The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 260 A lonely child is the grace of creation

"I heard whose voice was coming, like the sobbing river in the dream..."

"I see someone's steps going away, covering the sad eyes when saying goodbye..."


"What about people?!"

"What the hell am I asking you about, Lao Qiao!"


"What I don't understand is why you are willing to let Feng Chen portray your appearance..."

"Just like a world that has long forgotten its love, it once had your name and my voice..."


Boom, thump, thump.

Footsteps sounded.

Then there was a quarrel.

"Put the gun down!"

"I told you to put the fucking gun down!!"


At this moment, with the music playing, I walked towards the powder box at the door and entered the password 0726 again. When the door slowly opened, I shouted to the outside: "Let them in."

It's Yangrong and Burea.

I think they rushed back as quickly as possible after hearing the news.

But the door that had been opened seemed to have an invisible obstacle, making the two people stuck at the door, not daring to step in at all.

Because Lao Qiao is dead.

The body was right in front of them!

The mighty sky collapsed.

The first one to get excited was Burea. This guy immediately pulled out his gun, rushed into the room that smelled of blood, raised his hand, aimed at my head and yelled: "Xu Ruifeng, I will fuck your mother!"

I looked at him, meeting his wrath with the gentlest eyes. I saw tears welling up in his eyes in the flickering light of the screen.

I slowly stood up from the stool, and the mobile phone that was playing music fell from my lap. I put my head against the muzzle of the gun while the music was playing. I looked at Boureat with a smile and said, "Don't hesitate, I will definitely become better than all others." People are worse, and if you pull the trigger now, it is equivalent to eliminating harm for the people."

I have indeed become worse, worse than anyone imagined, for I added.

"But as soon as your gun fires, the power is gone. Those people in the village who have just moved into the building will move out again as my direct descendants. The patients who are being treated in the hospital will no longer have anyone to treat them."

"They will all be bundled up to the execution ground and die with me."

Tears streamed down Burea's face, and he said with a trembling voice: "I X your mother..."

The same curse words turned into two voices at this time.

Sincerely walked in from outside, took out his gun, pointed it at Burea, and said with a stern face: "Brother, I have no choice."


"That sad song will always wake up from the dream and tell some sad past events..."

"The person who turned around seemingly indifferently was the bleak shadow behind the dry tears..."


"What I don't understand is why the world can't dissolve your appearance..."

"Is it too late? The language of fate has already written your smile and my mood..."


I reached out and pressed down the sincere gun, patted Luo Dayou on the shoulder as he heard his voice, then sat back and lit a cigarette for myself again.

Yang Rong came over.

He stood next to me, looked at me and asked, "What about me?"

I didn't even look at him.

"You won't kill me."

"Do you think I care whether you live or die?"

"You care." I turned around and said with the smile still on my face: "Because you can't stop Wa Bang."

"Yes, Meng Neng's army is in your hands, but you know better than me what kind of idiots are in this profession of soldiers." "They can't go to the battlefield. At most, they are a little more fierce than the gangsters who dare to take guns."

"How can you use people like this to resist the Wa State? The Wa State has dead soldiers, do you have any?"


"If you don't change, you will stand tall in the vast sea of ​​people..."

"Smart boy, carrying a fragile lantern..."


"You are so cool and unrestrained, you turn your thoughts into the world..."

"Lonely child, you are the grace of creation..."


“Can you stop the Wa?”

Yang Rong snatched the cigarette I just put into my mouth, threw it on the ground and crushed it with his feet.

But I calmly lit another one and responded: "I can."


"I heard someone's voice, like the sobbing river in the dream..."

"I see someone's steps going away, covering the sad eyes when saying goodbye..."


I said word by word: "It was Lao Qiao who killed Mr. Bao in a fight for power. He Chuntian killed Lao Qiao to avenge his father-in-law."

"You are fucking fooling me!"

I took out the cigarette again and lit it for myself: "But Master Bao must be believed, because I have evidence that he assassinated his biological father."

"I have a video of the whole process of the assassination of Mr. Dabao by the Wa soldiers. If he doesn't believe it, it's not Menneng who's dead, but the Wa."

"And I also allow He Chuntian to become the county magistrate of Menneng. After I deal with you two, I will deal with Master Bao. In a few days, the letter of appointment will be issued."

I took a deep drag on the cigarette: "I kept the bottom of the video before giving it to Lao Qiao."

"And when I die, it's all over."

"Master Bao will blame everything on me, Lao Qiao, you, and Bure'a, and make everyone with vested interests dead. Only in this way can he control the Wa State."

Yang Rong asked incomprehensively: "You want He Chuntian to become the county magistrate of Menneng? What are you trying to do!"

"No, it's not that He Chuntian became the county magistrate of Menneng. He would have to spend his whole life smashing jade stones in a black prison. I allowed the name He Chuntian to become the county magistrate of Menneng, that's all."

Yang Rong stared at me: "How are you sure that Master Bao will listen to you? What if he can't control the Wa state?"

"I'm alive, and Master Bao doesn't need to hold back." I stood up slowly, looked at Yang Rong and said, "Because I will let you continue to attack the Burmese army and lead the Burmese army into the sphere of influence of the Kokang Army. In this kind of situation Under strong pressure, everyone has to live by the Bao family's signature."

"This is Meng Neng's only chance to breathe."

Yang Rong snorted coldly and said, "Is this your only chance to survive?"

"Is there a difference?"

Immediately afterwards, I spit the smoke into Yang Rong's face: "In short, I am still alive and you are still in control of the army."

"If I die, my strength will be gone. Master Bao will send troops over immediately."

"You must not imitate my method, because you have no trump card that can suppress Master Bao."


"What I don't understand is why you are willing to let Feng Chen portray your appearance..."

"Just like a world that has long forgotten its love, it once had your name and my voice..."

"You remain unchanged, standing in the vast world..."

"Smart boy, holding his beloved lantern..."

"You are so cool and unrestrained, you turn your thoughts into the world..."

"Lonely child, you are the grace of creation..."


I didn't say anything anymore, picked up the blood-covered Lao Qiao and threw him down the chair. The next second, with my hands covered in blood and my body covered in filth, I sat down on the blood-stained chair.

When I exhaled the smoke in my mouth again, the small basement turned slightly blue under the light of the screen, and my whole person was hidden in the mist, looming. (End of chapter)

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