's not important."

I looked at He Chuntian and asked, "As for you, do you still want to raise your head proudly in front of Mr. Bao?"

He Chuntian didn't answer and looked at the phone solemnly.

"I have the goods you want with a purity of over 90%;"

"I also have people who can make this batch of goods;"

"I still have the transportation route!"

"After Lao Qiao died, there was a vacuum at the peak of Meng Neng's power..."

"Let me ask you again now, do you still want to raise your head in front of Mr. Bao and stop being a look-down son-in-law?"

This time, He Chuntian no longer hesitated and blurted out the word: "Think!" (End of Chapter)

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