Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 125: The sinister Bibi Dong and Dao Liu’s shock

Chapter 125 The sinister Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu’s shock

Wuhun City.

Under the cover of Bishop Nie, who was in charge of the Slaughter City, Yan and Xieyue left safely and returned to Wuhun Hall to meet with Hu Liena and the others.

After nearly a year, Bibi Dong saw the city of Wuhun Palace again and felt infinite emotions in her heart.

She was finally out of her misery.

"Congratulations on the return of the Pope!"

When Bibi Dong walked on the avenue leading to the Pope's Palace, hundreds of knights wearing Wuhun Palace armor knelt on one knee to welcome Bibi Dong's return.

"Nana, you did a great job this time. However, we cannot let down our guard yet. Although I am back, Su Xie is still there, Haotian Sect is also a big threat, and Tang Chen is still alive. This is not good news. "

In the hall of the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong walked to the Pope's throne, sat down, and said lightly.

Yue Guan and Gui Mei stood under the papal throne and said:
"His Majesty the Pope, based on our understanding of Tang Hao and the others, I am afraid that Tang Chen will not be stable after his return and may cause trouble. What's more, there is Su Xie who is afraid of chaos in the world. We must be prepared."

"What Gui Mei said is right, but after all, Tang Chen is a strong man in the peerless Douluo realm, and it seems that he has also gone through the divine test. If he digests that power, it is likely that his strength will be one step closer, which will be difficult to deal with."

Bibi Dong thought for a while and said to Yue Guan: "Yue Guan, you will go to the Elder's Hall later and bring this news to him. You should know which parts should be emphasized and which parts should be understated, right?"

Yue Guan understood Bibi Dong's profound meaning, and couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh: "Yue Guan understands, and he will definitely let the great worshipper understand the power of it."

"By the way, the Killing City was destroyed, and many degenerates escaped from it. We must be careful within our sphere of influence to avoid being disturbed by those degenerates."

Bibi Dong ordered Gui Mei again: "Gui Mei, it's up to you to prepare for this matter. Pay close attention to the appearance of the fallen and the movements of the disciples of the Haotian Sect, especially the Haotian Sect. If necessary, kill Wu Wu. amnesty."

"As ordered!"

"Teacher, don't you care about Evil Immortal Douluo and the others?"

Hu Liena bit her lip and let this guy get away with it?
"Care? How to care? Who can care? A powerful man of this level is no longer something that a soul master can deal with. Any peerless Douluo who wants to cause trouble to the world cannot kill them overnight. If you want to deal with him, unless there is a god Appear."

Bibi Dong said, but there is a strange thing. She finally got in touch with the Rakshasa God on the Hell Road and broke the restrictions of the ninth test. She should be sure to inherit the Rakshasa God's position.

But on the way back to Wuhun City, she tried to communicate with the Rakshasa God, but there was no ripple, and all the feelings about the Rakshasa God were gone.

This gave Bibi Dong a very bad premonition, and she could only speculate: Could it be that there is still a final God's test?

No one really knows how to inherit the throne of God. Even those servants of God only accept God's will.

"That's right. Even the teacher can't do anything to him. I'm afraid no one on the mainland can punish him. It's easy for him to bully the teacher for so long, huh."

Hu Liena was a little unworthy of Bibi Dong. Now there are rumors outside: The Pope of Wuhun Palace has been conquered by the evil immortal. She will be his personal maid and will give birth to a child soon. Even the Pope Palace will give it to that terrible evil immortal. Douluo, will Wuhun Hall bully civilians in the future?
It's really irritating to hear.

"I'm afraid that soon, the mainland will be turbulent and the situation will change drastically. In a few decades or even a few years, the teacher will probably no longer be able to preside over the Pope's Palace. The Pope's Palace needs a master.

Nana, do you want to be that master? "

After Yueguan and Gui Mei retreated, Bibi Dong thought for a moment and looked at Hu Liena.

