"Hey, why do you still know to go home today?"

When I opened the door of the villa and returned to the room, Aunt Fang, who had been completely liberated, was lying on the bed playing with her mobile phone.

Her belly has swelled slightly. In order to prevent stretch marks, she didn't know what she applied on her belly, but it was shiny and oily.

When he saw me, he mocked me: "You are such a busy man and you haven't seen me for several days. How can you come back to see us two when you have so much to do every day?"

I didn't say anything and sat on the bed with my back to him.

I can't figure it out.

Today I had a meal and fish at Lao Qiao's house. He was very happy. He turned over the dining table and told me about his past glory, how he single-handedly picked up a reconnaissance team's camp with a machine gun. About ten people suddenly showed up.

He just let me eat a meal, but he didn’t even move a chopstick...

It made me think nothing of it.

I turned to look at Aunt Fang and asked, "What do you think this old Qiao is thinking?"

Aunt Fang quickly turned sideways and faced me with her back, without saying a word. It took a long time before she replied: "I'm not a roundworm in his stomach."

Am I thinking too much?
I do not know.

But I just don’t feel at ease.

There is a feeling that people are about to be calculated.

I took out my cell phone from my pocket, looked at the few phone numbers on it, and finally chose to call Zhenli: "We've got everyone here to pick me up tomorrow morning."

Sincerity and no ink, I just asked: "What happened?"

"It's okay, let's put on a show."

After saying that, I hung up the phone, took off my clothes and got into bed.

Lao Qiao probably won’t touch me yet. He is still waiting for me to take the blame for this historic event for him. No one else is suitable to take the blame except me, an outsider who has risen from a piggy to a senior executive in Meng Neng...

I thought about everything that had happened recently, but I still couldn't think of anything, so I gradually closed my eyes.

But before she could fall asleep, she heard Aunt Fang's heartless snoring.

She didn't seem to realize there was anything wrong with this at all, and she even looked at me like I was mentally ill. This woman...

Just when I was about to fall asleep, Aunt Fang got up and ran to the toilet. As she walked, she kept mumbling about how she would never be a woman again in her next life, and she kept saying things like being pregnant and constipated. .

This makes me feel that Lao Qiao has no reason to attack me. My son has not been born yet, my mother is here, and I am completely under his control. Why would he touch me?
Only then did I react.

It turns out that the person who was frightened in the basement was not Sierra Jon. No, to be precise, it was not exactly Sierra Jon, but me who had been living cautiously!

The person who scares me is not Lao Qiao...

But the sin in my heart.

The sinful flower in my heart bloomed. When the flower unfolded and changed from the form of a flower bone to a blooming flower, and the intoxicating fragrance filled the air, everyone in my eyes began to be full of threats.

Just now, I was wondering if Aunt Fang, who was constipated when she went to the toilet with her mobile phone, might have secretly sent a message to Lao Qiao to report something...

I even thought about whether Aunt Fang might be conquered or bribed by Lao Qiao!
I still doubt the sincerity. In my heart, Lao Yaoying has been completely determined to be Lao Qiao's person. However, in the context that 'I' am also Lao Qiao's person, this is not just a threat.

This is the most real abyss of evil. It is the abyss of evil that one can see with one's own eyes after breaking through the moral bottom line, kicking open the legal fence, and showing the loss of "even if there are tens of millions of people, I will go."

It is destroying the trust between people bit by bit, pushing back all the bottom lines bit by bit. Now an ordinary gangster like me dares to shout harsh words at the young master of the Bai family, saying that he will bury people in the street, and What can't be done?

No wonder the old man says, "You look old at the age of three."

No wonder we, a group of people, always hang out in the dark, while normal people find the dark night difficult.

Fortunately, it was dawn.Hmm~
I turned over and was woken up by the sunlight that shone through the cracks in the curtains and hit my eyes in the morning.

At that moment, I glanced at my phone. It was 08:40 in the morning, but I was so tired that I couldn't tell if I had fallen asleep last night.

I went to take a shower, hoping that the hot water would wash away the lingering feeling on my body, but when I woke up completely in the bathtub, Aunt Fang opened the toilet door and walked in carrying my phone, which was ringing.

It's Lao Qiao.


"The Wa State has sent troops!"

My eyes widened at that moment, and I immediately woke up: "What's the reason?"

"Border line defense change."

This is the most normal thing for an ordinary country. In peacetime, it is also common for troops of different numbers to take turns stationed at the border. But is the Wa State a country?What are the soldiers on the border in your country used for? Do you need anyone else to tell you?

Change the defense at the border!

Give your grandma a claw instead!

This is obviously because after the phone call yesterday, Master Bao found a reason for troops to invade the border. In the name of changing the border line, he passed by Meng Neng. If you dare to put troops into Meng Neng, then it will be easy. I've dealt with you, Lao Qiao. If you don't put your troops into Meng Neng, what do you mean?Rebellion!
"I'll be right there."

After saying that, I hung up the phone and got out of the water. After wiping my body with a towel, I hurriedly got dressed and went out.

At that time, Zhencheng was already waiting at the door with two cars and eight people. If we include those black people, the armed force in my hand already had more than a dozen people.

"Judiciary Committee."

I only gave Cheng Zhen an address and got into the back seat of the Land Rover. Then, three green pickup trucks slowly drove out of the villa with my Land Rover sandwiched between them.

"Sincerely, how is the principal of that elementary school teaching the children to read?"

I asked casually while sitting in the car.

He replied sincerely: "Very good. Since the original elementary school was demolished, didn't you let the principal move into the building where we live and continue teaching on a random floor?"

"After he left, these children from the village had something to do. The principal also used the salary you gave him to buy some equipment, such as a microscope and a slide projector. He also said that he would pay the salary later. Buy a projector and a screen for the children to experience what a real movie is.”

"Boss, I don't think there's any need to find another teacher, he teaches very well."

I responded with a smile: "Are you planning to tire people to death?"

"The kids love him too."

"Then we have to let the children get in touch with other people and other teachers."

"You don't know how difficult it is for a child who grew up at the bottom of society to gain a foothold in this society under the guidance of parents and teachers who don't understand education at all."

Sincerely looked at me with confusion on his face and replied: "I don't understand."

I asked back: "Then why did you choose to go into the mountains to make orangutan velvet in the first place?"

"I won't do anything else."

"This is called having no choice."

"And let me tell you, growing up like this, you must have experienced deception and betrayal a lot, because in a harsh environment, everyone is trying their best to climb up, even kicking others down."

"We not only want the children to see this, but also let the children see how people in other worlds live, so that when they grow up, they will know what to do with their abilities and their own lives... …”

I looked at the door of the Judicial Committee and said the last sentence: "You don't have to think about how to live and whether you can survive every day." (End of Chapter)

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