"Lao Xu, my dad said that as soon as the engagement date is confirmed, he will immediately invite all his friends in the entertainment industry to send us a blessing video;"

"My dad also said that since this is a great event, why not just put the engagement venue in the old street. You don't have to show up and can just connect on the spot. After all, you are the person in charge of the Wa State, so we have to consider your safety."

"There's more~"

The Chinese New Year is approaching, and my purity has also disappeared. Wei Rong took the trouble to describe the whole process to me, how to apply for an appointment, how to get engaged, the date of the engagement, the process, and how I should cooperate. She also thought about it specifically for me. I don’t have to go to Lao Cai and can participate via live connection.

After Lao Wei took me as his backer, he was really afraid that I would make any mistakes. Moreover, he knew clearly that only if I was in the Wa State would I be his greatest help.

As a result, my world turned into a black humor. A woman who didn't love me was trying her best to put together a perfect wedding; my cheap father-in-law tried his best to make the engagement ceremony before the wedding as grand as possible.

In the whole black humor scene, I was the one who had the most nothing to do. I knew that I would not get engaged or get married. I was performing all this just to maintain my courage.

Under the night, I lay on the bed after struggling a lot. As soon as I lit a cigarette, Wei Rong hugged my arm from the other side of the bed. She raised her head and looked at me like she was looking up at the stars. Question: "You won't lie to me, right?"

"No." I said with a blushing face. After saying that, I pushed the hair away from his face and pinched the baby's fat cheeks with my hands.

Is Wei Rong stupid? Otherwise, how could you still act so real even though you know everything is fake?

I can't understand it, just like I never understood Aunt Fang and thought I understood Xiaoxiao.

"Then, I ask Guo Gang to draft a press release and tell the world?"

I saw the light flashing in her eyes. When these flashing lights came together, they formed tears and shed.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

She explained: "Marriage is only once in a woman's life."

This wasn't touching. I saw something different in Wei Rong's eyes. I had seen that kind of thing before, but I couldn't seem to remember it.

I was a little touched by this look, and a little scared. I stood up slowly. I didn't dare to answer Wei Rong's words, so I had to get up and leave the bedroom. When I put on my pajamas and walked out of the room, I felt the pressure on my chest. Disappeared.

I walked to the study room, and was alone in an absolutely safe environment. Just when I thought I could take a breather, the surrounding environment changed, and the dazzling array of books turned into the most familiar room I had ever seen!
In the room, there is a large shop set up against the wall. On the shop floor lie people who have lost their freedom but don't know where their life is going. Each of them looks blankly in a certain direction, with a dazed look on their face.

I also saw myself.

That was 729, the Datongpu where I once lived. I saw myself looking in a certain direction at that time, using my peripheral vision to look at everyone around me, making judgments about them secretly in my mind, ready to escape at any time, and those Fools who have never experienced any tribulations are all caught up in the emotion of not knowing what to do.

In the middle of the night, I saw Glasses standing up from the datong bunk, and he was tiptoeing. He didn't dare to put on shoes, so he walked to the end of the datong bunk, and then lay down behind a girl.

The moment the girl woke up, he covered her mouth with his hand, and clamped the girl's throat with his other hand. He said in a low voice: "Don't move, if you dare to move, I will find a fucking reason tomorrow." Beat your man to death! "She is just an ordinary girl who has never experienced anything;
She just didn't dare;
The glasses even felt that they were not very secure. He lifted up her collar with his hands and grabbed her inside. At the same time, he kept threatening: "You know, if a few people die in this shabby place, it is no more than a bed bug." the difference!"

His other hand let go of her mouth, groping greedily under the cover of a piece of clothing, and finally pulled it down and kicked it with his foot, making the girl pout.

I saw it, I saw it all, I saw her closing her eyes suddenly, I saw the tears being squeezed out of her eyes, I saw her looking around for help with her blurred eyes, because the tears were Glitter in the moonlight!

I also saw that after she looked at me, she was constantly shaking from the evil impact.

Her eyes were very similar to Wei Rong's at that time. She knew that I couldn't help her, and she knew that my not helping was the most correct choice at the moment, but she still looked forward to it and waited.

Until it was all over, Glasses stood up and said unsteadily: "It doesn't mean a lot," and then lay back on the bed and fell asleep.

I saw Wei Rong on her face, Wei Rong slowly transformed into Wei Rong.

I understand.

They are all in a world that they know is impossible, looking forward to the arrival of a miracle, and praying for the most ideal 'just in case'.

Because they are already powerless. As women, their inherent use value makes them powerless. They are the objects that men want to conquer, use, and destroy. They can no longer take advantage of men's compassion and desire in this sinful land. With love, they are like a piece of beautiful jade. They have obviously made no mistakes, but they are guilty of cherishing the jade, even if it is not beautiful.

This is especially true for Wei Rong. She originally thought that her background could escape this gender-related disaster. She originally thought that she could do whatever she wanted in the old street and go crazy in the sinful world.

But now?

Only when Lao Wei sensed the crisis did he throw her out immediately. She didn't even have a chance to refuse.

Facing me, she only had to obey. She could do whatever I said, even if she knew it was a trap, even if she clearly felt that the man in her was just venting!

But this is her fate. Her marriage is a bargaining chip for her father, a setup that her future husband doesn't care about. It seems that in this higher-level world, she is the piggy that was once casually humiliated.

Her tearful eyes were the same as those of her grandson's girlfriend in the 729 park, praying for the most ideal 'what if', what if this man really wanted to marry her? What if this man just has a little hobby of hitting people while doing that? If I could just be more obedient and stay here forever, without having to go back to Guogang, then in the days to come, I shouldn't be traded out by anyone anymore, right?

If you stay with such a powerful man, you shouldn't be traded again, right?
As long as you obey, it should be fine, right?

That kind of obedience, that kind of non-resistance, was performed in such a situation, that kind of expression that no one cares about without asking for anything, just hoping for a corner to stay, like a dog being beaten after just getting into trouble. , she was just locking her body and hiding back, not caring about what was behind her.

Why the hell should I understand all this! (End of chapter)

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