"According to the latest news from Xiao Mong La, the leader of Eastern Shan State, Ade, drank a bullet in his office after Eastern Shan State surrendered to Wa State and signed the humiliating "Mutual Non-Aggression Pact"..."

"Wa State leader Xu Ruifeng will read the Wa State's Declaration of Victory at 12:00 noon today in Bangkang Square, which is the renamed 'Victory Square'."

"This is a historic moment, and it is also a moment that everyone in the entire eastern Myanmar region is about to witness. Let us wait and see, let us see what the Wa leader will say..."

At 11:50 noon, I stood on the high platform of Victory Square and waited.

At this time, Victory Square was already overcrowded. For my safety, Yang Rong specially transferred a regiment of the Wa State Army to maintain order. They used a sandwich biscuit method of one layer of green soldiers and one layer of civilians in the square to allow the public to enter.

And this is the first time in my life that I have seen so many people.


I looked back and saw that Annie was not beside me at all. Not far away, Annie was already busy like a spinning top. Anyone who passed by her would be caught, and then she would immediately give some orders.

Why do I think of Anne at this time?
Because I am nervous and my power does not come from the people, I am somewhat unable to let go when facing the people.

And the east side is my strongest backing!
"Master, it's time."

After Anne arranged everything, she finally appeared next to me. When she said these words to me, I felt like I was about to be pushed out of the execution ground.

"it is good."

I stepped off the stage and was about to walk forward, but Annie grabbed me and looked at me in surprise: "Sir, I'll go first, how can I let you start?"

After that, Annie walked up first, held the microphone on the high platform and said: "Everyone~"

An untimely sound of electricity flowed through, and electronic sound emitted from the speakers, just enough to suppress the whispers in the crowd.

At that second, everyone looked up to the high platform. Anne looked at the dark crowd and spoke again: "No words can match today; no description can compare to this moment..."

"Because we have finally ushered in this day after two and a half years of war. Now, I would like to invite the leader of the new Wa State, Mr. Xu Ruifeng, to read the "Declaration of Victory" for us!"

Thunderous applause!

This was the first time I heard applause like landslides and earth shattering, and it was also the first time I felt the attitude of all the Wa people towards me.

When I could feel my heart beating and held the microphone in front of me, all the Wa people I could see were waving their arms vigorously and applauding desperately in the audience.

They suffer!
From when Khun Sa forced them to grow black gold at gunpoint, to when they purchased black gold for one dollar per kilogram, it was painful;

None of them care!

No one cares whether they are crying or laughing, no one cares whether they are alive or dead, no one cares whether they are hungry or poor.

In the dark ages of Southeast Asia, being alive is already a gift from God...

I suddenly realized that what I was looking at seemed not to be the people of the Wa ethnic group, but more like myself. The audience was filled with the person I was when I first arrived in Southeast Asia. The person who longed to be saved and was eager to be noticed. It was impossible to shout at the top of my lungs. The one who can't make a sound is myself.

But, with so many "I"s in the audience, why do they all have no "mouths"?

When I subconsciously wanted to ask, I was startled by the sound of the microphone, and then I realized that I was confused.

There was no one like me in the audience, I was just the people who looked up at me after the applause ended.

And when I turned around to seek Annie's help, I saw that the group of people who were supposed to be standing behind me on the high platform had all changed!
Haika, Zhang Wenhe, and Annie all disappeared, and the green soldiers also disappeared. Instead, there were me, one by one, smiling, waiting for me to speak...me.

When I turned back and the people in the audience became myself again, I finally understood what I had seen.

This is my heart, the fragile heart that needs help, the heart that gradually falls into darkness when no one is paying attention, the heart that walks on thin ice all the time, longing for someone to say a few words to me!

My heart is looking forward to me being able to defend myself on this high platform and talk about my difficulties, because I can finally speak...


I lowered my head in front of the microphone and laughed.

It turns out that it is so difficult for an ordinary person to open his mouth and speak to the world. It turns out that we, who are born with the ability to speak, have to go through so much if we want to express our thoughts! I have to go through so much...

"I declare."

I said these three words in a very low voice, but all the Wa people in the audience raised their heads and listened.

At this point, the speech I had prepared long ago no longer meant anything to me, and I could do whatever I wanted.

"The war that lasted two and a half years is over."

oh! ! ! ! !
"The war is over!!!"

"No more fighting!!!!"

I have never seen such excited Wa people. I watched them jumping on the spot. When I smiled, they were cheering. Rhythmic landing sounds continued to be heard throughout the square. The crowd was jumping and rising like waves. .

But the constant noise in my ears turned into something else.

"Why don't you tell them the truth?"

"Why don't you tell me what you went through?"

"Why don't you describe the truest form of this world!"

It's all my own voice.

From the corner of my eye, I saw 'myself' on the stage surrounding me, accusing me in front of the cheering people in the audience.

But I am unmoved.

What can I tell them?
Does the war have anything to do with the people of Wa State?
The benefits after the victory of the war belong to me; the glory belongs to the army; the common people can only think of the four words "how to be glorious". Should I tear these four words into pieces in the bloody darkness and say what I want? Do you understand the reality?

I wouldn't do it, never would.

I will only tell them: "Eastern Shan State surrendered and submitted a "Record of Surrender" to us in the name of the defeated party."

I will also tell them: “From today on, Eastern Shan State will implement Wa State’s laws and its economic system will be in line with Wa State’s.”

I will finally tell them: "Eastern Shan State is about to disband its army. From now on, there will no longer be an army from Eastern Shan State that threatens the safety of Wa State. On the contrary, the border line of Eastern Shan State will be guarded by our Wa State Army." !”

I will use the gentlest gesture to put a needle in the arm of all the Wa people in the square to maintain my rule, but I will not say a word about me or this world.

"I declare! Wa State has won!!!!"

When I yelled this sentence at the loudest volume in my life, the speaker almost stopped me from shouting, but the people's shouts were louder than mine, and even the spontaneous and orderly stamping of feet came from the square.





Boom! !
"We win!!!"

But when I was about to turn around and leave, I saw that all of me on the stage had disappeared. Haika also returned to his original state and asked Zhang Wenhe: "Why did our master only say these two sentences? Isn't it too little?"

Zhang Wenhe glanced at him and responded: "Actually, he only said eight words."

"Which eight characters?"

"If you receive orders from Heaven, you will live forever." (End of this chapter)

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