The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 287 Our leader’s surname is Peng

Chapter 287 Our leader’s surname is Peng (Thanks to ‘Reader 696’ for the [-] tip!)
What is the difference between those who have fought in war and those who have not?
My feeling is that people who have been in war are not afraid of bullets.

They feel that this is their fate, and they feel that bullets on the battlefield cannot be avoided, so even if there are constant gunfire in their ears, this group of people can still avoid dodging and remain calm, and can still hold their guns under the hail of bullets. Find the target and fire.

What about those who have never fought in a war?

You appear cautious, always feeling that you will be targeted by bullets as soon as you show up, always thinking of finding an absolutely safe time to fire again. Once you have this idea, the AK you are holding will turn into a fire stick. It cannot be suppressed.

We are now completely suppressed.

The group of decisive allies were surrounding the villa in a fan-shaped manner.

I could even see their hurried footsteps as they passed through the window.

At that moment, just as I was about to reach out and fire, gunfire rang out immediately outside. I didn't even have time to see if the person at the source of the gunshot was aiming at me, so I had to immediately shrink my head and hide.

Da da da da!
The bullet chased my urgently retracted head and knocked away the wall skin. After being hit, the cement block under the wall skin fell off completely, revealing the red bricks... My face was so hot after being swept by the sand and gravel particles. It hurts, as if someone had cut it with a knife.

The Kokang Allied Forces who had already rushed over used a spray gun and fired at the door lock. After the door lock was blown away, the door bounced open a gap under the impact of the bullet, and the moonlight was revealed in the gap. They all seemed to bear the shadow of death.

The muzzle of a gun came in through the crack in the door. The muzzle of the gun opened the door forcefully. Amidst the "squeaking" sound of the door opening, Eminem could no longer bear the tension of this kind of mental pressure. Pull the trigger and fire without even seeing anyone!
Da da da da!
According to her idea, after the door opened, someone should rush in, which happened to hit her bullet. This is how it is played in the movie...

Click, click!

It wasn't until the woman tried her best to empty the magazine, no one appeared at the door, and her gun made a sound of empty firing, that the muzzle of a spray gun came in, and the shot was fired diagonally. Fire directly in the direction - BOOM!

The two were less than five meters away from each other. Eminem was hiding behind the art display cabinet and was shot straight away. The 12-gauge bullet fired by the sprayer still hit the display cabinet and brought up several pieces of wood chips. Four clouds of blood mist exploded from Eminem's body.

I will always remember that when this woman fell to the ground, there was always a "click, click" sound from the gun...

"slim Shady……"

"slim Shady!"

"slim Shady!!!"

Everyone screamed in grief, including me.

This woman has been with me since I brought her out of the village to this day. She stands at the center of Meng Neng’s power but she still doesn’t understand what power struggle is. She only knows that her job is to come to my house as a nanny and treat every time My mother took all the orders even though she scolded her, and she had to put on a smile for fear of offending the customers.

But today she collapsed, and as I twitched again and again after lying down, all I could think of was the first time I saw this woman’s voice, face, and smile!

She said sincerely: "Are they all red tickets?"

She sat in the green car heading to the village like a man...

She didn't care about herself at all. When she was making little pleasures in the village, she was the first to strip herself naked...

Now, she is dead like this...

An overly sad Wa took one look at Eminem's body and shouted at me: "Where are the green soldiers!"

Then I remembered that we had fired countless bullets in the villa, but the green soldiers who were supposed to be patrolling the streets seemed to be deaf, and no one could hear them.

I took out my mobile phone in such a dangerous environment, but the picture in the camera made me shudder!

Under road surveillance, Sesuo's car was parked next to his building, but the flashing figure in the car made me see everything clearly without moving the camera.

Sesuo was blocked in the car by someone, and the man held a gun to his temple, while Sesuo was arranging something on the phone while being threatened!
When his life was threatened, he should have ordered to stop all the green soldiers who were coming for reinforcements, otherwise the boss Peng would not have dared to bring people to attack the villa with such confidence! !
Boss Peng is not only here for me, he also wants to kill all the middle and high-level people in Menneng, and then take over a Menneng that is in a power vacuum.

Sincerity...Sesuo can't count on it, but I want to count on sincerity. At that moment, sincerity just walked out of the corridor under the surveillance, with his hands raised as if surrendering, he walked out.At that time, someone got out of a car on the street and was opening the back seat door for him.

Behind Zhencheng, there are two men holding guns and pushing him...

It’s over.

The call I made to Zhenli was late. He must have been blocked in the room just after he answered the phone.

If even sincerity is dealt with, everything I have will probably end this summer night, and my life will have to be thrown away here!

At that second, I turned back and looked out the window. The moon tonight was particularly big and round. Under the moonlight, the group of courageous allies who were constantly moving towards the villa appeared particularly clear.

There must be a dozen or so of them, some hiding behind the steps diagonally opposite the villa door, and some using roadside vehicles as shelters, but I didn't seem to see the old man Peng in the crowd. where?

And Dahei, what are you niggas doing if you don’t do anything?

Could it be that when he saw me in danger, he felt that this was not a favorable situation and it was uneconomical to take action now, so he didn't plan to take action?
"Then why the hell did I spend so much money to hire you?" I couldn't help but think.

After experiencing so many dangers, I bought the villa across the street specifically to house Dahei and the others.

These niggas would go back to the villa area to rest after training in the 729th Military Region every day. What I said was 'to provide you with a better living environment', but in fact they were the only ones who lived across from me. You will feel safe.

So I simply don't believe that this place is about to be turned into a hot kiln. Dahei and the others can sleep like dead dogs, otherwise I wouldn't directly send them a 'do it' message.

I sent it in Chinese.

But you can't hear the gunshots all over your ears. You still don't understand what these two words mean, right?

Where the hell are you! !

Night show.

The old harrier was pressing his elbow on the bar counter to tease the 19-year-old bartender. He used the index finger of his good hand to lift his chin, and a wicked smile appeared on his face. Before he could kiss him...


The shop door was pushed open, and the sound of the wind chime seemed to disturb him.

The old falcon eagle was very dissatisfied and cursed: "Disappointment."

He has had enough of playing with those armchair girls and good families, and now he is only interested in these little girls who have just entered the society, so he specially left a tall and beautiful girl who is about to get started. At such a critical moment When the guests came...

"Boss Yao."

The old harrier turned his back to the guests and turned his head to look over without moving his shoulders. After twisting his neck at an angle that ordinary people could not understand, he turned around with a smile.

His action is very consistent with an idiom in Chinese history - the eagle looks at the wolf and the wolf looks at it!
"Hey, how many brothers are here?"

Old Falcon didn't know them at all, but as the actual person in charge of the night show, he still had to greet the guests, so he quickly walked over and extended his hand.

Just when several young men on the other side came over to hold his hand, several people behind the boy surrounded him at the same time.

"Mr. Yao, our leader said that you have to live, and you have to take care of the subsequent stability work of Meng Neng..." The man who said this put his other hand directly on the belly of the old falcon, and he still held a hand in his hand. Holding a gun: "By the way, our leader's surname is Peng."

 I didn’t see it yesterday, sorry!
  Thanks to 'reader 1707691210324893696' brother for the 500 reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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