Chapter 214 Network cable!

"Do you want to hear my opinion on this matter?"

I nodded towards Mr. Bao.

Mr. Bao turned around, sat on the wooden sofa in the villa, and crossed his legs.

"Lao Qiao was not the only one who worked under my command back then."

"I know very well what this group of people is like. If your strategic target is a village and you send this group of people to knock down the village garrisoned by the Kunsha armed rebels, there is a high probability that they will bring you a Good news and bad news."

“The good news is that they brought down the village through their own bravery;”

"The bad news is that everyone in the village has been killed, the finances have been looted, and sometimes I even see a completely burned ruin."

Mr. Bao put his hands on his legs, raised his fingers and tapped, tapping in sequence.

"what can I do?"

"The problem before me is not Old Qiao's problem, but how to tame the wild nature of these people."

Mr. Bao sighed: "I tried to do it, but later I discovered that the combat effectiveness of these people who have been subdued will also decrease."

"Once this group of people learns the 'order' thing, their slippery nature will deliberately slow down and retreat when charging without the stimulation of 'ferocity.'"

"So, I simply put this group of people together, and Lao Qiao... is the one who dominates the group."

Mr. Big Bao smiled, spread his hands and said: "So, I finally have my first ace in my hand, an ace that is not easy to control."

The scene at that time appeared in my mind. In the environment of heavy gunfire, Jianghu people covered in blood, holding guns or knives, stood in the smoke, showing the most ferocious faces, some of them were grinning. Some had a cold face, but when they saw their opponent, they didn't care at all. They opened their mouths and roared and charged forward again.

I have a picture.

Mr. Da Bao continued: "After I defeat Kunsha, I will have my own territory. When it comes to dividing the world, I start to worry again."

"I thought about tearing these people apart, and I can tear these people apart, but the result of tearing these people apart is that the world that was just conquered will be once again disrupted by these rat droppings."

"That's why I cruelly threw all of them into the corner like Meng Neng and Meng Bo."

"I know that something will happen here sooner or later, and the way to control these people is to ignore their backbone and show infinite concern for those who are not taken seriously."

Mr. Dabao tilted his head and looked at me: "For a superior, you don't need a knife to kill, just talking."

Da Bao always changed in my eyes. The clothes on his body disappeared and were replaced by dragon robes!
"That's how the whole thing started."

"That's my version of it."

I remembered a sentence and tampered with it. The original sentence was, I won’t kill Boren, but Boren died because of me. The tampered sentence was, I won’t kill Boren, but he must die because of me. And die!

Dabao always gave Lao Qiao a hard buckle.

Under this deadlock, there is a group of Jianghu people who have just conquered the world, laughing loudly, drinking wine from a big bowl and eating meat.

They looked at the generals on their shoulders and congratulated each other, turned around, and spat on the ground, glaring at the person with power and status that was only slightly higher than themselves.

And Old Qiao, who had climbed to the top of this group of people, looked around and saw nothing but ambition!

In the war, everyone doesn't know what will happen tomorrow. What matters is the common hatred and friendship. But once the world is at peace, all the wildness in these Jianghu people burst out.

It is very likely that they are looking at people incorrectly, and there will definitely be people who are full of doubts and thinking: "Why do you, Lao Qiao, become a border official?!"

As long as there is one person who can't stand the temptation of the devil in his heart and wants to kill Old Qiao, then the story of his assassination will be established. And as long as this person does it a little cleaner, so that Old Qiao can't grasp the handle, Then Lao Qiao's suspicion will spread throughout Menneng, and he will think that everyone is wrong.

With Lao Qiao's character, he would not give his men even a chance to defend themselves. He would not look back and think about the matter again until he eliminated everyone one by one.Bad guys can't make mistakes. Once they make a mistake, they will choose to keep it right until the end. Just like the phrase often heard when a fight breaks out in the Northeast: "I'll just fuck you, whatever you can do!"

This is the Jianghu, a wretched, stupid, selfish and fruitless Jianghu. They are of no use to the development of a country or even a society, but they just form their own faction and cause trouble.

I'm not talking about anyone else, but myself!

Mr. Bao's words made me re-examine myself and the world that I had been voluntarily exaggerated by him.

I have always felt that Huo Sange is my eldest brother and my idol;
I'm... like I'm blind!

I was making the final struggle in my heart. I looked at Mr. Bao and asked, "Then, why did Lao Qiao say it was you?"

Dabao Zong shrugged his fat body and said, "Someone has to take responsibility, right?"

"There has to be someone who can reunite Meneng who has become a mess, right?"

“What better way to do that than hatred?”

It was as if Da Bao had pierced through the entire chessboard carefully built by Lao Qiao with one finger, and smiled like an adult laughing at a child.

"I'm the best person."

I looked at Mr. Bao: "Where is Xigu?"

"Xi Gu is my person, always has been." Mr. Da Bao responded: "But Lao Qiao is also my person."

I realized it immediately. Looking down from Mr. Bao’s position, I saw that these people, Lao Qiao, were all the same. They were all his people and his strength. There were no factions.

Only in the eyes of this group of people are there factions!

It is so puzzling that there are people who treat power as an honored guest, but in the eyes of the real superiors, they always use the simplest strategies. What they are best at is defeating ten groups with one force.

Aren't you smart?

Then let yourself be suspicious;
Can't you fight?

Then let you charge;
Aren't you good at forming cliques?

Then put a bunch of people around you who say something and twitch their arms, and let you fight in the nest.

When the time comes, if it’s a dragon, you have to coil up, and if it’s a tiger, you have to lie down!


Once the removal document comes down, you will be deposed!

If you dare to rebel, you will be regarded as a military hero in the eyes of those around you! !

Because you only have one county in your hand, which is why Dabao always got all these things to one county.

He is much more ruthless than Lao Qiao. He can destroy anyone without even using bullets.

Mr. Big Bao sat on the sofa and looked at my dazed look and smiled. After a few seconds of being ridiculous, he followed my gaze and looked towards the corner. My state was really that I was in a daze...

But there was a thread in the corner!

A network cable! !

In a villa that doesn't even have a computer, there is actually a network cable hidden!
(End of this chapter)

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