The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 217 No one can touch me until I die!

Chapter 217 No one can touch me until I die! (Thanks to Mo Qiwa1666 for the tip!)

"Quick shot!!"

He Chuntian patted the green-skinned soldier in front of him on the shoulder and shouted, his whole body falling into extreme panic.

He could not imagine the situation of being trapped behind Meng Neng. In that case, as long as Mr. Bao did not die, the Wa State could only fall apart over time. As long as Mr. Bao's son dared to raise an army, he would be called a traitor!
The green-skinned soldiers in front of us had obviously lost the desire to shoot. They kept turning back with their guns in hand, looking back and forth between our group of people and Mr. Bao.

But the green-skinned soldier leader who had been standing next to Mr. Bao obviously wanted to give it another try.

He may feel that this is an excellent opportunity for rapid success. As long as he wins this position, he will immediately rise to great heights in the Wa camp in the future.

But at this time, when Lao Qiao was facing the enemy chieftain, he was breathing heavily. He seemed tired.

Yes, it's pretty good to let such an old man carry an ax and chop.

Yang Rong leaned over and clung to Lao Qiao's back. His loyalty can be seen from the sun and the moon.

Sometimes I really wonder what method Lao Qiao used to make Yang Rong and Burea so loyal. It wasn’t until I chatted with Yang Rong once that he told me the truth. He said: "Because I can win." ."

Old Qiao stretched out his hand toward the wall, took out one from the box full of explosives, and then put it under his arm and touched his pocket.

I don’t know where I got the courage. At this time, I walked over, took out a cigarette from my pocket, followed Lao Qiao’s example and put the three-sided army thorn under my arm, and blew the cigarette in my hand a few times. Pour one for Old Qiao to hold in his mouth.

"Old man, the white box of Huazi you gave me is finished."


Then he lit it for Lao Qiao with a lighter.

Lao Qiao nodded: "It's a small thing. If you can get out alive, I'll fill your bedroom." He blocked the fire with his hands, as if he was not experiencing life and death, and casually agreed to everything.

Then, holding a cigarette in his mouth, he took the mountain-opening explosive with his free hand, pointed the cigarette butt at the fuse - and clicked.

Just like the New Year firecrackers, throw them along the ground.

I watched the explosives jumping around on the ground, sparks flapping on the floor, and the fuses shortening as time passed...



He Chuntian finally couldn't stand the suppression any longer, so he opened his mouth and shouted loudly.

But after taking a long puff of cigarette, Lao Qiao watched the green-skinned soldiers who were cornered running away along the wall until only three people were left around Mr. Bao, and shouted: "Go!"

"I fuck your mother!"

I still have that kind of virtue. When I picked up a knife, I couldn't forget the mantra I used when I was killing people on the street, and I rushed out with a fierce force;

Yang Rong remained silent and stepped forward with his knife;

Lao Qiao held his position and remained motionless.

At this moment, the opponent has lost.

I saw the man standing opposite couldn't help but look at the explosives at this second. He was half a minute too slow to pull out the dagger from his waist...

Yang Rong, who was beside him, had already pierced the opponent's chest with a knife, and knocked the opponent down from a standing position. When he drew the knife, the blood splattered from the opponent's chest sprayed all over his face, and this guy even wiped it. A handful, and it looks like there is oil paint on the face.

He rushed behind me, but he knocked down his opponent before me. As for me, I was stuck in front of the kid in front of me, who was hunched over and holding a knife as he kept testing.

"Get out of the way!"

Old Qiao might have been a little annoyed, so he hit me and pushed me away. I just moved to the side, and when I turned around, I saw that the ax had been held to the end by Old Qiao, and it was cutting in an arc across the sky with its sharp edge. Down.

Ding.The green-skinned soldier on the opposite side became frightened at this second. He turned sideways and used his back to dodge in my direction. When the ax blade hit the ground, sparks popped out.