In the Killing City, she saw the child's hard work and strength. She was very talented and was definitely a person who could be entrusted with big tasks. She was the hope of the future of the Pope's Palace.

Hu Liena was obviously stunned when she heard Bibi Dong's words. What does the teacher mean?
"Teacher, will you no longer be in the Wuhun Hall? Nana doesn't want the teacher to leave the Wuhun Hall. Anyone who dares to drive the teacher out of the Wuhun Hall will be Nana's enemy."

Hu Liena threw herself into Bibi Dong's arms.Bibi Dong smiled: "Nana, you have to understand that sometimes, leaving does not necessarily mean being kicked out, but looking for better results. If one day you reach the point of being a teacher, you will understand."

"A better result?"

Hu Liena had some confusion on her face. She still didn't quite understand what Bibi Dong was talking about.

"Nana, I want to make you a saint within two years, so I hope you can break through level 51 as soon as possible and become a strong soul king, or even a soul emperor, so that you can convince the public."

Bibi Dong expressed her expectations.

This made Hu Liena feel a lot of pressure. She was only a high-level soul sect now. Breaking through the soul king was not difficult as a goal, but the soul emperor was as difficult as ascending to the sky. She was promoted to more than ten levels in two years?
Even the teacher back then couldn’t do it, right?

"It's a pity. If it weren't for Su Xie, you would have just finished the road to hell. With the blessing of the God of Killing Domain, your strength will be much enhanced."

Bibi Dong expressed the same sentiment as Tang Chen and Tang Hao.

Three days later.

Elder's Hall, Yue Guan came to the worship hall.

But he did not meet the legendary great priest as he wished. Instead, under the leadership of Demon-Conquering Douluo, he met Golden Crocodile Douluo.

There are six major enshrinements in Wuhun Hall, ranging from 1 to 6 according to strength and status, and this Golden Crocodile Douluo is the second enshrinement of Wuhun Hall. He has a soul power of about level 98 and is the second in command of the Elder Hall.

Even Yue Guan didn't dare to speak rudely to him.

"Second Enshrinement, I have been ordered by His Majesty the Pope to come here and report a very important matter to the Great Enshrinement."

"This matter is related to a good friend of Dachengfang many years ago. There is also an agreement. It will also have a profound impact on the development of Wuhun Palace. I must report it to Dachengfeng in person."

Under the solemnity of Yueguan, the past of the Great Enshrinement was implicated. From the depths of the Elder Hall, an old man wearing gold and white or above appeared. His eyes were extremely deep, and he looked like an expert at first glance.

"Meet the great priest."

"Tell me, if you have something to do, you must see me in person. If it's not important enough, you can't even think about walking out of this door safely."

The old man's tone was very calm, but it was sufficiently intimidating.

The Elder's Palace and the Pope's Palace are not in harmony. Ultimately, it's because of the Qianxunji incident that Su Xie participated in when he absorbed the resentment.

Qianxunji violated Bibi Dong, and Bibi Dong hated them. Bibi Dong killed Qianxunji, who was Qiandaoliu's only child. Qiandaoliu had always doubted Bibidong, and naturally had no attitude towards her belief in her. good.

"Great Consecration, during this trip to the Killing City, His Majesty the Pope discovered something shocking. This matter is of great importance. Only Great Consecration can solve it, and no one else can."

"Stop being so pretentious, have you suffered at the hands of that Evil Immortal Douluo? Our angel spirits are the nemesis of evil spirits. If he dares to provoke us, I will not let him go. Don't worry."

Yue Guan cupped his hands and said with a smile: "It would be best to have a big offering to make a move. However, this matter is not about the evil immortal, but about one of your friends. The friend you have been waiting for, Tang Chen, he has not yet Death, he has been in the city of killing and has mastered the evil power of killing.

Do you still remember that Haotian Sect retired?He might come back and have a showdown with the great worshiper, and he would also ask the great worshiper to be ready. "

"What? Tang Chen? He is still alive?!"

(End of this chapter)

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