"Official report: Burmese media said that in the early hours of last night, the Eastern Shan State Army launched an attack on Bangkang. However, the battle did not last long. Mengbo occupied by Eastern Shan State surrendered collectively. This resulted in the army's surprise attack on Bangkang being defeated. They were completely defeated by the 13th Battalion of the Wa Restoration Regiment and captured more than 130 people."

"The next day, the Wa State government sent Secretary-General Banbula to Mengbo to surrender. At the same time, the Wa State Bangkang government issued a letter of appointment appointing Banbula as the county magistrate of Mengbo. Since then, the entire Wa State has been recovered."

"Next, please see the front-line report."

On the TV screen, with the camera flashing, a group of surrendered soldiers from Eastern Shan State outside Mengbo City stood dejectedly in the military area. When all the weapons were piled up, a haze hung over their heads.

At that moment, the reporter handed over the microphone and asked an Eastern Shan State soldier: "Can you tell me how you feel at this moment?"

An Eastern Shan State soldier glared at the reporter with a fierce face and shouted: "What did you say?"

"What the hell do you want me to say?"

"Talking about the shame of a soldier after a failure, or saying that the battle was lost because of confusion? What the hell do you want to hear!"

The reporter was so frightened that he turned around and left. However, due to the interview mission, he had to walk towards another soldier who looked more honest.

"Hello, do you know that the Wa State Army is recruiting many Wa people to join the army? If the Wa State is willing to let go of its hatred towards the Eastern Shan State, will you be willing to serve as a soldier in the Wa State?"

The honest soldier shook his head dully and said nothing.

"Then what do you plan to do after the war is over?"

The honest soldier raised his head and said lightly: "I want to go back to Eastern Shan State to farm."

Then, silence fell again.



Sitting in front of the TV in Bangkang's office, I gritted my back molars so hard that I finally understood why Bai Qi surrendered!

Did you see the look of the Eastern Shan State soldiers who had already lost but still refused to accept it?

After seeing those powerful men, could they pick up a gun and kill anyone at any time?

What do you want me to do with these people!
Feeding them with food from my Wa State, and then accidentally letting these guys run back, turn around and become the fighting force of the Eastern Shan State, and raise their guns at the soldiers of my Wa State?
Only if these people turn into corpses or the political power in Eastern Shan State is completely eliminated can I rest assured!

Now, I'm starting to hate these people who surrendered. You can fight if you want to, or if you say you don't want to fight, you won't fight?

You shoot when you want, and kill when you say kill. Now that you can't fight, and know that you will die, take out the gun, send a leader out and start telling me about your grandma's 'Geneva Treaty'?

It makes me grit my teeth and tighten my belt during the war. After the war, I still have to find rations for you!

Why the hell! !

I was holding my little Long Live Luck on the TV wall. The little guy was very obedient. He seemed to feel my anger and lay on my lap without moving. And my anger seemed to have infected other people, such as Haika, who was standing behind the sofa.


He only called me once, and I could already hear the anger in his words. At this moment, I slowly stood up, let Xiao Wansai jump off me, walked towards the other people in the reception area with my hands behind my back and whispered. : "I have been doing evil all my life..."

"Do you know why?"

In the reception area, Zhang Wenhe, Annie, Minsheng and others looked at me at the same time.

"Because I know that some people are born bad. Even if you win, they will not admit that they lost, let alone let you win comfortably."

"I'm not talking about other people, I'm talking about myself." "I'm also talking about everyone who opposes me on this road."

At that second, Annie lowered her head and didn't dare to look at me. Minsheng didn't know what to say and stretched his neck...

"God told me that if you want to have something, you have to fight and grab it, but it didn't tell me who I had to fight with or what kind of person I had to fight for. So, I want to win, and I have to fight again and again. Climbing up from the mud of failure, I struggled to hold back my voice that wanted to scream again and again.”

"I know that once I lose, absolutely no one will sympathize with me. On the contrary, everyone will laugh at me!"

“That’s why I persisted until today!”

I walked to the reception area of ​​Tianyuandiandangdi and put my hand on the back of the sofa: "What's the result? I won."

"But as you can see, the prisoners of this division abandoned by Ade turned into bombs that could explode at any time."

"I can tell you clearly now what the consequences will be of putting all these guys in prison! They will gather together to protest for various reasons, such as poor food and poor treatment, and then put them This kind of thing has been brought to the forefront time and time again, causing me to be criticized all over the world.”

"But if I want to detain them separately, I have to spend my own money to build a prison in this small Wa state!"

"Didn't I win?"

"Why at this moment, I fucking feel like I've lost!"

Even an Eastern Shan State can make me so angry. I really can't imagine the inner collapse of our army when that 'Battle of Rebirth' developed to the end and when Xiaotian surrendered.

We were beaten to devastation, and we still had to ensure their living standards. If you ask me, when it comes to dealing with prisoners of war, Bai Qi alone did the right thing!

After saying these two words, everyone in the reception area stood up.

I turned around alone and said: "Transport all the prisoners in Eastern Shan State to Mengmao to participate in the construction of Mengmao, and let the construction team arrange work for these prisoners according to the workload of three people every day. Isn't it just a division? I can afford it. , but if you want to cause trouble, there is no way!”

“Tell the construction team in Mengmao that these people must be exhausted every day, and if there is a person who still has energy when snoring, I will make sure that they will never receive business from the Wa State in the future.”

"In addition, they suddenly added a regiment and watched these prisoners of war with loaded weapons."

"Aren't they unwilling to join the army in Wa State? Then don't even think about returning to Eastern Shan State to farm!"

"Let these people build buildings one after another in Mengmao under the scorching sun until the entire Mengmao construction is completed."

After saying this, I thought about it again and added: "If some of them figure it out... Anne, you will be responsible for the high-profile publicity. The first one to surrender will be given a house and land, and he will be allowed to settle down in Meneng... "

Haika stared and said, "Sir, if you treat them like this, why would they still run away?"

"Just run away!"

“If I don’t run away, what will I be promoting?”

"This is not "Three Kingdoms". If you are not blind, no one will regard these prisoners of war as the second master Guan who has a gold seal. Besides, if you don't give these prisoners of war some sweetness, won't they say we are mistreating them?"

"But what if one and a half of them pretend to be willing to join the army in Wa State but then turn around and run away? That means they deserve to be mistreated. We have treated them with all our heart and soul, what else do we want?"

Haika lowered his head and said: "This time I know why you didn't go to Mengbo to accept surrender at the glorious moment when all the lost lands of the Wa State were recovered."

Anne knew the result, but just wanted to test whether Haika really understood and asked: "Why?"

"Our master has seen things too clearly. He doesn't want to be angry, for fear that he won't be able to hold on to the fire." (End of Chapter)

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