The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 302: A gentleman should be like a dragon or a snake, between wood and geese.

Judicial Committee.

There was enough sunlight in the office, and I could feel the warmth even when I held the West Asian man's hand.

I came back. I was in a hurry on the road, hurrying and hurrying. But when I got to the judicial committee downstairs, I parked the car in the corner, lit a cigarette in the car, and took a deep breath before getting in. building.

This is not for some bullshit demeanor, but simply because I don’t want the West Asians to see me breathing heavily. Once they see me like this, they will pick up my hands unconsciously.

"Mr. Xu."

He was smiling and wanted to make some opening remarks and say some pleasantries, I understand.

At this time, he should brag to the death about Meng Neng's combat prowess; I should vigorously praise his connections and his weight in Southeast Asia...

However, there is no way I could appear in his fixed mindset.

"The thing was found, in the mountains."

"All the goods are as you said, every bit as good. This shows that when the boss Peng snatched this batch of goods, he didn't dare to touch them at all. He also thought that after eating Meng Neng, he would find an opportunity to ease the relationship. Give these things back to you.”

The West Asian was a little surprised, as if this was not in line with the 'Chinese way of talking' that he was familiar with: "Mr. Xu is really... straight to the point."

"Isn't it good?" I asked back.

"very attractive."

So I smiled at him: "I have always felt that if a man has many same-sex friends around him, being called attractive means that he has hope that you can see;"

"On the contrary, when a man who has many female friends around him is called attractive, he is not actually a scumbag, but has a value in him that men cannot easily detect, but women can sensitively perceive."

"Which one should I be?"

What I mean is, to sum up, there are only a few: "Don't do this, I don't believe your commercial flattery at all."

"Uh..." The West Asian was dumbfounded.

Even if he is a foreigner who speaks Mandarin very well and knows our country very well, in the end he is still a foreigner.

"It doesn't matter. In fact, I think a person who is too keen on socializing mostly comes from a lack of depth in his heart, like me."

"Hahahaha..." When I finished speaking, I said hahaha, not wanting to embarrass this West Asian man too much.

Sure enough, all the contempt on his face disappeared.

For a person who is strong and capable and can win battles, even if you fart, some people will think it is a classic saying, not to mention that I even said a few words.

"Mr. Xu, you really have a profound cultural background, and you can export it well."

see that?

I am a reform-through-labor prisoner in prison, and now I am called "Kui Chengzhang."

If we were in another situation, and I was typing on the keyboard in Building 2 and saying this like a pig, he would have to go up and slap me in the mouth, and scold me: "You are pretending to be an idiot!" "

As for me, if I hang out with Yutou and the others like I'm talking dirty, people will roll their eyes and look at me, thinking that I am nothing.

This is what the ancient sages said, "A gentleman should be like a dragon and a snake, between the wood and the wild goose." In the words of the common people, it actually means that he must be able to understand himself at all times, and he must also meet people to serve food. Disc.

I deliberately showed a smile and did not respond to him: "Let's get down to business, what should we do about the boss Peng? Should I leave it to you and let you take it away, or should I handle it?" "You handle it, he should get what he deserves. Lessons learned." When the West Asians heard the name of the big brother Peng, their teeth were itching with hatred.

However, turning around, he said: "Mr. Xu, when I went to Bangkang this time, I heard Master Bao mentioning you a lot. I have something to say here. I don't know if I should say it, but it is a bit offensive."

I really can't bear to talk like this, but you really have to stand up in this situation.

"Hey, I'm just an ordinary person. I'm neither a king nor a minister, neither rich nor noble. I have no loyalty at all. The people around me are neither gentlemen nor villains, so why should I be so offensive?"

The West Asian nodded: "I think you should counterattack Bangkang."

Obviously, he couldn't stand talking like this anymore, so he just said what was in his heart.

"Master Bao is not a person who can achieve great things..."

"He feels that his current difficulties are all caused by you alone."

"Without you, he would have successfully ascended the throne and taken charge of the three counties of Wa State; without you, the people around him would have obeyed, and they wouldn't have been so alienated."

If what this West Asian man said is true, then the days when Master Bao can call the shots in the Wa State may not be long.

If a person, a person who has inherited the throne, blames others for the current predicament and does not think about whether he does not have enough prestige, he really cannot control the Wa State.

I didn't answer, but interrupted: "By the way, can the money... be paid in another way?"

"Many things now require money, and I don't have that much cash here."

I was leading the conversation from beginning to end. I alone had the final say on when the topic started and when it ended. This West Asian man had no control over when to move on to other topics.

I made a 'six' sign with my finger and raised it slightly: "Is that thing okay?"

"I have the highest purity products in the entire Wa State, or the highest purity products in the entire Southeast Asia. The purity of my products exceeds 90%."

"And I can also provide you with some more convenient conditions. For example, I can help you escort this shipment to the border of Thailand and Myanmar. If you need it, I can also help you transport it there. However, you are the one who provides me with the solution. ."

"As for who you will sell it to after this shipment passes, and how much it will cost, I won't ask."

After saying this, I stared hard at the eyes of this West Asian man, as if I wanted to follow his eyes to see through his background, and I didn't dare to relax for a moment.

But at this time, the West Asian gave me a surprise: "Okay."

I took a special look at his ears, which were not wearing headphones.

Could it be that I guessed wrong?
He doesn’t have the background of the Eastern Dragon?

Where did this batch of goods come from?
still is……

"You help me transport the goods to Thailand, and I will do the rest myself."

He stood up slowly, took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over: "Mr. Xu, if you need anything in the future, please take care of me."

After that, the moment I took the business card, the two shook hands again, then turned and left my office.

I held this business card in my hand and walked to the window without even looking at it. When the West Asian man walked out of the office building and looked back upstairs next to a jeep in the parking lot, I waved my hand specially. After returning a smile, I watched him leave.

This matter started to make me a little confused. (End of chapter)

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