Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 17: Dai Mubai and Tang are so angry 3

Chapter 17: Dai Mubai and Tang San were so angry
During the reconstruction of Shrek Academy, all members of Shrek were exhausted.

Everyone complained and felt extremely resentful towards Su Xie.

Dai Mubai: Do you know what it feels like to move 10 yuan of bricks in one day?My waist is going to be broken!
Zhao Wuji: I would like to call Su Xie the most evil dean in mainland China!As strong as I am, I am drained!
Tang San: You have mastered the method of death!

Li Yusong: Mr. Li, I am really weak. Dean, please spare me!

Xiao Wu: If it weren’t for my brother’s life and safety, I would not be willing to suffer this kind of insult even if I died!
Ning Rongrong: This lady is so angry!This guy Su Xie actually asked me to wash his feet!Even my father never asked me to do this!

Zhu Zhuqing: Although he is very eccentric, in this world, the strong can dominate everything.

As night fell, the temperature dropped, and everyone's emotions also cooled down. However, resentment still floated up from time to time and gathered in the sky above Shrek Academy.

During the reconstruction of the college, Su Xie lived in the best room, which was also Flanders' residence.

Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, and Ning Rongrong were arranged to live around Su Xie.

Perhaps it was because Su Xie's level was so high and his hearing was so good that he could even hear the sounds of them changing clothes and taking off their underwear.

Ning Rongrong screamed: "Ah! That's coming!"

Su Xie was almost startled.

Dai Mubai and the others were in a worse situation. They didn't have a fixed room to sleep in. They could only find a big tree to lean on and walk among the ruins. They didn't know when this miserable life would end.

"Ask me to provide you with the design drawings of the house, and I will make you a trap house. Fill it with hidden weapons, and you will be shot to death by random arrows as soon as you move in!"

Tang San looked at Su Xie's room, and dark thoughts came to his mind.

"I really want to move a huge boulder and smash him to death!"

Dai Mubai said angrily.

At this moment, Su Xie came out of the room and called Xiao Wu out:
"It's too cold at night, go and warm my bed."

At this time, Xiao Wu was wearing a pair of pale pink pajamas, with one long straight leg looming in the moonlight, holding a white rabbit doll. After hearing Su Xie's request, she became a little angry:
"How old are you? You still need to keep your bed warm? Are you vain? I don't want it!"

Xiao Wu stamped her feet. She had been massaging Su Xie for a day, and her hands were sore.

With the addition of the Evil Sword Immortal martial spirit, Su Xie's body is slowly changing. From being thin and weak at the beginning, it gradually becomes very hard. Of course she can't control it!
"You really don't want it?"

Su Xie smiled faintly, held Xiao Wu's chin and said, "Xiao Wu, you don't want Tang San to know about you being a rabbit, right?"

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's expression changed, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly: "What rabbit? My martial spirit is indeed a soft-bone rabbit."

"You know what I mean, tell me, if your brother knew that the sister he spends day and night with is actually a spirit beast, would he leave you?"

"If I publicize this matter, how many soul masters will come to hunt you down?"

Su Xie took a step forward lightly, bent slightly and leaned against Xiao Wu's ear. His hot breath blew on her white neck, making Xiao Wu tremble all over:

"You are really shameless!"

Xiao Wu was extremely aggrieved, her eyes were helpless, and she was at a loss. Su Xie actually saw through her identity!
She always felt that only a strong person above the realm of Titled Douluo could see through that she was a soul beast incarnate!

"Damn Su Xie, he wants to bully Xiao Wu again."

Tang San couldn't bear it any longer and rushed forward to stand in front of Xiao Wu: "Su Xie, what do you want to do? I can work hard without complaining, but don't bully Xiao Wu."

Su Xie spread his hands and said calmly: "I didn't bully her, Xiao Wu did it voluntarily."

Tang San looked back at Xiao Wu and asked in disbelief: "Xiao Wu, is it true?"

