One week.

After I hugged that little guy for a whole week, it seemed that it finally knew who was its owner and started to rub its head against my trouser leg. I thought a tiger wouldn’t do this...

I have to thank Anne for this.

When the little guy first came here, people were not willing to talk to me. Anyway, he drank milk and ate meat when he was given him. If you wanted to get close to him, you had to chase him like he was catching chickens in a chicken pen in the countryside.

Anne took one look and immediately sent someone out to buy something called 'catnip'. At first, it was placed on the office floor for him to lick. After the little guy became addicted, Anne put the catnip into my desk. In the drawer, starting from there, the little tiger has completely become a Taoist friend. Whenever he wants to masturbate, he takes the catnip out and immediately runs over.

Anne also said that despite her cold appearance, a cat is actually a little princess who needs to be coaxed and manipulated, and you need to be able to be affectionate with it.

That night, I took this little thing home, but at midnight, I felt the bed was wet. When I opened my eyes, I saw this little thing jumping down on the bed. As soon as I lifted the quilt, it A piece for you to pee on...

The next day, Annie got me cat litter again.

I had almost forgotten that I was raising a ferocious beast. When it peed, it was erecting boundary markers to enclose its own territory.

A week later, this little thing has obviously gained a lot of weight, its body has become fleshy, its eyes are brighter, its tail has become longer, and it will lie at my feet from time to time. As soon as I am no longer interested in dealing with official duties, I take off my shoes and step on its belly with my feet. The gadget will roll over beside me casually, letting you cause trouble and not take it seriously.

Just like that, we got along from the 30th to the 15th day of the first lunar month, and I even gave it a resounding name...

"Long live?"

"Long live?"

"It's a meeting, don't make trouble."

On New Year's Day, Yang Rong, Burea, Li Ge and other military commanders gathered in my office and demonstrated on the map the tactical deployment of the air force, mechanized troops, and infantry to attack Mengbo.

What Yang Rong meant was that the entire border defense line was temporarily handed over to the command of Bujea. After setting traps on the border defense line and deploying artillery, Yang Rong himself took helicopters, tanks, armored vehicles and infantry to Mengbo to attack the city.

In the first battle, helicopters completely destroyed all the heavy firepower of Meng Bo. The four helicopters that can currently fly bombed at the same time. After destroying all the heavy firepower of Meng Bo, the Eastern Shan State is bound to invade our border again. At that time, the artillery on the border will Launch an artillery bombardment, and the Eastern Shan State will retreat without a master. At this point, the first battle is won and morale is boosted;
Secondly, tanks and armored vehicles advance, consuming the opponent's firepower and destroying the opponent's willpower. The infantry follows up, rushes into Mengbo, seizes Ade, and tells the world;
Finally, the whole army turned around, and I sent people to receive Meng Bo. They arranged their troops and horses at the border and went down the river to besiege Xiaomengla.

Boureia asked in confusion: "Why besiege instead of attack?"

Yang Rong smiled and punched him and said, "If we don't surround him, how can we surrender?"

I held the 'Little Long Live' who was causing trouble under my feet in my arms, shook my head and said, "Yang Rong..."

"Brother." Yang Rong responded.

"In the past, we used tactics, but it was impossible to do anything. We recruited surrender, split, and deceived, all because we didn't know what to do."

"After the Bao family failed, we saw what would happen if we couldn't defeat them, so we came up with all the tricks."

"The past two years have been different. We have billions on our books. The import and export ports and customs are about to be completed. In addition to the long-term construction of Mengbang, your brother and I have stopped the construction of Bangkang Hospital. Do you know why? ?”

"Just so that my brother can act like a king upright!"

I stood up slowly, hugged the tiger and faced everyone: "On the bright side, we can shout one country, two systems, call for peace, and face the whole world with a hypocritical face, but on the battlefield, you have to fucking give I hit hard!"

"Remember, if someone dares to yell at you endlessly, it's not that he is born with a bad temper, it's because you hit him lightly!"

While Yang Rong was stunned, I turned around and walked behind the desk. After I sat down safely behind the desk, I opened my mouth and said, "This time, I have prepared a full billion for our Wa State Army!" "How many!"

Bujea stood up with his eyes wide open.

"As for me, I got one billion beautiful pieces from the hands of the decisive old Wei. Now, your brother is also a wealthy landlord. In exchange for one billion red notes, I can give it to my brothers who have made meritorious deeds on the battlefield. What's the problem?"

"In addition, I also placed an arms order of 500 million yuan in the east, completely doubling the number of heavy machine guns under our Wa State Army!"

"This time, any Wa soldiers who rush into Eastern Shan State will be treated as prodigal sons by your mother. This is called opening up borders and expanding territory. Is it okay to be a small family?"

"Tell the Wa State Army that in this battle, there is no upper limit on food expenses, no upper limit on military supplies, and no upper limit on the number of bullets. When fighting Xiaomengla, first set up a fucking machine gun and give me a morning of fire. I want to let The whole Eastern Shan State is terrified!”

Yang Rong was dumbfounded.

Boureia was dumbfounded.

Where have they ever lived like this rich second generation?
"Also, after taking Xiaomengla, the whole army has stopped. Next, it is the best time for us to surrender."

Yang Rong asked in confusion: "Brother, if we fight like this, how much money will we get for one battle?"

Zhang Wenhe stopped him and said, "Mr. Yang Rong, our master is saving money."

"Are you deaf?" Burea said eagerly: "Didn't you hear what my brother just said?"

Zhang Wenhe said unhurriedly: "It is precisely because we did not hesitate to use firepower to fight Xiaomengla that we were able to scare the entire Eastern Shan State. If they are afraid, they will take the initiative to surrender. If they surrender voluntarily, they are not qualified to ask for conditions. Then what happens next We have the final say on how to govern 'one country, two systems'."

"What I mean is, one country, two systems, no problem, but the top layer is our management organization, and the people of Eastern Shan State below implement it according to our management methods. The so-called two systems are just to let the people of Eastern Shan State take the blame for us. , if something goes wrong, it’s their own problem.”

"We don't take responsibility."


cough... cough...

I coughed twice and glared at Zhang Wenhe fiercely.

What are you showing off to?

Even if that's the case, do you have to say it?

There are so many rough guys in the room, all of them soldiers. Why do you explain the problem in such detail?
Zhang Wenhe winced and said, "I'm talking too much." He didn't speak again.

"Wen He, come here and give you a book."

I picked up the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" on the table and handed it over: "There is a person in this book who is very interesting. You should study hard."

Zhang Wenhe hurried over to pick up the book. When he saw the title, he realized that he had read this book no less than 180 times and asked: "Master, who are you talking about?"

I looked at him with a smile: "Yang Xiu." (End of this chapter)

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