The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 305: Arms, it turns out this is what happened

Chapter 305: Arms, this is what happened (Thanks to brother ljx73 for the reward)
I was ridiculed.

After going through the big brother Peng incident, I finally understood how to fight modern warfare. So after finishing the Meng Neng school and setting aside the cost of repairing the main road in Menneng, I called him according to the business card left by the West Asian man. A phone call.

"Hello? Mr. Xu? I have to thank you for that batch of goods. I sold that batch of goods at a very high price in the market. Not only was my boss very happy, but I also made a lot of money!"

The West Asian man on the phone was very happy, and his tongue was a bit stiff when he spoke. It looked like he was drinking, otherwise there would be no such noisy sound on the phone.

"You find a quiet place, I have something to tell you."

"Well, the customer is God."

Finally, there was calm on the phone.

"I want to get some big ones."

The moment I said these words to the phone, the West Asian people seemed to wake up immediately: "What do you mean, big guy? Cannon?"

I looked at the surplus on the ledger on my desk and plucked up the courage to say, "I want to build a tank battalion."


The West Asians shouted almost crazily.

But when I hear the meaning of this sentence, why does it sound so awkward?
Isn't this about business?Shouldn't the conversation be about price?

Isn't that how Nicolas Cage acted in "Lord of War"?

Before making this call, I had been staring at Bangkang on the map for more than a month, and it made my heart itch.



When I asked with exclamation, the West Asian told the truth: "I can't sell it even if I have it."

"What do you mean?"

"Mr. Xu, you haven't figured out what's going on here, have you?"

"It's not like just any anti-government armed force sets up a stall, and there will be arms dealers going over to sell arms. These are arms, not popsicles!"

"Even if you are a cold-blooded little person like me, I will only dare to sell you some guns and cannons at most. If you want to buy a tank, let alone a main battle tank, even if you want to buy a tank that has been discontinued during World War II, I will I don’t dare sell it to you.”

"This is all business between countries. In what name are you buying...?"

"A drug lord? Or a rebel?"

“Or maybe it’s the head of Menneng County under the jurisdiction of the Wa State?”

"Even if you are the county magistrate, if you go to any place in the world, which county magistrate would dare to buy a tank? This is no longer ancient times, and tanks are not the heavy armor of ancient times..."

At this point, he suddenly stopped, and I heard a crisp slap on the phone - snap!

"Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, I drank too much." He might have hurt my poor self-esteem a little.

"What do I want to tell you... There are many rich people in the world, such as warlords in Africa. No one cares about that place at all, but do you think any African warlord can drive a tank or an armed helicopter?"

"Don't they have any money? There are diamonds under the ground!"

"And there are so many of your colleagues in Mexico who can go against Mexican government officials, but have you seen any major Mexican drug lord with private armed forces who was revealed in the news to have a main battle tank?"

"Do you know why?"

"No one will sell to them."

"Transactions between governments have a bottom line of mutual trust. No matter how messed up this government is, it will not keep its word. As long as it is a legal government, it will almost never massacre civilians. What if you... are getting impatient?"

"When the news reports, where did your weapons come from? What about your international reputation?" "Who can handle the international impact?"

"You...can understand my difficulties, right?"

After listening to these words, I paused for a long time, looked at the surplus on the account, and fell into deep thought.

This international matter, when there is no war, must be settled on the table in the end. Before we break up, we should still follow the line of good for you, good for me, good for everyone, so no one will break the rules easily.

but me.

Obviously you don't have the conditions for people to break the rules for you.

"Then when can we discuss this deal?"

The West Asian responded on the phone: "It's not that we can't talk. If you become the sole leader of the Wa State, we can talk. After all, the Wa State is a recognized autonomous government, but it's not absolute. Then you can't If you say I promised you...then I'll be completely screwed."

"What I mean is, this is the lowest level. The level that can be negotiated may not be willing to sell."

"But if you become the leader of the Myanmar government, what will that woman's name be..."

"Aung San Suu Kyi."

"Yes, if you become her, we can talk about anything."

"Recently, didn't the Myanmar government place an amazing order from the country... No, I mean, didn't they place an amazing order from the most powerful country in Asia? A JF-1600 million unit cost [-] million U.S. dollars, and they made sixteen aircraft in one go. ;"

"Also in 2010, the Myanmar government directly spent 6% of its total GDP to buy 20 MiG-29 fighter jets."

"Do you understand this time?"

"It's not that we can't talk about some things. It depends on who talks to whom."

"You, Xu Ruifeng, can only negotiate with me. In terms of price, I can't give you a big discount. Of course, through this relationship, the equipment you can buy from me in the future will definitely be at the lowest price."

"But if you are Xu Ruifeng from Wa State, then my leader will talk to you; if you are Xu Ruifeng from Myanmar, you can go to a splendid place to talk, and you can also be on the seven o'clock news."

This is the reality!
You, an ordinary person, can easily go to the bank and shout, "Call your president out". Even if you hold up your mobile phone, who will pay attention to you?At most you can go to a small roadside store and meet the store manager, but you can't meet the store manager of a luxury store.

But what if you were a gold card VIP in a luxury store?

You have to try it again with [-] million in cash in your hand, let alone the president. If you go to a third-tier city, you can meet the Chinese people in the local area. The president is very good. During the holidays and your birthday, he will have to Give you a gift.

"Then it's okay for me to buy individual equipment, right?"

"No problem at all!"

"I want the most advanced individual equipment you can get, including bulletproof vests and military boots..."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The West Asian man smiled: "Mr. Xu, you really don't understand. Individual soldier equipment does not refer to what equipment the soldier is equipped with in the pictures in advanced countries. It means you tell me what kind of equipment you want." Helmet, what kind of bulletproof vest, what kind of military boots, and then I will contact you."

"I can't be like a bartender and say to you, 'Mr. Xu, what do I have in package A, what do I have in package B...'? Besides, American soldiers are equipped with millions of dollars in equipment. You definitely want a high-configuration individual soldier." Equipment?"

"You have three battalions in your hands, right?"

"Based on the minimum standard, a battalion has 500 people. No, let's count it as 100 people. Let's calculate it according to the math. Let's not talk about the bad luck of millions of dollars for a set of equipment. Even if it is fully equipped with 100 million US dollars, you can calculate three How much does a camp cost?”

I hung up the phone at that time!

I looked at the US$580 million surplus after the construction of primary schools and main roads in Menneng County, and I didn’t even bother to do the accounting...

Sitting there wheezing and panting, isn't this a fucking rich man?

(End of this chapter)

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