Chapter 15 Su Xie becomes the dean

The thick black air spread instantly.

The sky in the entire Shrek Academy became gloomy.

Su Xie's body floated slowly, facing Flanders from a distance.

The ten sharp cat eagle air blades were annihilated in the evil energy one after another.

Feeling the extremely dark aura emanating from Su Xie's body, Flanders and Zhao Wuji both swallowed and murmured:
"Where did this traitor get such powerful power?"

"Dean, it's up to you! You know, I don't have such a strong attacking soul skill. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to call the King Ming, so I would be called the King Ming instead!"

Zhao Wuji was a little frightened when he saw the sword that Su Xie had quickly gathered, and immediately released his soul skill: Immovable Ming King Body!

Although this was only a century-old spirit ring spirit skill, it gave Zhao Wuji a considerable defense bonus, casting a layer of golden light on his body that had already become extraordinarily strong due to his martial spirit avatar.

The meaning is very simple and clear: I can't break this sword, I can only defend it.

Old Li Tou had received instructions from Flanders and had just released the martial soul dragon pattern stick to join the battle.

As soon as he took a step forward, he found that Su Xie erupted with terrifying soul power that made his heart palpitate and was difficult to contend with.

So he stepped back more than ten steps, then left the scene of the battle, muttering:

"This Flanders, even you Soul Saints can't stand it, and yet you let me, a little old man in the Soul Emperor realm, take action. Aren't you using me as a backing? I'm not stupid."

"Teacher Li, would you like a big and delicious sausage? It only costs five copper soul coins. It has been improved. I guarantee you will fall in love with it."

At this time, a bearded uncle came towards me pushing a trolley. Seeing Lao Litou's panicked face, he couldn't help but wonder:
"Teacher Li, you look frightened. What happened?"

"There seems to be fighting spirit power fluctuations ahead. Could it be that they have recruited junior students? Is Teacher Zhao testing their actual combat abilities?"

"Great, then someone can test my new sausage."

With a smile on his face, Oscar pushed the cart and ran over.

Old Li Tou said angrily: "If you want to die, just go over there!"

"What's going on? Teacher Zhao got mad? I'm not a freshman, and I don't know how to hit me."

Oscar asked over his shoulder.

Old Li took a deep breath: "It's not Zhao Wuji, it's Su Xie."

"Are you even afraid of Su Xie like this? No way, no? Isn't he just a useless soul master with an innate soul power of level 0.6?"

"Can he kill me? Don't be kidding me, Teacher Li. He has not been able to beat me since he was a child."

"And hasn't he been beaten since he was a child? After he was seven years old, he was beaten with scars. I used the big recovery sausage to heal his wounds. I only charged him 5 copper soul coins!"

Oscar gestured, not realizing the seriousness of the problem at all.

Li Yusong was a little speechless: "That's because your soul skills are too wretched. No one buys the sausages you make. You can only make money from him."

"Xiao Ao, please be careful. You bullied Su Xie a lot when you were a child. Be careful if he seeks revenge on you."

"Teacher Li is really a fake, just a Su Xie, does that matter?"

Oscar was doubtful and took Li Yusong's wrist, "I don't believe it. Teacher Li, please take me to see it."

"Are you so crazy? Are you going to die?"

At this moment, a shocking sword sound sounded.

A huge demon statue appeared in the sky above Shrek Academy, and Su Xie was suspended in front of the demon god.

With a wave of Su Xie's hand, the demon swung his giant sword and slashed down on Flanders, who had fully activated his soul power.It was a direct crush, and the Demonic Sword crashed into the interior of Shrek Academy, pressing down on Flanders' body.

The dust and strong wind swept away, and even the bodies of Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Dai Mubai who were watching the battle were blown away by the remaining power.

That sword seemed like the end was coming and the devil was destroying the world!
The sword is so domineering and unparalleled that it seems to be able to destroy everything with the power of Pluto!
When I looked back, most of the buildings inside Shrek Academy had been destroyed, and the center had become ruins, with ruins and ruins everywhere.

Flandre's martial soul's true form faded away, and a ferocious big bloody scar appeared on his body. The wound was across his chest, his ribs were broken, and he almost cut him into two pieces with a sword!
Although Zhao Wuji had extremely high defense power, he was also internally injured by the sword of the Evil Sword Immortal. A surge of blood surged up, and he spurted out a large mouthful of blood on the ground.

"Strong, too strong. Is this the true power of a strong Contra warrior?"

"The Evil Sword Immortal Martial Spirit, this martial spirit may soon be resounding throughout the Douluo Continent."

Ning Rongrong climbed up from the ground delicately, her white dress stained with spots of loess. Looking at Su Xie slowly falling from the sky, she knew that this person would definitely become famous in the mainland in the future.

"Xiao Wu, are you alright?"

Tang San immediately went to help Xiao Wu, and Xiao Wu rubbed her small buttocks: "It hurts so much!"

Zhu Zhuqing was very smart. She quickly grabbed a big tree and avoided most of the remaining power of the evil sword.

Cats' reaction speed is very fast, and their climbing and jumping abilities are amazing.

She witnessed the grace of Su Xie's sword and was impressed by him.

They were both twelve or thirteen years old, and they were just great soul masters. Dai Mubai, who was three years older than him, was only at the soul master level!

Oscar's big sausage fell to the ground and he was stunned:
"Then that's Su Xie?"

"I am not wrong, right?"

"Su Xie is so powerful?"

"Teacher Li, pinch me and see if it hurts. Am I dreaming?"

Oscar rubbed his eyes vigorously, unable to believe the scene in front of him.

But Li Yusong pinched him, and the pain of his skin being twisted nearly 360 degrees came, so Oscar had to believe that this was true!
"Does it hurt? Is it uncomfortable? That's right. If it doesn't hurt, it won't be remembered long, right, Dean Flanders."

Su Xie's figure slowly walked out of the black air and came to Flanders.

He pinched a handful of white powder on the ground. He clearly remembered where the kitchen of Shrek Academy was, and these powders were salt!
Not only did Su Xie not pity him for being seriously injured, he also sprinkled the broken salt mixed with mud on the wounds of Flanders and Zhao Wuji!
Suddenly, Flanders and Zao Wuji felt like there were thousands of ants gnawing on the wounds, and the heart-gnawing pain was nothing more than that!
"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The tragic sound echoed throughout Shrek Academy, like the scream of a ghost undergoing torment in hell, which made people shudder.

"Demon, you demon!"

"Su Xie, you are not a human at all!"

Flender's face turned pale in pain, he clenched his teeth, and finally passed out. However, the evil energy coming out of his body showed that he was very resentful towards Su Xie at this moment!

Zhao Wuji's helpless eyes met Su Xie's, and he looked like a frightened little girl:
"Wrong, Su Xie, I was wrong. From now on, whatever you say will be whatever you say. I absolutely agree!"

"Is it? lol."

Where is this?It was just a severe beating. How could the ten years of suffering he had endured be so easily appeased?
"By the way, let me tell you, I am now the dean of Shrek Academy. Which of you agrees and who disagrees?"

Su Xie looked at Zhao Wuji calmly, and when he saw Zhao Wuji nodded suddenly and agreed repeatedly, he turned and looked at the others.


Lao Li took a gulp of saliva and immediately bent down to salute: "Greetings to the dean!"

(End of this chapter)

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