The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 236 The game is in the middle of the game!

"Mr. Big Bao... ran away."

In the chaotic streets, I watched the green soldiers who came for reinforcements dragging out the injured people from the jeep one by one. I didn't have to examine them in a hurry, and I didn't have the time to examine them. I didn't even take a look at them, so I just treated them lightly. He took his cell phone and dialed Lao Qiao's number.

At that time, the streets were filled with dust, and the streets were full of injured people wailing in pain. I believed that this irrepressible voice would reach Lao Qiao’s ears through the phone, and he was ready to be scolded...


When I heard this answer, I felt that Lao Qiao might not have responded and continued to wait with the phone.

"Anything else?"

What do you mean, is there anything else?

I repeated: "Old man, what I'm saying is, the big bag always runs away."

"You know what?"

He hung up the phone!
I looked at the green-skinned soldiers in front of me in confusion, and what I was thinking was, isn't it a big deal that Dabao always ran away?Why didn't this old Qiao react at all?


A van parked on the side of the street, and the reporter whom Lao Yaoying called for last time appeared in front of me again, followed by a cameraman carrying a camera.

This kid ran towards me at a trot and greeted me with a flattering face: "Mr. Xu."

I did not blame him for his mistake last time. I laid out the task in great detail and said, "Just now, the United Wa State Army and the people on the streets of Mengneng were attacked inexplicably. We now suspect that this incident is related to terrorists. This time The main content of the interview should be focused on 'inexplicable', highlighting an 'unexpected' aspect, and supplemented by the tragic situation of soldiers and civilians who suffered attacks, it should be played in a loop on all platforms that can be watched in Myanmar."

"Remember, don't mention a single word other than 'miserable' this time. If you do it the same as last time, I will kill you with my own hands."

The reporter tightened his legs and nodded very cautiously at me.

Later, I saw an ambulance from Menneng People's Hospital on the street.

Next, I continued to talk and focused on my mobile phone. I tapped the screen of the mobile phone with both hands and sent out a message. The message only had two words - Start!
Times have really changed, and they have become something that these people who are out of touch with the world cannot understand.

At that time, there were already outdoor live broadcasts in China, the most famous of which was Benliu who ate live chickens.

In 2013, this kid did the "eating live chicken" thing in front of the live broadcast camera to promote the hype. Later, in order to attract attention, he even live broadcasted looking for a fruit plate, talking dirty words and bargaining with people...

Of course, that's not what I want to say. What I want to say is that times have really changed.

It has become such that only a GPS can accurately position the scene, and a micro camera can use high technology to conduct outdoor live broadcasts.

But I have such a master who is proficient in these things. His name in the park is the God of Wealth;
However, there are various cameras and micro cameras installed everywhere in the park...

These techniques that I usually use to photograph the dirty behavior of piggies have now become the high-tech tools I use to set up scenes.


I received a message on my mobile phone. The avatar of the message was a God of Wealth holding a gold ingot. He sent an address with the words 'Old Brick Factory' written on it.

The next second, I dialed Sesuo's number. The moment the call was connected, I immediately said: "Surround the old brick factory immediately, hurry!"

Immediately afterwards, I quickly rushed to the van driven by the reporter on the street, got in the car, kicked the accelerator and rushed out, heading straight to the old brick factory.

At the beginning of the construction of Menneng, the first thing built was a brick factory. The production capacity there was limited and gradually unable to adapt to the construction requirements of Menneng. The boss abandoned the old kilns and used the money he earned to build a new one. Yes, this is how Meng Neng people communicate with each other in terms of "old and new" brick factories when reporting their addresses.Bah!
When I drove the car to the old brick factory on the edge of Mengneng, which was already surrounded by more than a hundred soldiers from the security camp, Sesuo saw my car parked on the side of the road and walked over with a frown.

"Mr. Xu, why are you so careless?"

"Thanks to Lao Qiao who asked me to block all the traffic arteries in and out of Mengneng this morning, I was able to bring these guys back with a hail of bullets. Otherwise, Mr. Bao would have been rescued by them..."

He came here to ask for a favor, which meant that thanks to his timely dispatch of troops and preparations, he had time to make up for the situation.

But before he finished speaking, he froze, and seemed to realize that something was wrong with this matter.

Then, I smiled at him, and it was this smile that made Sesuo's pupils dilate in shock!
This is called a smart person who can tell the truth at once, but can't turn back after being beaten with a stick.

Sesuo stared and asked, "Then what should we do next?"

I looked at him and then at the surrounding formations: "If the cards are not enough, call the half-branched police to have a joint military and police law enforcement, and then just surround them like this. When will the reporters come to attack?" Now that I’m done with my work, I’ll rush here and we’ll persuade you to surrender at some point.”

Sesuo came closer to me and asked in a low voice: "Is it what I think?"

I looked at the old brick factory: "Who can say for sure? I'm betting too."

"Okay, I'll hang up the scale."

After saying that, he turned around and left, shouting at the greenskin soldiers in the security camp: "Cheer up, whoever lets one go today will be killed by me!"

But I turned on the mobile phone monitoring at this time and found that the software for monitoring Meng Neng had an additional camera location.

I clicked in, and the scene inside the old brick factory office building appeared on the phone screen.

There is no Mr. Big Bao in the lens, and there cannot be Mr. Big Bao, but in a room with windows in the front and back, as the camera moves, I see three people, three men wearing Wa nationality costumes and carrying AKs. .

These three people had stern faces and strong bodies. Surrounded by so many green soldiers, they showed no fear. They hid behind the wall by the window and kept looking out.

"What's the situation in Wa State now?"

Mr. Big Bao’s voice came through the camera, and I could hear it clearly through my mobile phone.

"It's very confusing. The young master wanted to send troops, but he was rejected by the other generals in several meetings."

The leader of the report usually said to Mr. Bao: "They said that Lao Qiao will definitely use this troop dispatch to make a fuss, and it will cause a storm in the city. Before being completely sure, it is best not to move for now and use 'talk' as the The main way to deal with it.”

Boss Da Bao groaned: "My son doesn't agree, right?"

The leader responded: "The result of the negotiation is that people will lead you by the nose."

Mr. Dabao nodded.

"So, he asked you to sneak into Menneng to see if you can rescue me?"

"Mr. Bao, we are not infiltrating."

"Old Qiao has already made preparations around Menneng, so he can only break through."

The camera suddenly shook. Holding the phone in my hand, I felt like I could feel Mr. Bao’s heart. (End of chapter)

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