Chapter 281 Cult! (Thanks to 'Am I a Book Lover' for the 500 tip!)
What does it mean that an upright official cannot handle household affairs?
It’s not that things at home are constantly being cut and sorted out, but as an official, I can’t let the things at home get out and ruin my reputation, and I can’t just explain things to my family. Because not everyone can understand the truth.

Isn't there something like that?

If the ruler is unkind, his ministers will defect to another country; if the father is unkind, his son will flee to another country.

Can I expect a woman to understand things that even my father and I sometimes can't understand?

So, I silently recorded my disappointment, and with the seemingly most hurtful "I'm too lazy to tell you" feeling between husband and wife, I returned to the green pickup truck, turned around and left.

"Master Xu, where are we going?"

When the green soldier who was driving asked this question, we were driving aimlessly on the highway. Looking at Meneng who was gradually changing, I opened my mouth several times in succession, but in the end I couldn't stop talking.


After a long time, watching this green pickup truck driving straight down Mennengzheng Street, and about to drive out of the county, I finally said the cruelest number in my heart.

I didn’t know why I wanted to go there, but I felt like something was attracting me.

Maybe it was the first place I stopped after arriving in northern Myanmar, or maybe it was the place where I completely released the devil in my heart.

Knowing the destination, the green soldier stepped on the accelerator, and the green pickup truck roared across the mountain road. That roaring sound was like the voice of my heart, the sound I most wanted to make when surrounded by foreign enemies and constant internal troubles.

Under this sound, the wall that had been raised again appeared in front of me. The wall that was higher than the original surrounded the high-rise buildings like a castle. Occasionally, the sound of barbed wire on the top of the wall would be heard. 'Crackling' sound of electricity.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!"

But when the car stopped at the door of 729 and the soldiers inside opened the door as if welcoming the emperor, I heard a cry that sounded like a psychosis.

It was a roar that he could only make with all his strength.

The door of 729 opened, and I saw a group of green soldiers who had taken off their shirts and were training shirtless on the playground, going crazy.

One of the niggas was holding a leather whip and kept roaring in their ears, and a translator stood next to him, constantly translating what he said.

"Are you a man?"

"Is that thing growing in your crotch?!"

"Why can't you complete the training that others can complete!"

"Look ahead with those idiot eyes of yours, run, get up and run!"

Beside the playground, a tired green soldier was lying on the ground and was being whipped by a whip. None of the other green soldiers came up to help. They all clenched their fists and stretched them out towards the sky, roaring.

I can't understand. I can't understand whether they are cheering for the green soldier or protesting against Dahei. This group of people seems to be mentally ill, as if they have completely lost their minds.

Dahei looked at the others with the whip in hand and asked loudly: "Tell him who you are!"

"Our mighty patron saint!"

"Tell him what you are going to do!"

"We will risk our lives to win Master Xu's favor and use our strongest bodies to protect the entire Meneng!"

Amidst their roars, I saw the greenskin soldier who was lying on the ground covered with whip marks and was getting up. His body was covered with dust. When he stood up, his legs were shaking and he was leaning sideways, unable to run in a straight line. , running diagonally forward, and actually ran another full half circle, and finally fell down in front of the finish line.

Dahei didn't care whether the kid was exhausted or not. He directly carried everyone and rushed over. He stood in front of the green soldiers who fell to the ground, raised his arms and shouted: "Respect!"

The other greenskin soldiers echoed: "Respect!" I didn't understand what the shouting meant, but my blood boiled with excitement in these shouts.

"What they shouted was 'respect', which means that this greenskin soldier won the respect of all of them with his life-risking training methods."

God of wealth.

I saw the God of Wealth again.

The God of Wealth wandered over to me with a piece of dogtail grass in his mouth. This freedom was exchanged for the monitoring on my mobile phone.

"Old Xu, you have a moment to spare."

The God of Wealth tilted his head and looked at me.

I just smiled and replied: "It's okay."

Then can I say that I don’t even know what Dahei is doing?Even if I really don’t know, I still have to pretend at this time.

"You let these black men create a cult exclusively for you in the military zone..."

I turned to look at the God of Wealth, full of things to ask, but in the end I deliberately asked with a smile: "Tell me the details." It was as if I knew everything and was just here to understand the implementation.

"After these black men arrived, they directly gathered all the people under Lao Qi who had gained a little confidence. First, they made these people train shirtless because of their appearance, and then they made them train naked based on their diet. to differentiate from others.”

"Every morning he would ask these soldiers what they wanted to eat, and then record them carefully. When the training results came out, the top ten would eat what they wanted. From No. 10 onwards, they would all go to the park building. Eat in the cafeteria with Piggy.”

I seem to understand a little bit, Dahei is humiliating them personally.

"Then wait for the piggies to laugh at them."

"Shoot at people who laugh at them again."

I froze for a moment.

But then I figured it out.

Dahei allowed these green-skinned soldiers to feel that someone was supporting them while they were being humiliated. In the most humiliating stage, they could see the light.

"These black men will not let anyone bully their soldiers, but they continue to encourage their soldiers to bully the ones with the worst grades. Unless, when this scene happens today, the one with the worst grades will be bullied by everyone. People respect.”

"He made this group of people unique in the park and became the focus to satisfy their psychology. He used the respect of everyone after passing the training to create a sense of honor and the false attribute of being accepted by the group. He used the most unique gestures to prove their specialness... …”

"This group of soldiers is almost mentally ill. They will regard the looks others look at them as contempt, and rush towards them with a group of people. They will also regard all training projects as enemies, and they will complete them at all costs."

The God of Wealth stretched out four fingers: "They don't usually train much, but these days, four of them have exploded in their lungs."

"Those who were shot to death by these black men, those whose lungs were exploded, those who were injured during training... You have lost at least a dozen greenskin soldiers these days, but what I find most strange is that these people have not been destroyed by training. On the contrary The more I practice, the more energetic I become.”

"They would push themselves forward during physical training, shouting at their unmotivated teammates, 'You are my glory, you have to cheer up, or I will break you at the end of the training!', which made me I can’t tell whether it’s comradeship or resentment.”

"They would also take advantage of a few niggas not paying attention and do target shooting for their companions during shooting training. Sometimes the niggas would see it, but they wouldn't shoot it."

"In the past, the green-skinned soldiers were like a pile of scattered sand. In just a few days, these niggas have become a rope from the perspective of 'instructors and opponents'... Except now, each of them has a fierce look in their eyes." Apart from being insane, I think this is a miracle!"

 Thanks to 'Am I a Book' for the 500 starting coin reward!
  Make up one!

(End of this chapter)

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