My eyes widened at the same second, and I ran towards his back and stabbed him with a thorn, immediately piercing him.

When the blood dripped down the blood trough, I felt the passage of life, but I still felt that he was too slow, and then the second, third, and fourth blows...

This made the leader of the Royal Forest Army who was standing in front of Mr. Bao keep swallowing hard and looking at the three of us nervously, watching the three of us demons like bloody men step forward step by step.

He couldn't bear the pressure, so Lao Qiao dragged the ax upside down, making the friction sound between the ax and the ground seem to pierce his heart with every blow.

The guy immediately removed the firearm from his shoulders and knelt on the ground with his hands raised high.

I thought Lao Qiao would laugh wildly at this time and celebrate his victory, but he turned his head and stared at me and shouted: "Little mute..."

I was stunned for a moment, and Lao Qiao yelled: "Pull out the lead, otherwise everyone will go to heaven together!"

I pushed the body aside and rushed toward the explosives. I didn't even care about how hot the remaining half-hand length of fuse was, so I pulled it out directly.

Immediately afterwards, I held the explosive in one hand and the fuse that was still burning with the other hand, and sat down on the ground.

Yang Rong had already reached behind Mr. Bao and put a knife on his throat: "Little mute, what are you afraid of?"

I opened my mouth and cursed: "Get the hell out of here!"

Who is not afraid?
Who can not be afraid?
With all the violence just now, I forgot about the explosives!

Only after Old Qiao reminded me did I remember that I had picked up the explosive and squeezed it. It was solid inside, but the smell of gunpowder was strong. Everything showed that this thing was real! !
After I regained my composure, I looked at the explosive in my hand. I was shocked and quickly threw the thing into the crowd. At that time, I just wanted to keep the thing away from the fuse, even if the fuse had been pulled out.

The green-skinned soldiers immediately ducked to both sides, fearing them like tigers.

I yelled like I was venting my anger: "You are so brave, why are you still a fucking royal guard?" It seemed that the person who almost died of fear just now was not me at all.

"Open the door."

Old Qiao was panting and holding his knees with his hands. He couldn't fight anymore. He really couldn't fight anymore. He gasped and coughed and pointed to an explosive box at the door: "0726."

I looked back at Lao Qiao, and it turned out that... he had told me the password a long time ago.

After I stood up, I carefully opened the explosive box. Sure enough, there was a password input device hidden behind it.

When I saw the explosives, I had the same idea as everyone else. I wanted to stay away from this thing, but I never thought about how to open the door from the inside...


The basement door opened.

Lao Qiao pinched Mr. Bao by the back of his neck and walked out, but Mr. Bao, who refused to admit defeat in his heart, pushed him and refused to take a step forward. Finally, Lao Qiao was so angry that he tripped his leg and pulled him down. He grabbed the collar on the back of his neck and dragged him across the pool of blood.

In the villa, under the light.

The three of us walked towards the door of the villa with knives in our hands covered in blood. At that moment, the green soldiers at the door raised their guns at the same time.

I was the least courageous, so I pressed the knife directly into the heart of Mr. Dabao on the ground. However, Lao Qiao let go and let Mr. Dabao lie on the ground. He stepped on his chest and put the ax in his hand on his neck.

Lao Qiao held the half-extinguished cigarette butt in his mouth, looked back at Mr. Bao at his feet, and returned the two words he had spoken so majesticly in the village to him: "Disarm!"

The next second, countless green soldiers rushed out from the streets of Menneng. They were shouting and shouting. Some of them raised their guns to the sky and pulled the triggers, surrounding these people with armbands.

Only then did Lao Qiao show his arrogance after victory. He spit the butt of his cigarette directly into Mr. Bao's face and said, "This is my nest. No one can touch it until I die!"

I saw the ash rising and falling on Mr. Big Bao's face. Finally, I let go of my knife-holding hand. I was so damn tired and my heart was tired.

(End of this chapter)

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