The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 219 It’s just that I was uneducated back then

When I soaked my body in the water, the red blood sticking to my body rippled along the water. It was only when I took off my clothes that I saw the red blood sticking to my body, recording my sins like a mark.

But at this time, I could no longer have any psychological burden like a mature criminal. What replaced this psychological burden was a great excitement.

I don't know whether this should be called progress or upgrade, but everything I showed in front of Mr. Bao was completely different from before.

I knew he would be fooled, so I could talk confidently;

I didn't even think of He Chuntian as a human being. I used the wisdom developed through so many years of experience to play with him all the time, making it impossible for him to tell the difference;

I also learned another skill, which is to no longer lie with half-truths and half-false words, but to combine the whole truth with my own hands into a lie. After telling the lie, I still dare to stand in front of you. Ask you whether you believe it or not.

Before, this was a heinous crime;

In the circle of friends, this is called three things.

In other people's comments, it's 'that kid doesn't have a word of truth in his mouth'... But when it comes to Meng Neng, I actually feel a little bit proud.

It turns out that this world is like this!

It’s not that the saint is king as taught in school, it’s that the winner is king in reality.

It took me more than 30 years to understand this sentence, to truly understand it.

At this time, there was no restraint in front of me, only a gleaming golden chair was left.

I startled myself and opened my eyes in the bathroom bathtub. This time I didn't fall asleep, but I still felt my heart.

I want to be a king.

I am only one step away from the throne!
But when I looked closer, I found that there was someone sitting on the throne, Lao Qiao.

I climbed out of the bathtub and ran hot water over my body under the shower. When everything was over, I stood in front of the foggy mirror, unable to see my face clearly.

So, I understood another truth, that is, if you are a born king, then your throne needs to be snatched from the hands of outsiders; but if you are a person who develops towards the throne in the process of growing up, Your throne can only be taken from your own people.

Moreover, at some moments, what you give and what you get are not necessarily proportional.

When, when, when.

There was a knock on the door.

I didn't even wipe my body. I walked to the door wearing a bathrobe and bare feet, with water dripping from my hair. "Who is it?"

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Yao asked me to send you clothes."

I looked out of the peephole and saw it was a woman.

She is about 27 or [-] years old. The youthfulness on her face has not completely faded, and her sense of maturity has just been born. Her plump figure contrasts strongly with the slim waist that is only popular in Europe and America. She is wearing a pure white dress. A lady's shirt and a black skirt, and a pair of glasses stuck on the bridge of her nose.


I opened the door.

The woman was a little nervous: "Mr. Xu..." She handed over two bags.

I was slightly stunned when I saw this bag: "Isn't it a suit?"

The woman immediately said: "We are a brand clothing store, but there are no suits under this brand..."

Let the old falcon do this!
I took the bag with great dissatisfaction and said without using both hands: "Close the door."

Then he turned around and walked into the house.

However, at this time, the sound of high heels came from behind.

I didn't even look back and entered the room first, and then I heard the door being closed.She's in!

According to my judgment, every step this woman takes will step on the nerves that I just relaxed. Aren't you just a clothes sender?What are you doing in the house?
Also, I asked Old Falcon to find someone to deliver suits, but what you delivered was completely different!
I have just experienced life and death, what do you want me to think at this time?
I threw the clothes on the bed, and then took out the gun along the bloody clothes.

Seeing the pair of black leather and red-soled high heels walking over, he raised the muzzle of the gun and hit the woman's temple: "Don't move!"


She obviously saw the muzzle of the gun and the blood-stained clothes behind me and screamed, but I am not afraid of calling the police even if I shoot in this hotel, are you afraid of shouting?
"Look, this is Glock. It has no traditional safety, only trigger safety and drop safety. That is to say, you can fire by pulling the trigger." I mean, if I put a finger on my second thumb, your life will be lost. .

However, this woman seemed to be a little too timid. She started to tremble. It didn't seem like she was pretending, but she was trembling completely uncontrollably.

why would i know
My hands were on her waist, roughly groping for possible hidden weapons.

"Xu, Xu, Mr. Xu..."

"Mr. Yao...didn't say...didn't...say...that it would be like this..."

After I touched my waist and found no weapons, I stared and shouted, "Shut up!"

At that time, I really didn’t expect that anyone would dare to play this trick with me in Mengneng, and this was still in Lao Qiao’s hotel!
I have even thought about how to kill the old kite, as long as I can find a gun from this woman.


My hands have already searched along her waist to her thighs, including the inner thighs where women hide guns in movies, and I haven't even missed the area covered by the black skirt... What the fuck?
Nothing was found!

What are you doing?
Do you, a woman, want to kill people with your bare hands? !
"why are you crying!"

I looked at her in confusion, watching the tears on her cheeks fall down like a broken bead curtain.

"Mr. Yao said, it won't work if I don't come..."

"Mr. Yao said that when you were on the phone, you deliberately said 0726, which was County Magistrate Qiao's birthday..."

"Mr. Yao said that the constant gunshots last night were caused by a fight between County Magistrate Qiao and the Wa boss..."

"We can't afford to offend you."

I... shit.

I do not……

The moment my gun slipped, she moved along the wall to the bed, took out the Durex from the packaging bag, opened the packaging box awkwardly, pulled out one piece, and pouted, with tears in her eyes. Handed it over: "Yeah."


Her aggrieved face was reflected in the sun, her half-high arms fell into the shadows, her upper body was slightly bent, her chin was inward and her face was turned to the side...

I feel like I have violated a law of heaven!
To be honest, when I saw a woman showing such an expression before, I would feel sorry for her, but now?I want to make her even more fucking pathetic...

The key is, how did I know that 0726 is Lao Qiao’s birthday?

I know that Lao Qiao has a bulletproof car, and the license plate is 0726; in the village, Bureadi gave me the key to the car and asked me to fight and run away; the password for Lao Qiao's basement is also 0726, and it's me The door opened by one's own hands...

But I didn’t think that this number was Lao Qiao’s birthday at all, or in other words, I didn’t think about it. When I arrived at the hotel, I opened this room because the two rooms with good meanings, 1666 and 1888, are presidential suites, so I just took a shower. Why do you get a presidential suit in the shower?Then he casually said the number in this impression.

The next second I looked at her, the woman actually added in a low voice: "Say yes first, you can't hit me."

To be honest, looking at this woman's virtue, I...

grass! (End of chapter)

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