This Mr. Bai is a little different from what I imagined.

The old eagle went to the casino three times, three times in two days, but he bumped into the lock three times and saw no one.

They won't argue with you or yell at you, just let the people under you smoke and drink well, take care of the food when it's time to eat, and just hide away.

"I broke down the office door!"

The old harrier was so angry that he gritted his teeth!

At that time, Xiaoxiao, Old Yaoying and I were sitting at Xiaoxiao's house. She was peeling mangoes for me on the sofa, and I seemed to have nothing to hide from her, so the three of us started chatting.

"Did you go to his house?"

The old harrier lowered his head and said in a deep voice: "Not yet, I'm afraid you won't be able to get off the stage."

He is a smart man. He knows that if something happens, he will discuss it with me first instead of taking out the mess after it is done.

If this gets my approval, Lao Yaoying will dare to lead people to ransack Mr. Bai's house. Anyway, there will be someone higher to support him afterwards. What will happen if the sky falls?
Just as I was about to speak, the cell phone that was originally placed on the coffee table rang.

Beep, beep, beep.

It is sincere.

This was a call I couldn't ignore.


"Boss, something happened."

"Our people said that someone brought the guy into Mengneng and stayed in our hotel."

"There were a dozen of them in total. They didn't even ask about the price and just opened a presidential suite."

I frowned and responded, "Are you from the Wa State?"


"So sure?"


In such a sensitive time period, I dare to bring this guy into Mengneng and check into my hotel openly...

Why can't I guess where this person came from?
"Boss, I want to take someone to the hotel to check their IDs. Otherwise, I would be a little worried if such a group of people suddenly entered Menneng."

Who could it be?
My first thought at that time was that it was the Myanmar government. They must have known about the chaos in the Wa State, and even more about the change of ownership in Meng Neng. This would be the best time to come over and win over me.

However, this is impossible!

The county magistrate of Mengmao County, Bao Youliang, is Master Bao's uncle. If he is released to the Wa State by people from the Burmese government, doesn't that mean he wants to divide the family property with Master Bao?
If he has this idea, then the first person he should contact is me. When Mengmao and Mengneng join forces, Master Bao will become the bare commander, and only Bangkang and Li Yanshu’s Meng will be left in his hands. Bo, Uncle Li Yan, the commander of the 468th Brigade and the County Magistrate of Mengbo, might still not listen to him.

This is the basis for me to be confident about Master Bao!
He also has to rely on the Burmese army to suppress the border to act as a glue to tightly bind the Wa State, which seems to be inseparable and is about to fall apart.

Who could it be?
I reacted.

I guess what is he doing?
Now that I need guns and people, why don’t I just go over and take a look?How come this is always my younger brother's thinking and I always make guesses.

"Call Sesuo and ask the people from the security camp to wait for me downstairs in the hotel..."

"Sincerely, you can also bring people there."

After that, I hung up the phone and said to the old kite: "Follow me."

The two of us left Xiaoxiao's house and drove straight to the hotel at around ten o'clock in the morning. When we arrived, the hotel was already surrounded by green soldiers.

When I got out of the car and led the group of people straight to the front desk, the old hawk trotted over first and asked with wide eyes: "Which room is this person in?"

The bartender was so frightened that he responded in a low voice: "1109..."

"room card."

The old harrier took the room card and ran back all the way. At that second, I was already waiting in front of the elevator.I remember, I used to do this kind of thing, but now I see others doing it, and I feels so damn good to be the boss.


The elevator door opened, and an green soldier rushed in and blocked the elevator until all three elevators were stuck on the first floor. Only then did I watch the other two elevators go up and then walked in.

The old harrier pressed 10 first, then 11.

The moment I looked at him, the old kite responded: "I'm afraid someone is guarding the elevator."

I seem to know how I got to the position in the first place. Who wouldn’t be curious about such a person?So he nodded to the old eagle.

When the elevator door opened on the tenth floor, Lao Yaoying deliberately pressed the door-open button. After waiting for five minutes without hearing the gunshot, he pressed the door-close button.

This guy, Lao Yaoying, knows a lot more about flattery than I do.


When the elevator door opened again on the eleventh floor, the entire floor was filled with green soldiers. A young man who was about to open the door and go out quickly closed the door when he saw this scene. And I walked to the door of 1109 and knocked softly. opened the door.

The green soldiers beside me are my confidence. At this moment, in Menneng, I dare to face anyone!
When, when, when.

"Come on!"

When the door knocked, I heard a Sichuan accent. Could it be another human trafficker?

While I was thinking about it, the door creaked open, and a man wearing a traditional Tang suit asked with puzzled eyes: "Who are you...?"

Whoops! !
The green-skinned soldiers didn't give him a chance to speak at all. Sincerity took the lead and rushed in. After knocking the old man down with his shoulder, he led the green-skinned soldiers and rushed in. The whole room was full of: "Don't move!"

"stand up!"

The sound.

When I entered, everything was done inside. Almost everyone was being held at gunpoint by three or four green-skinned soldiers. Even the old man who was sitting in front of the tea table was playing with a piece of bamboo or some other toy in his hand. Didn't let it go.

I walked towards the old man, but I saw him pinch me with the corner of his eye, curled his lips and cursed: "Guaixixi..."

Even though I haven’t spoken to people there much in Sichuan dialect, I know that this sentence means swearing.

I pulled out the chair across from the tea table and sat down. I looked at the toy in the old man's hand and asked, "What is this?"

The old man raised his hand and handed it over.

I looked at the way he couldn't put it down, it seemed quite precious.

"Do you like it? Take it if you like."

I touched this thing and it was as warm as jade. I looked at it under the sun and saw it was shiny and pretty. “What on earth is it?”

"This thing is called Gaba."

I held it in my hand: "Oh." I responded. I really thought that this might be some kind of literary toy, but when I held it in my hand, I could see that it was some kind of bone, like an old man from the village. The chicken paw bones in your hand mean the same thing.

I even rubbed it on my hand on purpose, but I didn't face it.

The old man glanced at me and asked specifically: "Do you understand?"

I shook my head and responded with a smile: "I don't understand, I just don't want to show my cowardice."

Pfft, the old man laughed and explained to me calmly: "I believe in Buddhism, and this was given to me by a XZ Lama, and it has been held in his lap for nearly a thousand years."

I nodded. Only the people in that place had such patience. I also heard that they chanted Buddhist scriptures [-] million times before adding a spacer to the bracelet. But they called it Buddhist beads, and I called them Buddhist beads. Just a bracelet.

"What kind of bone is this?"

I took it in my hand and tapped it twice. (End of chapter)

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