The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 307: Don’t inquire about international affairs

Chapter 307: Don’t inquire about international affairs


I can't sleep.

Couldn't sleep at all.

After tossing and turning all night, Xiaoxiao was really tired of it, so she simply sat up and said, "What do you want to say?"

I told them all the two things that happened during the day, then turned around and asked, "Think about it, what kind of riddle is my father-in-law?"

There was going to be a drama called "In the Name of the People" at that time. I had seen the scene where Qi Tongwei knelt down and I would definitely be able to figure it out, but I don't know why today, my brain is still not working well.

Xiaoxiao was more fierce and pointed at her nose: "My dad?"

"My dad is not a blacksmith either."

She succeeded in making me angry. In her eyes, the tank is the iron.

I simply lifted off the quilt, went to the living room, and lit a cigarette alone in a quiet environment.

This big guy Peng must have done it on purpose, and he said it deliberately knowing that I had to toss and turn and couldn't sleep. He was trying to torture me as much as he could.

But what is the name of the father-in-law he mentioned?
Want me to find a backer?

Even people from West Asia don’t dare to sell me tanks, who dares?
I looked at the bright moon outside the window and fell into deep thought. I was worried. I was worried that the little money on my account could not make me stand up and speak loudly. I was worried that the little equipment in the warehouse was all arranged among the local armed forces. No number...

If there was any conflict with the Wa State, they might have to be pressed down and beaten.

Now Master Bao doesn't take me seriously anymore. If he cares about the evidence in my hand, would he dare to be so provocative?

Master Bao, wait carefully, wash your neck and wait. I will find a second-hand old lady that day, hold a funeral when my girlfriend celebrates her 73rd or 84th birthday, and personally go and take your head!

I was cursing in my heart...

It seems that I have enlightened myself!

The big boss Peng asked me to find my father-in-law, of course it was to find someone to support me.

He is the King of Guogan and it is impossible for him to find a backer. I am different!

I am a county magistrate of Menneng County, why can't I find a backer?
Looking at Myanmar, for all the big names in the government, Shan State, and Kachin State, I have to be considered a piece of cake now!
In this case, who am I to flirt with and no one is allowed to respond?

If the conversation goes well, you have to show some sincerity, right?
Yes, I am not qualified enough, and I may not be able to get any main battle tanks that can connect with the times. What about the ones that have been eliminated?What about second-hand ones?
Who can get an original wife now?

If you don't find someone who has made money abroad and exported to domestic sales, then it's damn good.

The more I thought about it, the more excited I became, and I quickly picked up my phone: "Hey, Banbula, tomorrow in the name of the Judicial Committee, I will express my views on the battle between the Kokang Alliance Army and the Burmese Army. The main statement is as follows. First, we As the frontline of the war zone, we are very eager for peace and hope that there will never be any war in the world; secondly, we hope that this country can be peacefully reunified as soon as possible."

I carefully thought about my wording and did not directly say that I hope for 'Myanmar's reunification'.

After I finished speaking, Banbula asked in confusion: "Master Xu, isn't this an old saying?"

"Stop talking nonsense and do whatever I ask you to do!"

"Okay~ You have the final say."

I thought I would be able to sleep after finishing this matter, but I became even more excited. In the end, I had no choice but to rush into the bedroom and continue to toss Xiaoxiao. Finally, under the exhaustion, I fell asleep, well, Eight minutes and 27 seconds.


Three days later, in the morning.

Banbula, Bureah, and Lao Yaoying gathered in the office of the Judicial Committee. Burmese news was being broadcast on the TV. When the host opened his mouth, the first thing he said was about the Burmese Army and the Kokang Army...

"Today, we have received the earnest wishes of the people on the front lines. They are looking forward to the unity and stability of the country and shouted the slogan 'Desire for Peace'."

"This is exactly what we desperately need."

"Here, we also hope that those anti-government armed forces can put down their weapons and walk out of the mountains, and respond to the people's calls by turning back and reversing course..." He almost made it clear that he hoped that I would raise the flag of righteousness and directly rebel.

At this moment, I almost raised my hands and shouted 'YE! 'Come on, if that's what a man of my age can do.

