Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 145 Ice Emperor, you don’t want to see the Snow Emperor being ruined, right?

Chapter 145 Ice Emperor, you don’t want to see the Snow Emperor being ruined, right?

"Sacrifice? What are you dreaming about? Why should we sacrifice to you? I would rather blow myself up and die with you invaders than sacrifice."

The Ice Emperor had a cold face, how could this human boy say such ridiculous remarks?
The Snow Emperor also thought that Su Xie was ridiculous. Sacrifice required the soul beast to be willing to give up all its cultivation and life and dedicate it to others. At most, only the soul could still be attached to others. If the other party's spiritual power was strong, , there is even the risk of the soul being annihilated.

"The best result is that you are voluntary. To be honest, I don't really want to force you, because I don't really like to use force. I like to see others in chaos, but I don't like to be in chaos myself."

Su Xie said lightly, I am afraid that anyone who knows him would twitch the corner of his mouth when hearing such words, and be speechless towards Su Xie in his heart.

He is obviously an evil person, and he is the leading criminal in mainland China, but he talks about how helpless he is, as if he had no choice but to do those bad things. Isn't it really abominable? !
"Axi, I really can't stand it. Human boy, although you are very strong, you can't insult our two goddesses in the far north like this, right?"

The Titan Snow Demon King finally pulled himself out of the pit. After a little healing, he came to the feet of the Ice Emperor and the Snow Emperor and paid them surrender and respect:

"Greetings to the Ice Emperor, Lord Snow Emperor. I am your loyal guardian. Do you remember me, Lord Snow Emperor? I once went deep into the core of the Far North to find you and ask you to become your spouse."


Before Su Xie could take action, the Ice Emperor's body surged with violent ice and snow power, leaving a huge mark on the Titan Snow Demon King's big face, and its figure rolled away.

"Oh, damn, Lord Ice Emperor, do you still want to prevent Lord Snow Emperor from reproducing? She must need a spouse, and the powerful blood power needs to be passed down. Why can't that person be me? Lord Ice Emperor, you want it too. Compete with me?
Roar!I have long seen that, Lord Ice Emperor, you also like Lord Snow Emperor, but you are both females and cannot mate, so let me suffer a little and live with you two from now on! "

Although the Titan Snow Demon King was seriously injured, it has to be said that the strength of its Titan bloodline is still strong, and it has never forgotten the matter of passing on to future generations.

Ice Emperor's eyes were full of murderous intent when he looked at it. If Su Xie hadn't been a threat, she would have chased the Titan Snow Demon King Zhe, making it unable to survive or die. It had a mean mouth, and it could only think about things with its lower body. Lowly species!

"go to hell!"

The Ice Emperor almost roared out these three words.

However, after roaring, the Ice Emperor suddenly attacked Su Xie.

She has already seen the power Su Xie unleashed. It was very powerful. Even she was not sure of defeating him. The only chance of winning was to be surprised!

A green scorpion tail suddenly appeared from behind her round ass, and instantly transformed into three, attacking Su Xie from three directions.

Once stabbed, he will be troubled by methamphetamine. A weak person will have his internal organs frozen within a quarter of an hour, his organs will stop functioning and become fossilized, and then he will die.

Su Xie could see through people's hearts and had already anticipated the Ice Emperor's movements. The figure had retreated dozens of meters in an instant, and dozens of evil swords flew towards him, blocking the Ice Jade Emperor's Scorpion King Tail's attack.

Claw of the Ice Emperor!

Permafrost field!

The next moment, all the Ice Emperor's strength exploded, far more powerful than the previous effort to deal with the enshrinement of the Spirit Hall.

Her hands and forearms became extremely hard, covered with a layer of diamond-like particles that could penetrate the human body, and she attacked Su Xie crazily.With her as the center, a very powerful force of ice erupted, sweeping hundreds of miles around in a matter of seconds. Even the Tianshui Academy group, who were outside the core of the Far North, had their bodies covered with ice. It was instantly covered with a thick layer of ice. If she breaks through 40 years, the power of this field will be even stronger.

"It seems that you have made your choice. Do you attach great importance to the Ice and Snow Girl? Then, I must have her."

A demon sword appeared in Su Xie's palm. When the demon sword was born, the sky in the far north changed its color and became gray, filled with the smell of killing and blood.

The strength of the Demonic Sword can fully withstand the Ice Emperor's attack. Even the Ice Emperor's claws cannot destroy it, and the parts that come into contact with the Demonic Sword will most likely be assimilated.

Soon, the Ice Queen noticed something was wrong. Her scorpion tail seemed to be slowly becoming fragile.

In the end, Su Xie grabbed the root of her scorpion tail, which made Ice Emperor blush: "Asshole, let go of my tail!"

That’s a private part!
In the world of the ice jade emperor scorpion race, one of the methods of courting is to compete with the scorpion tail. If the male can bite the base of the female's evil tail during the scorpion tail duel, which is the private part closest to the genitals, he will win. victory.

Although Hyokui has escaped from that low-level stage, his private parts are still preserved, which makes her very angry.

Su Xie exerted his strength and pulled the Ice Emperor over.

The Ice Emperor was so frightened that he immediately used the defensive technique, Ice Emperor Body Protection, and the surface of his body was immediately covered with a layer of pentagonal ice crystals. It was so strong that even a peak Douluo could not break it quickly.

Unexpectedly, Su Xie did not launch a fatal blow to her, but leaned into her ear and said lightly:

"Ice Emperor, if you are unwilling to take the initiative to sacrifice, then I will take action against the Snow Emperor. Do you want to see the most beautiful creature in the world like the Snow Emperor be defiled? Oh, I have a good idea, how about Just let the Titan Snow Demon King come, I don’t know if the Snow Emperor can withstand its huge body.”


Hearing these words, the Ice Emperor was extremely furious.

Her anger skyrocketed. In Su Xie's eyes, the sky in the far north turned red. He was really surprised. He didn't expect that a simple sentence could make the Ice Emperor so excited.

Su Xie's words were not transmitted into the secret. Snow Emperor and the others also heard it. After all, after reaching such a level of cultivation, their hearing is very strong. They could even hear the souls hidden inside amidst the loud noises of the snowstorm. The cry of the beast.

Although the Snow Emperor was not well versed in these things, he vaguely understood them. He was very angry after hearing this. The Snow Emperor's words made snowflakes fly thousands of miles away.

In an instant, crystal clear ice and snow covered thousands of miles around the Far North, and snowflakes began to fall in places that were originally on the edge of the Far North.

Only the Titan Snow Demon King was very happy: "I thought we were enemies, but it turns out you are my best friend. I am very happy to help. Let the Snow Emperor conceive the baby of our Titan Snow Demon clan!"

(End of this chapter)

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