The years when I was deceived into northern Myanmar

Chapter 689: A performance of admitting mistakes but not defeat

That night, all the conversations between Wei Rong and I were affectionate, but our eyes were always on guard against each other.

I think this is also another level of sincerity for sincerity. I really don't take her seriously, and she is really trying her best to show her obedience to me. In the end, can 'sincerity' be exchanged for 'sincerity'? I don't know, but through experiments I can guarantee that intensity can produce sound.

I began to despise myself, and I despise a person like me who talks big and does things like a dog, but at this moment I have to act like this kind of person.

Because only when I play this kind of person can I have great power and be as rich as the enemy!
But when I was an ordinary citizen, I didn't look down on this kind of person at all. I felt that this kind of person was a mess, I felt that this kind of person didn't tell the truth, and I felt that this kind of person was born to be bad.

At that time, I seemed to prefer straight-forward people. A person who opens his mouth and scolds his mother when he is unhappy. We call this kind of person a straight-tempered person, and someone who shows his heart to others when he meets him. We call this kind of person a benefit...

The problem is that I don’t know when this kind of person started to look like someone else in my eyes, collectively called stupid.

I don't want to be stupid. Even if I am stupid here, I may be doomed.

Beep, beep, beep.

When the phone call came, I opened my eyes. Only then did I realize that I was still lying on the bed in the bedroom of the villa. But in my mind, I seemed to have woken up long ago. Even after waking up, I was still lying on the bed. He kept feeling his own voice.


I took my hand out of Wei Rong's body, then turned around and picked up my phone from the bedside table. I squinted and saw the time, which read 06:58.


It was Annie. Annie said excitedly: "Ade apologized. At the press conference held last night, he apologized to the Wa State in front of all Myanmar media!"

"Sir, if you have a TV set by your side now, you might be able to catch the morning news. This morning it must be all about the news about Ade in Eastern Shan State..."

Did he apologize?

So sorry!

I sat up on the bed, picked up the TV remote control, and turned on the TV in the bedroom. It happened to be 07:01.

"Hello, viewers, and welcome to Morning News."

"Last night, the leader of Eastern Shan State, Ade, held a press conference in Xiao Mong La and issued an 'apology statement' to the invaded Wa State, claiming that the Eastern Shan State's use of troops against the Wa State was bewitched by his villains... Below, Please read the reports sent back by foreign reporters on the scene.”

The camera on the TV screen switched to a conference room in the hotel. Ade stood behind the table in military uniform, holding a speech and said: "Statement!"

“On behalf of Eastern Shan State, I apologize to all the heroes who died in the war between Wa State and Eastern Shan State, to all the people who died in Wa State and Eastern Shan State, and to the people who are homeless, displaced and have lost their homes. Apologize."

"This is a war that should not happen. Without the deception of villains, our Eastern Shan State Army would not have crossed the border."

I saw a tense expression on Ade's face. Although it was very solemn, it definitely did not represent sincerity!
I have seen this expression many times. In the park, every person who has been beaten will use this expression to shout angrily: "I'm so damn good!"

The actual underlying meaning of this expression is completely different from what the person with this expression said. There is only one true underlying meaning, and that is - I can't help it.

The main reason why Ade did this was to take advantage of the people's 'sympathy' for the weak. He knew that as long as he lowered himself to the dust, there would be those shameless people who would show sympathy. Once there are many such people, a herd effect will form. At that time, anyone who does anything to him will be called bullying...

Ade walked out from behind the table carrying his speech. I watched him walk out from the TV. When he stood in front of the camera, his face kept flashing with the luster of the flash, I began to slowly shake my head. ……"I was wrong."

Ade told the media: "As the leader of Eastern Shan State, I should not be deceived by others. I should stand firm in my own ideas. Of course, I am not shirking responsibility by saying this. I want to tell you that everything happens for a reason."

He rolled up his speech into a ball of paper, threw it behind him, lowered his head and said to all the cameras: "I will definitely take on the responsibilities I should bear."

"Don't, don't, don't... don't kneel!"

As soon as I blurted out my words, Ade had already bent his knees and knelt down in front of everyone!
"I acknowledge all the wrongs that Eastern Shan State has committed against Wa State..."

"I admit."

"I acknowledge all the harm done by Eastern Shan State to Wa State..."

"I admit that the soldiers of Eastern Shan State shot at you under my order, and I also admit that the troops of Eastern Shan State killed people..."

"But I beg you, I beg you, after I wake up, don't let Wa become the next 'me' for 'revenge'!"

"I know that the Wa State is powerful, and I know that they can easily cross the border. The reason why they have not reached Eastern Shan State yet is that you have a leader who is ten or a hundred times better than me. He can suppress Control your own anger and murderous intentions!"

"You are lucky because your leaders began to 'call for peace' a long time ago; you are also unlucky to have a neighbor like me."

When I watched Ade's tears falling continuously in the camera, and I could clearly feel that his sadness was due to humiliation rather than apology, I was thinking that little Banzai could grow up quickly and tear him apart alive!
"I don't expect forgiveness from even one Wa people. After all, I don't deserve forgiveness. I am willing to bear all the sins for Eastern Shan State."

"Here, I pray to the Wa State, pray to the leader of the Wa State, Mr. Xu, and pray that you and the Eastern Shan State will sign the "Mutual Non-Aggression Treaty". As long as you are willing to sign this treaty, I can do anything, even if I take this Give up your life."

I saw Ade pressing his hands on the ground on the TV. After knocking his head down deeply, he kept his body pressed down and never raised his head.

At that time, as Adelaide's enemy and opponent, I put down my mobile phone and remote control and clapped my hands.

I have to admit that this is a great performance... Don't you want Eastern Shan State to apologize? Don’t you want to use Eastern Shan State’s apology to define Eastern Shan State as a defeated country? I apologized!

As long as you are willing to sign the "Mutual Non-Aggression Pact", he is willing to bear all costs, such as war reparations, such as apology, such as...

what's next?

Next, your extremely powerful force was useless, and you entered a battle of wits. Dongshan State cleverly avoided its own shortcomings!

Dark prison, early morning.

Lin Minxian and the boss Peng were sitting in front of the wooden house, listening to the sound coming from the radio and looking at each other.

The boss Peng heard this moment and said: "This kid is growing up really fast."

Lin Minxian, however, was so calm and calm that he said as if everything had nothing to do with him: "Who can't help but gain wisdom?"

Then they picked up the fishing rod, and the two old men ran towards the puddle next to the black prison. (End of chapter)

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