The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 311: You have to be careful!

"Master Xu, didn't I just say that your products with a purity of over 90% became an instant hit in Thailand..."

I looked at her and responded, "But you didn't say you were here to buy goods."

"Shopping is so boring..."

The woman put her chin in, her eyes deliberately raised, and she finished this sentence with a slight twist in her voice: "We want to cooperate with Mr. Xu. Maybe we can help you if you need it. What we need, Mr. Xu can do just that." Give it to me?"

"Hehehe... When will northern Myanmar have secrets?"

I leaned on the back of the chair and looked at the woman in front of me, noncommittal to her proposal.

Obviously, the person surnamed Lin knew my intention, and the group of people behind the surnamed Lin were trying to test me through him.

"This is what our old man guessed..."

She also deliberately brought the topic back.

"Our old man said that if Xu Ruifeng had the guts to kill Lao Qiao, he would have the means to eat the Wa. His delay in moving only shows that he cannot be beaten."

This sentence touched my heart. It turns out that smart people think about things in such a simple way. Lao Qiao is like this, Mr. Bao is like this, and now Lin Minxian is like this.

"Our old man also said that the Wa State cannot fight unless they attack you. You two are different. One is afraid of the Burmese army outside his house; the other is carrying a blunderbuss and fighting modern armaments, and he has no confidence."


I didn't let her finish, and said for her: "So, you think you have found my weakness, and you want to take advantage of it to make a big profit."

"The exclusive sales rights in Myanmar are obviously not to your liking. You must cooperate and become a manufacturer like me instead of a distributor. By then, one water source will support two families..."

I laughed again: "This has been the beginning of a fight since ancient times, a dead end."

She finally put her foot down and took off all disguises. The smell of dust on her body was replaced by an indescribable shrewdness: "But Mr. Xu is also in a dead end now."

"Once Mr. Bao no longer fears the Burmese army, he will immediately send troops from Bangkang to destroy Meng Neng..." She deliberately said with surprise: "Oh! What a coincidence, we have a very good relationship with the government. , maybe we can get them to withdraw their troops.”

"As long as the Burmese army withdraws its troops and Master Bao lets go, Master Xu will be in danger."

I got up at this time.

He slowly walked behind the woman, stretched his hand along the back of the chair, put it on her shoulder and said, "Are you threatening me?"

"I dare not!"

She deliberately shook off my hand, stood up and faced me, raised her buttocks and sat on the table, playing hard to get: "From Lao Qiao to Mr. Bao, to the big boss Peng and Mr. Bao, Mr. Xu, How many people have been defeated by you, how dare I, a woman?"

"But I also know that Master Xu also has things he doesn't dare to do, such as breaking up with Master Bao."

After she said this, the phone rang, and after I saw the number of the Bangkang Government Office on the landline, I answered directly on the speakerphone: "Hello? Master Bao?"

I sneered and reached out again to lift her chin: "You are playing with fire."

She broke away from my hand but did not run away. She leaned her head and said in my ear: "I am a woman and I am good at this."

"It can make men angry, and it can also make men angry." The voice appeared at the same time, it was a rare fairy!

When she pulled her head back, she deliberately licked her lips with her tongue, leaving only the tip of her tongue exposed. She was a master at understanding human nature.

"I agreed to your request. The construction of Menneng Hospital was funded by Bangkang. All the equipment you can't buy was purchased by Bangkang. The doctors you need are also recruited by Bangkang. You have to give me some time. .”

I pointed at the phone with my hand and grabbed the woman's hair from the back of her head, causing her face to stiffen as she endured the pain. Then I opened my mouth and said, "There is nothing in this world that I dare not do. I can catch up with you on the Kang, do you believe it?"

I let go of my hand and said to the phone: "Thank you, Master Bao." If I don't fall out, if I fall out, aren't you the only one left?Do you really think I'm a tiger?
After saying that, I hung up the phone directly!
I don't want to build a hospital, nor do I want to reconcile with the Wa State. I want to tell this woman that the situation is in my hands. She can't make any waves. At most, she can stretch her feet on the sea with a small wave. "Master Xu."

She really stretched her legs, and used her bare feet to go straight up my legs, and finally hooked on the key parts: "Your posture...why, you haven't eaten well recently, are you feeling dry?"

"If someone opens the door and comes in, someone who doesn't know better will think that the two of us are doing something that is inconvenient to reveal to others."

She was indeed in a good position. Seeing that she was at a disadvantage, people stopped talking and started talking in three directions.

When a woman starts to play threesome, most men are really not that good at it!
I slowly put the tip of my nose in front of her, and she didn't hide at all. Instead, she waited with a smile on her face... After waiting for me to lift my leg and step over his feet, she turned around and walked to her position behind the desk...

"Am I not that profound?"

"Or are you used to being abused by those men?" What I didn't expect was that she didn't even pay attention to what I said.

I took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it for myself, then handed the cigarette case over: "Do you want to smoke?"

She pouted and turned her head, taking out a cigarette from the box and lighting it too, looking very bored.

"What's your name?" I asked, puffing out smoke, as if the smoke could resist a bit of charm.


"Then Lin Minxian is you?"



This woman wasn't even angry when I violated her like this, but when I smiled and said this sensible word, her face lit up with anger: "You!"

She stood up, raised her index finger at me with wide eyes and a red face.

"I didn't say anything?"

I shrugged, acting innocent, but the insult wasn't very hurtful, really.

"Go back and tell Commander Lin. I understand what he means. Some things cannot be done in one day. I have to think about it."

At that time, she gradually calmed down while breathing...

He actually sat on my desk again, slowly turned around and stretched out the stockings, and the looming thighs inside began to appear in front of my eyes: "Master Xu, you haven't asked me my name yet..."

"Go down!"

I yelled at her to get off the table, stared at my eyes and cursed: "What are the rules in your house? People are sitting on the fucking table!"

"Again and again and again and again and again and again, why don't you have any face at all?!"

She made me stupid.

He stood there pouting and almost cried.

The expressions change quickly and the rhythm is steady, especially when the tears that are gradually flowing out of the eyes gather into drops and fall down in big drops without any crying. The whole performance is completed in one go. If this were in a theater, it would probably win a lot of applause. .

Woo! ! !
After the tears fell to the ground, the train whistle sounded with a crying tone, which made people look so sincere.

but I?

He stood up and left the office!
Just let your golden cup face the moon in the sky, and let you only look at each other as three people. (End of chapter)

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