Chapter 246 The needle in the arm (completed)

The old man from the Wa ethnic group got into my car, and Xiaoxiao and I sat in the back of the Land Rover. The driver was sincere. In this case, we ran all the way to the building that had been cleaned by Lao Qiao. .

But I really didn’t think that someone would still maintain the village style after moving into the building, and I didn’t expect that these Wa people would turn their life in the building into a big courtyard.

Meng Neng, when the Land Rover stopped, we got out of the car.

When entering the building, two children, about six or seven years old, ran down the corridor.

The two children were playing like crazy, their heads were covered with sweat, their hair, which could cover their eyes, was stuck to their foreheads, and they were so wet that they were dangled.

But when these two children saw me, they immediately braked and stopped at the door of the building. Without anyone reminding them, they stood there and shouted: "Boss~"

The long-drawn voice and the expression of fear and respect on his face made me feel so comfortable...

I have never been treated like this in my life!

The old man from the Wa ethnic group was not satisfied with this, so he went over and kicked the two children out, cursing: "What a shameful thing, why are you running around like crazy in front of the boss!"

Of course, he cursed in Burmese, and the person who translated it for me was sincere.

I could tell that this old man wanted me to see the best scene in the whole village, just like every factory had to be cleaned when the leader came to inspect.

Then we walked in. When we followed the old man's footsteps and entered the third floor, I saw almost the same place as the floor of the double room in Building 2. The rooms here are all separate one by one. The difference is , there is no closed door in any room here.

There was constant noise in the corridor, and from time to time a young man would appear shirtless, wearing pants and bare feet and shouting: "Amu... have you seen my iron? I have to go on duty with Brother Chengcheng today..."

At that time, there would be four or five women in their 50s or [-]s in the entire corridor who would turn around and look at her, until his own mother came back from outside yelling and cursing.

The moment this young man saw me, he immediately opened his eyes and shouted: "Boss, why are you here!"

I'm laughing, I know what's coming.

The women in the village came together at the same time, chattering in their own language, and their sincerity was completely speechless, letting their voices overlap and said: "Amu, for us, it has two meanings. One is, Calling oneself mother, on the other hand, is calling an elder who is the same age as mother."

I also saw a detail at that time, that is, when I was passing by a house, two children who went to play downstairs just came back, but as soon as they got into the room, they were kicked out again by yelling and scolding.

Sincerely scratched his hair in embarrassment and said: "What he means is that we haven't cooked yet at home. If you are hungry, go to the neighbor's house next door to eat."

The two children were not polite and went directly into the room next to them, sat on the table and started eating with bowls in their hands.

The meal was not a good meal, just bamboo shoots and bacon. However, the neighbor had no intention of driving the child away, and there was no trace of surprise on his face. Instead, he naturally picked up the bowl for the child and added some rice. .

This reminds me of the Northeastern countryside when I was a child. I remember that no matter who I went to at that time, as long as I walked through the ice and snow under my feet and got into the house heated by the stove, no matter whether I was a relative or not, the people inside would ask: "Have you eaten yet?" It makes you feel hot.


How can such a thing happen? Even if someone asks you, "Have you eaten?" 'That will also be interpreted as a polite expression. Regardless of whether you have eaten or not, you have to reply with 'finished' or 'cooked at home'.

With the development of science and technology, cities have become more and more developed, but the buildings made of reinforced concrete are like prison cells, imprisoning our emotions. 20 years ago, who knew what social terror was?At that time, we all called those who played tricks unsociable.

Twenty years ago, people were looking forward to the New Year. At that time, it was not because they couldn’t eat meat that they looked forward to the New Year. The living conditions at that time were enough to meet the needs of food and drink, but what was the excitement of celebrating the New Year at that time?The family hangs up lanterns and plays mahjong, waiting for Motoyama on TV. Just like that, there are still people visiting the house.

Who is coming now?
They say there is no flavor of the New Year. This era is almost losing its flavor. Where can we find the flavor of the New Year?
I started to drift off.

This group of old women made the noise. They surrounded me in the corridor and kept talking. Some of them turned around and went back to the house to take out the best food at home.

This kind of happiness cannot be fake, because an old man on crutches came. He was one of the people I sent to the hospital for treatment, and the treatment method that was too simple for me became The life-saving straw makes him grateful.

"Boss, without you, we would never dare to think of such a life in our lives!"

"Boss, you are the benefactor of our entire village!"

I am not unable to extricate myself from such compliments. What makes me sink is that their words can wash away the guilt in my heart.

I began to understand Lao Qiao.

Maybe he likes the stars and the moon, which is the same as I feel now, just to find the support that still exists in his heart.

Remember the news that drug lord Guzman would give money to the poor?

Do you still remember that the literature said that the Italian Mafia would use its own money to help poor people?
Still remember when Nuokang was arrested, some media interviews said that the people around him would tip him off?
It’s not that these people are not evil, they are just choosing an angle. After releasing the sin in their hearts, they find a good angle and use comparisons from different angles to weaken their psychological burden.

Guzman is like this, the Italian Mafia is like this, Kunsha and Nuo Kang are like this, Lao Qiao is like this, and I am like this.

Xiaoxiao was confused looking at everything in front of her.

In the constant din of everyone, I was asked this question: "Are you a drug lord?"

I think what she wants to ask is: "Are you a bad person?"

Maybe her judgment of good and bad is still at a very simple stage in her mind. She feels that good people should be highly respected and bad people should be despised.

I looked at her and stroked her hair with my hand, but didn't answer.

I hope she can find the answer herself instead of hearing it from someone else's mouth.

When I turned my head again and looked at the group of people in front of me, and the children who ran over and surrounded my legs like they were joining in the fun, I realized that this was the real poison.This allows me to completely forget my own predicament and feel that I am a useful person. The "evils" I have committed have been completely resolved at this moment.

It was resolved in my heart.

I don't even want to delve deeper into whether this kind of 'evil' will get worse in other people's hearts... It's like a needle sticking into the arm.

 This chapter and the previous chapter are to make up for yesterday, that is to say, there are still three chapters today.

(End of this chapter)

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