Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 135: Penetrating the Far North, even the Tianmeng Ice Silkworms came out

Chapter 135: Penetrating the Far North, even the Tianmeng Ice Silkworms came out

The person exuding golden-white light flies close to the Arctic ice sheet.

Raised or sunken ice mountains provide good hiding conditions for Qiandaoliu.

Tang Chen looked at the glacier and exhaled, "Brother Qian, I haven't seen you for decades, and you are still so naive. How can ice and snow protect you in the face of absolute power?"

The next moment, Tang Chen's face was red and veins all over his body stood out.

The huge mountain turned over together with the Clear Sky Hammer, and was blasted away from the ground.

On the path, a huge trace appeared, and all small ice slopes and ice layers that were obstructive were shattered.

Some soul beasts in the far north were stunned when they saw this scene.

A group of direwolves stood on the snowdrift in the distance, licking their mouths. The ferocious hunting gaze turned into confusion in Erha.

The polar snow hare popped its head out of the snow and looked around. The next moment, it was led by the strong wind passing by the mountain. Its cute head twisted and twisted in the air, and immediately turned into a yellow soul ring...

The Far North is one of the three major soul beast gathering places in Douluo Continent. Although the density of soul beasts living here is not as high as that of the Star Dou Forest, there are definitely a lot of soul beasts. They are water attribute soul masters hunting soul rings. One of the best locations, such as Tianshui Academy, one of the five major elemental academies in the mainland.

However, due to the harsh environment of the Far North and low temperatures all year round, the soul beast also needs to conserve energy, so it spends most of its time sleeping.

At this time, the surrounding soul beasts were awakened by this terrifying power, crawled out of the cave, and moved away from the center of the power.

But how can the speed and power of these hundred-year-old and thousand-year-old soul beasts be able to compete with a huge mountain and the power of a peerless Douluo?

Many unfortunate ice soul beasts all died in their sleep.

Some soul rings rose up in the cave, some turned into soul rings in mid-air, and some were sucked to the mountain and turned into soul rings.

Viewed from the sky, these soul rings generally appear as a straight line, with yellow and purple intertwined, and there are even black soul rings. One can imagine the terrifying power of Tang Chen's move. Even if it passes by, it can kill thousands of people. Nian Soul Beast.

Finally, boom!
Tang Chen locked the position of Qian Daoliu and smashed the entire mountain directly.

In the hinterland of the Far North, hundreds of meters of broken ice and snow suddenly rose up. The ice instantly shattered, and the sea water below was blasted up. In the end, it reached a height of a thousand meters. A huge mountain stood like this in the Far North. among the land.

At the bottom of the mountain, the ice cracked completely, and a delicate ice silkworm woke up from its sleep, looking confused.

It was a head that was white jade all over, crystal clear, with no dirt on its smooth skin, a halo flowing under the epidermis, and a pair of small golden eyes on its head.

The most peculiar thing is that starting half a meter from its head, there is a circle of golden patterns at intervals. From the beginning to the end, there are a total of nine golden patterns.

This violent bombardment and the pressure of a huge mountain failed to crush it to death.

The ice silkworm's round head still looked a little confused and had a painful expression, but he actually spoke:

"Oh my god, it hurts so much. What's going on? The ice layer I'm sleeping on is so thick, hard, and long. It's a natural protective shield. Who can break it?"

Tianmeng Bingshen cursed a few times, licked his injured area, then looked around at the surrounding environment, and was suddenly stunned.

"Brother, are you free? Brother actually came out of the ice marrow layer? Hahahahaha!"

Then, it was extremely happy. Ice silkworms were not considered to be the supreme spirit beasts in the far north, but were instead a vulnerable group.Because Tianmeng Ice Silkworm was lucky when it was young, it fell into a crevice in the ice. As a result, it found the ice marrow, which was very nourishing to them. So they kept eating and eating, and their size kept getting bigger. When it came back When I was thinking, I found that I could no longer squeeze out from the gap, so I turned around and kept eating, sleeping after eating, and eating after sleeping.

In the end, it turned out to be one of the few top-level soul beasts in the entire continent.

However, its combat effectiveness is very stretched and does not match its age at all.

Unexpectedly, it actually regained its freedom.

However, soon, it became sad again.

Although it is very old now, I don’t know how long it has lived, and I don’t know how many years or thousands of years have passed outside?Tens of thousands of years?How many 10 years ago?

Perhaps, the group of ice silkworms it once stayed with are all dead, and now it is at the ancestor level without a single friend.

A golden holy light burst out from the mountain sunken into the ice sheet.

Qian Daoliu used his sword to create an exit from inside. He looked a little embarrassed, with a trace of blood seeping from the corner of his mouth.

The explosion of the Clear Sky Hammer combined with the weight of a mountain is very terrifying. Even an army of tens of thousands will be completely wiped out, and no one will survive.

Qian Daoliu's expression changed completely. He originally had expectations for Tang Chen, and the two of them were just competing. Now it seems that this shit is fighting as a battle of life and death.

"Okay, very good. After so many years, no one has ever been able to hurt me. Tang Chen, we have been old friends for so many years, and you want to fight me to this extent just because of an Evil Immortal Douluo. What's so scary about him?" ? I am the guardian of angels and the nemesis of some evil spirits. You are all afraid of him, but I am not afraid. I will defeat you and then defeat the evil immortals to let you know who is the trustworthy person in this continent. "

The angel sword in Qian Daoliu's hand disappeared, replaced by a weapon with a red hilt condensed from his body: the Sky-Measuring Sword!

This was originally a 10-year-old soul bone absorbed by Qiandaoliu. After refining, it turned into an indestructible sword and became Qiandaoliu's best weapon. Even the Haotian Hammer could not blast it. Break it.

Back then, he also used this sword to kill the swordsman Chen Xun instantly.

The sword came out, which meant that Qian Daoliu was about to fight tooth and nail.

Moreover, there was almost no one in a hundred miles radius. Only a few hundred miles away, on the outskirts of the Far North, a few people who came to hunt in the Far North could detect that a terrifying battle was taking place in the depths.

On the outskirts of the snow-white world, there is a group of beautiful women walking. They are students from Tianshui College. They come to look for ice soul beasts and hunt soul rings.

The teacher from Tianshui College looked at the scene inside and couldn't help but sigh: "Who are those two figures? They have such terrifying strength."

"Teacher, I heard that the Grand Priest of Wuhun Palace and the Patriarch of Haotian Sect are fighting on the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain is only one or two hundred kilometers away from here. Could they have fought from the top of the mountain?"


"What a terrifying fluctuation. If one day I can have half of that power, I will be satisfied."

They were all surprised when they saw the fluctuations of soul power erupting from the depths of the Far North.

Just two-quarters of an hour later, three figures came up from the south side, wielding swords, and arrived at the far north.

Moreover, what they cannot see currently is that after those three figures, there are more than ten people coming quickly, but the speed is much slower.

(End of this chapter)

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