On the way back, no one of us spoke, but I had a very special feeling, it felt like...

Let me put it this way.

In the past, I was a child in this family. When I was a child, I felt that the adults in my family had unlimited money. They wouldn't let me buy this or that, just because they didn't love me.

So I thought about stealing it. When my family was sleeping, I always wanted to take some money out of my pocket and show off at school tomorrow.

But when I grew up, I realized that my father only earned a few thousand yuan as a living wage. With this small amount of money, I had to worry about everyone getting sick or having a disaster, and I also had to feed and drink the whole family. Lazia, food, clothing, housing and transportation; as for my mother, she didn’t dare to spend even a penny of the little money. She wished she could save it all in the bank, for fear that something would happen and she wouldn’t have enough money to cross the river. She was even more afraid that the elderly at home would go to the hospital, so she would suddenly call to inform her. He said that he would have to pay a large sum of money for the operation.

Only then did I realize that it was me who had always been ignorant.

My identity has changed.

From a child who only knows how to get, he has become an adult who has a family and parents in his heart.

After getting married, the situation they faced would soon become the situation I faced...

It turns out that when my best friends from childhood got together again, people were afraid that I would have a family conflict and were reluctant to call me, but that I had already said hello in advance and told everyone: "Brothers, from now on, I will not call you at such gatherings." He won’t come.”

It was me who refused those social interactions because I began to feel sorry for others and my family.

And what can I gain by going out to eat and drink with them?

In addition to the short-term spiritual satisfaction when blowing the whistle three times and six times, is there anything else?

How many emotions can there be between drinking and lying down at the wine table while a group of brothers collect 500,000 yuan for medical expenses?
Even if he has this intention, what if his pocket is poorer than mine?
After a long journey of more than six hours, the Audi A4 finally returned to the port from Huacheng. And after entering the port, I took a taxi and got out and changed to another car.

I need to settle down, and I need to settle down the things I learned from my "hometown".

This was the first time that after learning so many things, I didn’t immediately convey it to the people below. What I didn’t expect was that Dongfang moved so quickly...

Three days later, the approval applications submitted by the four major banks to the border area were approved, and they all crossed the border and came to Bangkang to expand new businesses. They not only handled deposits and withdrawals for the people of Bangkang, but also handled agricultural loans and home purchase mortgages for the people;
Along with the four major banks entering Bangkang, there is another industry that has never been seen here before, called insurance. In other words, domestic insurance companies have entered Bangkang;

In addition, with the four major banks as the backend, the insurance company as the guarantee, and the two major mobile payment companies also launched, I no longer have to maintain a Green Paopao account. All Wa people can apply for a bank card. , directly apply for a Green Bubble number and bind it with your bank card, and complete all mobile payment preparations in the blink of an eye.

I actually saw someone scanning the QR code to pay on the street, and they were patients from China...

It feels like pulling and pulling has finally brought these Wa people from the muddy ancient times into the modern era, and I feel a full sense of accomplishment!
Immediately afterwards, Bangkang opened its first high-tech company a week later. A domestic 'drone' company that cooperated with us launched a drone-assisted agricultural company after the entry of the four major banks and two major mobile payment providers. Arrived at Bangkang.

Aren’t you in a mountainous area?

Don’t you have many fruit farmers and it’s difficult to apply pesticides?

This time it will work. As long as your fruit farmers bring their own pesticides, you can pool your money and go to a drone company to rent drones. In a short time, drones will carry pesticides and spray them from the top of your house.

"Master, this is wrong!"

Banbula watched Bangkang's first drone flying out spraying pesticides among the mountains, and stood in my office and said this immediately.

I asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Banbula explained: "We in the Wa State don't even have an airplane, but the people actually use drones?"

I turned around and said with a smile: "Who told you?" Then, I stretched out my hands and held Banbula's shoulders tightly and said: "From the moment I entered the exit port and left the customs, the scene that kept repeating in my mind was, It was the Burmese army who used helicopters to defeat the big boss Peng at Nantianmen..."

"Secretary Bai!"

After I let go of his shoulders, I shouted toward the door.

Secretary Bai then opened the door and stood at the door of my office: "Master Xu."

"Call Annie."

"Ask him how far we have come with our affairs with the East."

A moment later, Annie entered the office with printed documents from outside the door: "Mr. Xu, this morning, Dongfang just sent us brand-new information. Among these information, we have a lot more choices to choose from... "

The next second, Annie opened the folder in front of Ban Bra: "In addition to the 81 bar, 85 sniper rifle, and 69 type 40 fire, which were already among the weapons we were allowed to purchase, Dongfang added them to the catalog for us. We have the Type 85 heavy machine gun, the Type 65 recoilless rifle that is more suitable for mountain combat, and the Type 85 23mm double-barreled anti-aircraft gun..." At this point, Anne looked up at me, slowly smiled and said: "He Zhi-8 is armed with Helicopter.”

Banbula was about to wave his fist excitedly, but I stopped him: "How armed can this Z-8 helicopter be?"

"Can carry Tianyan 90 air-to-air missile!"

Even I am excited this time. In Myanmar, especially around the Wa State, the Tianyan 90 air-to-air missiles are enough to sweep them all!
As long as I don't risk my life against the Burmese army, these optional equipment are enough.

"However, there are requirements from the east."

I was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's the request?"

"The use of Zhi8 requires remote monitoring."

Banbra didn't care what it meant and immediately interjected: "What about the price?"

Anne then smiled and said: "It's far lower than the market price, and Dongfang will not sign any contracts with us for the sale of weapons or equipment."

Banbula happily circled around the room, and it took him a long time before he said, "Sir, this West Asian man finally took care of some personnel matters..."

Annie: "Not from West Asia."

Banbula's steps suddenly stopped: "Who else could it be?"

I went over and put my arm around Banbula's shoulders and said, "This time it's really not a West Asian. If the West Asians were here, we would never be able to get so many goods and such a big discount in our lives."

"From now on, there is no need to mention the West Asians anymore. The West Asians are gone."

Annie asked: "Master Xu hasn't told you yet that our group of people went to the east to sign a contract?"

Banbula shook his head, but I nodded towards Annie, and then she opened her mouth and told everything that happened in the east...

Finally, I pointed to the bridge of my nose and said, "From now on, these things will no longer be a specialty of West Asians."

Half-bra is stupid! (End of chapter)

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