Xiao Wu nodded pitifully and followed Su Xie into the room:
"Brother, don't worry. Xiao Wu is not that fragile. I can bear it. Don't act impulsively just for Xiao Wu."

It was like a bolt from the blue hitting Tang San, fragile?bear?What are you going to endure?
Dai Mubai patted Tang San on the shoulder and comforted:

"Xiaosan, look at it openly. If you want to live a decent life, you must have a little green on your head."

"Who made us succumb to Su Xie now? He is a devil." But at this moment, a charming voice sounded in the room:

"Ah~ don't be like this, I want to wear pants, it's so cool!"

"Please be gentle, you bastard!"

"Hiss! You are so rude, you made me hurt so much!"

Hearing this voice, Dai Mubai and Tang San were both stunned, and then a surge of anger surged up.

"This beast treats Xiao Wu like this. I can't bear it anymore. Even if I die today, I will save Xiao Wu!"

Tang San had used the Xuantian Technique to the extreme, and the hidden weapon was ready, even if it exposed the spirit of the Clear Sky Hammer!

A thick black air emerged from the top of his head, and the intensity of the resentment reached the highest level in Shrek Academy so far. It provided Su Xie with at least [-] evil points!
"Calm down, mistress, calm down, she is just your sister! What's more, didn't she also say that she did it voluntarily!"

"You rushed in like this. Not only will it embarrass Xiao Wu, do you want her to be seen naked by everyone? You may also anger the devil Su Xie and harm all of us."

Dai Mubai pressed his heavy palms on Tang San's body and persuaded him earnestly.

"Yes, she is just my sister."

"Boss Dai, you are right. Those who achieve great things must be patient. We still have many opportunities to grow. One day we will escape from his clutches. When we are truly strong, we can avenge our shame!"

Tang San clenched his fist, Xuantian Baolu recorded an extremely destructive hidden weapon that could destroy everything in the world - Buddha's Furious Tang Lotus.

If you have the chance, Su Xie must try it!

At this moment, Xiao Wu actually opened the door, her smooth skin exposed in the moonlight, and she looked pitiful.

She was holding her inner clothes and a cat girl costume.

Tang San and Dai Mubai looked surprised: So fast?Su Xie is actually Brother Three Seconds?

She ignored the surprised Tang San and Dai Mubai, then knocked on Zhu Zhuqing's door, handed the cat girl's costume into Zhu Zhuqing's hands, and said in a hoarse voice:

"Zhuqing, that devil asked you to wear these clothes to warm his bed."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the somewhat private and extremely sentimental cat girl's clothes and bit her lip. She was still a little hesitant, but after seeing Dai Mubai, she nodded decisively.

Dai Mubai can play around, why can't I?

Even if it is given to Su Xie, at least he is a strong man, which is better than giving it to Dai Mubai in the future!
After taking the cat girl uniform, Zhu Zhuqing went back to her room and changed her clothes. She was dressed in black, with two fluffy short cats on her head and a long tail floating behind her round butt. The tight clothes highlighted her perfect figure.

Dai Mubai's eyes turned red. Where could he find such a perfect wife?

"Zhu Zhuqing, you are my fiancée, you can't go!"

Dai Mubai said anxiously.

"Then you can defeat him and become a strong man who can make decisions for me, can you?"

Zhu Zhuqing pushed Dai Mubai away and entered Su Xie's room.

Suddenly, the green light also surged above Dai Mubai's head, and he didn't know how much resentment was generated!

"Hey, Boss Dai, if you want to live a decent life, you must have some green on your head."

Oscar and Tang San comforted Dai Mubai at this time.

Only then did Xiao Wu explain:
"Actually, you don't have to worry. Su Xie didn't do anything to us. He said he just likes to hear that kind of shameful voice."

"Then I also like to hear it. Xiao Wu, you can also call me one."

"Go away, the first soul skill, waist bow!"

(End of this chapter)

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