How can you prove that you have status?
It must not be praise that comes to you, it only means that what you do is outstanding;
There must be endless slander behind it, which is why the ancients said the words, 'A person who is not envied by others is a mediocre person'.

Human nature is so hated by others...


I returned to Meng Neng without any surprises, with a fish head, sincerity, and Xiaoxiao.

There was one car when I went there, and two when I came back. There was also a patrol military vehicle that was stopped on the way to pull the mercenaries I just bought.

And along the way, Xiaoxiao kept holding my hand tightly, and even leaned her head on my shoulder even if the road was bumpy.

I, however, just watched quietly as the two cars drove into Meng Neng and saw the excitement in the eyes of the people around them.

The Wa people in such remote places seem to have rarely seen black people.

Security camp.

The 57 and the pickup truck were parked in the parking space. The Land Rover I once drove was also parked in the parking space, and there was a person standing in front of the car.

Beep, beep, beep.

At this time, I was holding a phone that kept ringing.

When I pushed open the car door and let Xiaoxiao hold my arm and get out of the car, before I had time to answer the phone call...

"Mr. Xu."

The moment Old Harrier saw my car, he didn't hang up the phone until I walked up to him, then hung up the phone and said hello like this.

"Things went well."

This is my answer to the old kite.

Then, while he was lowering his head and smiling, I added: "I don't care how Lao Qiao rewards you later. The butcher brothers' stall here belongs to you. You, Yutou, and Lao Qiao, you guys The three of them will spread out the bulk goods."

The old harrier suddenly raised his head, and the surprise in his eyes was self-evident. He might have always thought that that spot was my private area.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You still have to pay back the money you owe me."

What I'm talking about is the bet of 40. At first he said he would bet ten, but I changed it to twenty. Finally, he kicked me again, turning it inside out, and the total was forty, which was a lot.

The old harrier nodded and said: "I will give it, I will definitely give it."

Can he not give it?
He has seen the arrogance of the Tu brothers with his own eyes. Once he buys this stall, the amount he will make is far beyond the 40 yuan.

"Why didn't you go up?" I said after Xiaoxiao smiled and waved hello to him.

Old Harrier leaned against the front of the Land Rover: "I don't know if it's appropriate to go up there."

"I just thought I'd give you a call and this..."

He gestured with the mobile phone in his hand.

This kid has started to learn the rules and no longer relies on his cleverness to get by. His sense of submission and fear that only appeared after I severely suppressed him have really helped me.

"What do you think?"

At this time, you need to encourage him to make him feel that he is valuable to you: "I can still tell the difference between who is capable and who is cheating." After saying that, he looked back at Yutou behind him with a deliberate smile, and Yutou hurriedly Opened his mouth: "Mr. Xu, I am not a sneaky person."

Immediately, I punched him in the chest. To be honest, it was almost like hitting a piece of bluestone.

"Let's go upstairs and see Lao Qiao."

After saying that, I led the way upstairs. During the journey, the old kite suddenly remembered and said: "Mr. Xu, the Land Rover has been repaired. If you feel that you are not used to driving the 57, how about..."

He handed over the key: "Let me, I feel like it's only second-hand after it's been repaired. Why don't I give you a new one?"

I took the key in my hand, handed it to Xiaoxiao and said, "Wait for me in the car." Then I said to the old harrier, "It's not necessary, driving here is different."

I walked up the stairs and waited until I reached the floor where Lao Qiao's office was located. As soon as I stood at the door to knock on the door, I heard a voice coming from inside the door.

"Old Joe!"

"What exactly did Xu Ruifeng do for you?"

"The bulk cargo business belongs to him, the park business belongs to him, and now the Meng Neng Bao business also belongs to him. Except for the casino in my hand, all the top-notch business here belongs to him. Isn't it too partial? "

I slowly put down my hand that was about to knock on the door and took a step back. Hearing these words, the old kite turned around and walked towards the edge of the corridor. Sincerely was still a little reluctant to move, so he was forced to pull me away.In the office, Lao Qiao's extremely soft voice came over: "Then what do you think we should do?"

"Mr. Qiao, I'm not greedy. I won't touch any of those businesses, but we can't just have one Xu Ruifeng, right?"

"I think he should get a share of the business he has."

Lao Qiao asked again: "Who should I give it to?"

"This one……"

Lao Qiao asked again: "How about I share some with you?"

"Do you think this is good? I'll give you the night show..."

No voice answered.

"The park is also for you..."

Still no answer.

"Then I will give you Yang Rong and Burea..."

"I'll give you a fucking hand too, okay!"

"How come you have no self-awareness at all?"

"Before I came to speak, I didn't know how well I managed the casino business!"

"The monthly profit is 750 million. How dare you bring me 400 million in debt and tell me that the debtor has been detained by you in the casino. Are you waiting for me to ask for the money for you?"

"Then what should I use you for?"

I felt it was almost time, so I reached out and knocked on the door.

When, when.

Lao Qiao's almost roaring voice came from inside the house: "Get out of here, if you knock on the door again, I'll chop your hands off!"

I stood outside the door and responded: "Old man, it's urgent."


I pushed open the door and walked in, pulled out the chair in front of the desk, sat there, and then slowly turned my head and glanced around me.

Lao Qiao said to a man I didn't know at all: "Go back first."

The man stood up from his chair, snorted coldly, and walked out.

At this time, I looked at Lao Qiao and asked, "Are you angry?"

Lao Qiao glared at me: "You are the only one with eyes."

"What does that have to do with that? The key is that I haven't seen anyone in Meng Neng who dares to talk to you like this. Who is he?"

Lao Qiao leaned back angrily and put his feet on the table: "My surname is Bai."

"The old man and I were a bit pretentious. They started talking and said they wanted this kid to come to our place for training for two years. No, after a few years of running the casino, he still has a bad temper."

I was happy: "Then bear with it."

"Under our current situation, it will be even more troublesome if we offend the Bai family among the four major families."

Lao Qiao obviously didn't like talking about these things, so he asked: "How are things going with you over there?"

I said cautiously: "I took people to the river cruise today and saw the Zhao family's cruise ship. I didn't think much about it at first. But after I got on the boat, I found out that they were selling Wa people, and there was a person sitting in room 7. Keep fighting with me."

"As soon as I got involved, I spent 450 million to buy the news back."

"Tell me, am I being tricked? Why do I always feel something wrong?"

Lao Qiao denied me and said, "It shouldn't be."

"That group of people on the Zhao family's boat rely on reputation. Apart from this, you just made an impromptu idea when you were walking along the river. No one wants to scheme against you, and you have no place to start..."

"Where's the news?" (End of Chapter)

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