I smiled calmly in the office, Banbula looked back at me with a confused expression, and Lao Yaoying was even more confused.

In their eyes, this national news is like a sacred book. They understand every word and cannot recognize it when put together.

"Master, is it this time?"

I waved my hand and said, "Don't ask about international affairs."

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang.

Can it be so fast?
I answered the phone with joy. Master Bao shouted on the phone: "Xu Ruifeng!!!" I didn't even let him finish: "Don't force me, I didn't wait for your call." After that, he went straight to the phone. Hang up the phone.

What's the matter, you are allowed to be in the first grade of junior high school, but I am not allowed to be in the fifteenth grade?
You can stab Peng Lai to kill me, but you can't let me call for peace?Did your Master Bao serve as a policeman in the Pacific?

Get used to your bad habits!

Banbula and Lao Yaoying left the office with my happy face, and they were still muttering at the door after I walked out.

Banbula said: "Isn't it just a statement calling for peace? Is it so powerful? Master Bao almost jumped up over the phone."

"Forget it, we don't understand what Master Xu is studying." Old Falcon responded.

But when I was so eagerly waiting for contact from Myanmar, all the news seemed to have fallen into disarray.

The flirting between Meng Neng and Burma was like the yearning between the penniless scholar and Pan Jinlian through the window. The wooden stick never hit his head, even though the scholar had been wandering downstairs for a full week.

Should not be ah.

Even if the response is slower... Even if the national system needs to report at different levels... I can't take off all the clothes here, and you haven't set off the ship yet. Why, you can't do it?
If it doesn't work, please give me a message. You can't come here to indulge in your addiction.

In two more days, the Wa State Army will attack!
But in the following time, I did not wait for the Myanmar government to extend an olive branch, but I waited for a calm call from Mr. Bao.

It was the first time I saw him talking to me like this.


That voice sounded like it was said deliberately under the pressure of one's throat.

I immediately raised my legs in the office and said, "Who is it? They are eating..."

It was 09:40 in the morning, and I guess Master Bao didn’t even know what meal I was having.

"Xu Ruifeng, it's me."

"Say something."


The man on the phone took a deep breath, and it was as if there was a jack on his mouth. It was as difficult as it was to open it.

"I apologize to you. I shouldn't have provoked a relationship between you and the Kokang Alliance." Needless to say, if Master Bao can say these words, it must be the big guys in Bangkang who have put pressure on him, so that he must have peace no matter what. resolve this situation.

"Yeah." The word I said was as plain as water, but my expression was already full of joy.

"What else do you want!" Master Bao couldn't hold it back and blurted out with a loud shout. I guess he has never been so cowardly in his life.


"Keep fucking yelling at me!"

"You might as well stop shouting and pull out all the Wa soldiers from Bangkang..."

Master Bao couldn't bear it anymore and yelled: "You think I don't dare!"

I responded coldly: "As long as the people in Bangkang dare to leave, do you think I dare to change the statement to 'The people of Meng Neng are tired of the war and look forward to the reunification of Myanmar'!"

"Now I'm just calling for peace, Master Bao. Do you think if I call for 'national unity', can the Burmese army on the border directly attack Mengmao?"

"When the time comes, I won't fucking give up on Meng Neng. I will lead three battalions and the Burmese army to attack from behind. It's not certain whether Meng Neng can hold out for two hours... Anyway, I have no shame. It doesn't matter if I am Wu Sangui."

"You fucking yell at me again!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

After a long time, Master Bao regained his composure again, and his voice changed into two tones: "What do you want?"

"It's almost there."

"I want to build Menneng Hospital, but doctors from outside refuse to come."

"I fucking..."


I hung up the phone again.

I am trying to force others to do something difficult. It is as difficult for me to find a primary school teacher as it is to build a spaceship or go to the moon. Where can Mr. Bao find qualified doctors?

I then looked at the phone that I had hung up, and while laughing and thinking, I said to myself: "Master Bao, you are not that one. If I had known your character, would I have been able to be a lady of the world with such care? This gate is not I’m holding it back if I don’t take a step out of the second door!”

(End of this chapter)

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