Lao Qiao's villa was brightly lit and surrounded by green soldiers on the inner and outer floors.

At this point, I admire Lao Qiao very much. He set up such a heavy defense that no one could guess that Mr. Bao and He Chuntian were imprisoned here. After all, Lao Qiao set up heavy troops to protect himself. , there is nothing inherently wrong with it.

When, when, when.

At this moment, I knocked on the door.

This is my mission today, I want Mr. Da Bao to appear in the media willingly.

The old servant in the room opened the door. The moment he saw me, he said respectfully: "Boss Xu."

"Where's Mr. Bao?"

"reading the news."

After speaking, he stepped aside.

When I stepped into the house, I had the opportunity to formally contact the King of the Wa State for the first time. I was the only one in Menneng who had this opportunity.

Click, click, click.

As my footsteps got closer and closer, Dabao sitting on the sofa in the living room appeared in front of me. He turned his back to me and watched the news about Myanmar attentively.

"Wait a minute, let me finish this."

News used to be one of the TV programs I hated most. When I was a kid, I didn’t understand why there was such a thing in the middle after the windmill ended at six o’clock in the evening. Couldn’t the TV series be played directly? Chen Shouting in "Da Ranfang" and the Battle of Pinangrad in "Bright Sword", aren't they good-looking?

Later I learned that news is actually a channel for ordinary people to receive information. In those days, no domestic or foreign information could be transmitted as fast as this thing, as long as you could understand it.

Subtitles appeared on the TV. At this time, Dabao lit a cigarette for himself and turned his head.

There was a chessboard on the coffee table in front of him. There were red and black pairs on the chessboard. The moment Da Bao turned around and saw me, he asked casually: "Can you play chess?"

"It's okay to kill one plate."

I walked over and sat opposite Mr. Dabao.

He held the red hand and walked first, taking the lead in a step-by-step manner.

I have always liked to take risks. I don't care about the pawns, I just change the horse with a single gun, and the fight starts from the moment I get started.

Boss Dabao immediately looked up at me and asked, "Aren't you going to let me get out of the car?"

"Send your money." I responded expressionlessly.

Dabao held back his energy, nodded repeatedly, and became more ruthless with his methods. After getting out of the car, he swept across half of my face one after another, and soon hit the hinterland.

When he had both his chariots out and his single soldier was setting up, he used his cannon to steal the elephant, directly blocking the palace and ending the battle.

Mr. Big Bao had a handful of chess pieces in his hand at that time, and he was playing with them with click, click, click sounds. I guess what he was thinking was that he must kill only one bare commander, okay? Completely humiliated me.

The second my shot landed on the elephant position, the corners of Mr. Big Bao's eyes twitched.

He was very aboveboard and threw the chess pieces on the board: "We lost."

I laughed along with him: "I was lucky enough to win."

"You're not a fluke."

Mr. Dabao pointed it out and said: "You have angered me from the very beginning when you changed your guns and horses. You did not use the method of provoking generals, but you used the vigor of young people to laugh at my old age as an old man."

"At that time, I was already in a state of confusion. I gave up my best ability to fight steadily with you in a melee, and an old man's reaction ability cannot be as fast as that of a young man. So in the melee, you were full of opportunities, but I was We can only focus on one thing and lose the other.”


"You little bastard beat me twice with this move."

Damn it... this is the first time I have seen such a big man sum up after the war. He can really afford to lose, and even when he loses, you feel that he is extremely generous.

"Tell me, what's the matter with me?"

I no longer paid attention to the chessboard and looked at Mr. Bao's face: "I want you to take a few shots. I want you to explain to the whole of Myanmar to prove your dominant position in Meneng and that you have not been harmed in the slightest."

Mr. Big Bao immediately saw through my little thoughts: "Do you think I can cooperate with you?"


"Then you're still here?"

I didn't reply, and Mr. Bao acted like a modest gentleman and didn't ask any further questions.

He was just a little worried and asked elsewhere: "Tell me how the Wa State is doing."

"It's almost chaos."

"Your son is encouraging the generals of the Wa State to send troops to force..."

"No one is willing to send troops at this time. What everyone means is to prepare for negotiations."

I suddenly raised my head and looked at Mr. Bao: "Mr. Bao, if you were your son, what would you do?"

Mr. Bao crossed Erlang's legs and said simply: "It's easy to handle. Send another envoy."

I don't quite understand.

Mr. Bao said: "I just filmed some people coming over to disgust you right in front of your eyes. They blatantly requested to see me three times a day to report on my work, and they blatantly investigated my location..."

"You're forcing Lao Qiao to kill someone!"

"These people will disappear anyway." He knew Old Qiao's temper too well.

"You have to give an explanation, right?"

"Then the Wa State government issues an order to hold those people accountable after it is determined that they have disappeared."

I responded stiffly: "After accountability, we will remove Lao Qiao from his county magistrate, military, and political positions, and then send troops to implement military control on the grounds of 'avoiding Meng Neng from falling into chaos'..."

Mr. Dabao spread his hands and responded naturally: "Look, you understand."

Why do I sound so 'even dogs know what this means'?

I also want to ask, 'What if Lao Qiao doesn't let these people in at all? ', but before I even asked this question, I had already figured it out.What we want is to create a situation in which Mr. Bao forces the palace. In this situation, Meng Neng must belong to the Wa State, so it is impossible not to allow the delegation to enter Meng Neng, otherwise it will be a rebellion; and as long as the delegation enters Meng Neng , we have already lost.

If he really was Master Bao, maybe Lao Qiao would really lose, completely!
Because you have no chance.

Under such circumstances, the people will not believe you if you frame the Wa government again. How can you, a fallen official, be believed?It’s not like the Wa State government doesn’t have talented people, so won’t they use the media?

Thinking about the things Meng Neng caused before, such as human trafficking, industrial parks, and drugs, there are very good reasons to remove you!

But these tricks should never be used by Mr. Bao alone in the Wa State government. Why did no one remind Mr. Bao?

When this question came to my mind, I looked at Mr. Bao.

Mr. Big Bao seemed to have seen through all the questions on my face and only answered with two words: "Selfish."

In a power structure that grew up in a place of sin, selfishness was the only core. Everyone looked at the dragon chair in front of them and drooled. Everyone wanted to try what it felt like to put on the dragon robe.

At this juncture, if Master Bao does not show the ability to turn the tide and support the building from falling, then people should be concerned about the position of the King of the Wa State.

Old Joe, you are such a damn lucky bastard. This kind of thing is simply impossible in a government structure with faith and clear political ideas!
It turns out that every hero in troubled times must shine in a world without a framework. Otherwise, even if Cao Cao holds the emperor hostage, he will not be able to command the princes. (End of chapter)

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