Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 130: Accepting the mission, Tang San went to conquer the four major affiliated sects.

Chapter 130 Accepting the mission, Tang San went to conquer the four affiliated sects

The snow rushes down from the mountains like waves, covering everything in its path.

There was a violent sound on the top of the mountain, which was caused by the fluctuation of soul power and the collision of terrifying artifacts.

"Has it started? The two peerless Douluo have already started a decisive battle on the top of the mountain?"

Sensing the movement on the top of the mountain, countless people at the foot of the mountain ran to a safe area and looked up at the clouds.

I saw needle-like brilliance flashing out of the clouds and mist, appearing in dark gold and golden white, very shining. The clouds in the sky were stirred by that force into vortexes and jets, constantly floating.

Soul masters with stronger mental power and higher soul power can vaguely see two bright figures on the top of the mountain, each with nine soul rings flickering on their bodies.

If any soul master could take a closer look, they would be extremely shocked, especially Yu Xiaogang.

Because Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen didn't have a single white, yellow, or purple soul ring on their bodies, they were all soul rings that were more than ten thousand years old!
"Winds and clouds are surging, and snow-capped mountains collapse. Is this the power of Peerless Douluo?"

"Old sect master, you must win. All the hopes of our Haotian Sect lie on you."

In the luxury hotels around the foot of the mountain, countless people raised their hearts.

The direct disciples and elders of Wuhun Palace and Haotian Sect were the most nervous.

During this battle, several worshipers from the Wuhun Hall were present. Only the second worshipper, Golden Crocodile Douluo, was guarding the Elder Hall. Gui Mei and Yue Guan also came with Hu Liena, Xie Yue and other brats.

Once the Qiandaoliu of the Great Enshrinement behaves strangely and completely breaks with the Haotian Sect, they will directly attack the surrounding Haotian Sect disciples, arrest them all, and even kill them if they resist strongly.

Not only the five elders of the Haotian Sect were lurking around to watch, but many disciples also came, and even the four former affiliated sects of the Haotian Sect also arrived.

And Tang San still had to complete a task this time, which was to conquer the four major affiliated sects.

The Haotian Sect escaped too quickly before, and many things were not dealt with. The main forces of the four affiliated sects were also forgotten by them, and they could only live in Douluo Continent. This incident made the people who once strongly supported Haotian The four clans of the sect were extremely disappointed.

This time, after hearing that Haotian Patriarch Tang Chen was back, the four affiliated sects ventured out to watch. The four affiliated sects were the Li, Po, Min, and Yu clans.

As the peerless battle on the top of the mountain began, Tang San also received news about the four affiliated sects, and went to their locations with Tang Tian and others, preparing to persuade them to return to the Haotian Sect.

The four affiliated sects are all gathered on the south side of the mountain range.

The leader of the Min clan, Bai He, led his clan members to circle around a small hill. Some strong men in the clan used the martial spirit of Sharp-tailed Swift and flew high into the sky, hoping to see the battle between the peerless Douluo more clearly.

The spirit masters of the Force Clan were sitting in the stone forest at the bottom of the hill. They all had strong muscles and could easily crush the stones around them. Their martial spirits were powerful orangutans, and they were very powerful.

The soul master of the Po clan crossed his arms and stared at the sky, his face extremely solemn.

Niu Gao, the leader of the Yu clan, climbed to the top of the hill and met with the clan leaders of the other three clans.

"Three old friends, long time no see."

"Niugao, you're finally here. If you weren't here, I would have thought that your Yu clan was extinct."

Niu Gao's rough face showed a bitter smile: "Titan, don't laugh at me. Our four major clans are all the same."

Yang Wudi, who had a murderous look on his face, snorted: "We, the Po Clan, are different from you. The disciples are the targets of being wooed wherever they go."

"Who told you that the Soul-Breaking Gun, the inherited martial spirit of your Po clan, was born with a ten-thousand-year soul ring? It's so powerful." "Okay, stop talking nonsense. This time the Haotian Sect appears. The old sect leader Tang Chen has returned. , what are your three clans’ plans?”

At this time, the white crane standing on the top of the hill said lightly.

"Plan? If it hadn't been for the appearance of the old sect leader, our Po clan would never have come to participate in the affairs of the Haotian Sect. There is no plan."

Yang Wudi hummed.

"Returning to nature cannot be so easy. They just left when they asked. Now if we shamelessly stick to it, then our four major tribes are too spineless. How can we act like that?"

"What Tai Tan said is right. We are not just cabbages in the vegetable market. We buy whatever we want and throw it away without mercy. At least, we have to be invited by the Haotian Sect before we can think about it."

"Niu Gao, are you kidding? We have sworn to break away from the Haotian Sect, and you changed your position so easily?"

Yang Wudi said in disbelief.

"Otherwise, why do you come here? Isn't it just to have contact with Haotian Sect?"

Niu Gao asked.

At this time, a young man from the Min clan flew down from mid-air, cupped his hands towards Bai He and said, "Clan leader, the people from the Haotian Sect are here."

"No, let them go back."

Bai He said in a deep voice.

The young man nodded and flew very quickly to the outside of the hill, but flew back after a while and said:

"Sect Master, this person claims to be Tang Hao's son and comes to pay homage to him with a letter from the old sect leader Tang Chen. Look..."

"Tang Hao? The grandson of the old sect master? It turns out that he is the direct junior sect master of the Haotian Sect. He also brought a letter from the old sect master, so we have to go and see him."

Bai He also had some hesitation, and finally looked at the other three: "What do you think?"

Niu Gao nodded: "Since you are here under the orders of the old sect leader, you really should meet him, otherwise it will make us, the four major clans, look disrespectful and ignorant."

Tai Tan moved his steps and muttered: "Let's go, but we can't let him see us so easily. Let the outstanding disciples in the clan try them."

"Okay, I agree." Niu Gao supported.

Yang Wudi was the only one with a gloomy face. He was a man of integrity. He wouldn't believe anyone who didn't conquer him.

Each of the four major clans has appointed two disciples from their own clan. They are all very talented within the clan. They are basically around 16 years old and have a soul master level in their forties.

The temporary team composed of the four major clans has the attributes of defense, agility attack, strong attack, and can take into account combat in the sky and on land. With eight people united, an ordinary team of soul masters cannot defeat them.

However, in front of Tang San and Tang Long, although these disciples were a bit difficult to deal with, they were not invincible. Within a quarter of an hour, they used the Clear Sky Hammer to crack the Yu clan's defense, and even the Li clan He was also shaken by the arrogance of the Clear Sky Hammer.

Tang San cupped his hands, knelt down on one knee and said to the hilltop: "Junior Tang San, I sincerely ask all seniors to come out and meet each other. This is a time of life and death, related to the future of the Haotian Sect. On behalf of the Haotian Sect, Xiao San here first wishes to the four major clans. Apologize."

(End of this chapter)

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