Chapter 29 Tang Hao's Shot
There was a loud sound in the sky, and the King of Forces made his debut.

A black figure quietly appeared in midair, floating there quietly, as if he should belong there in the first place.

It was a middle-aged man who looked about 50 years old, tall and burly, but his attire was not flattering.

The torn robe was worn on the body, without even a patch on it, revealing the bronze-colored skin underneath. The originally upright facial features were covered with a layer of waxy yellow, with a sleepy look, and the hair was messy like a bird's nest. The beard on the face has not been groomed for an unknown number of days.

But Su Xie recognized him at a glance. This was Tang Hao, the forced king who used the power of his wife to show off!

Seeing this man, Tang San, who had always been strong, was on the verge of collapse. A few difficult words slowly came out of his mouth: "Dad...Dad!"

"Is that Tang San's father?"

"This momentum is not simple, it is very strong."

Feeling the pressure of the visitor, Flanders and Zhao Wuji lamented the power of the visitor. They stared at Tang Hao, but failed to recognize Tang Hao's identity at the first time.

Until Yu Xiaogang bowed to the visitor: "Greetings to your Majesty Haotian."

Everyone was stunned: "Your Majesty Haotian Crown? Is it Haotian Douluo?"

"Tang San's father is actually Haotian Douluo Tang Hao?!"

"Greetings to Your Majesty Haotian!"

Flanders, Zhao Wuji, Dai Mubai and others all bowed their heads in respect.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but lower her head. Third brother's father was so powerful, wouldn't he also see through her identity?
Although Ning Rongrong still raised her head, her eyes were full of surprise.

Seeing the admiring looks in everyone's eyes, Tang Hao smiled lightly and said, "Master, you are well. Thank you for helping me take care of my mistress these years."

Immediately, Tang Hao glanced at Tang San again: "I originally wanted to see how you were doing. If you are still used to staying in Shrek, I would just make do with them and learn from them. I didn't expect that you could even control a young man. It's really It makes me a little disappointed.”

Hearing this, Yu Xiaogang's face darkened and he was a little disappointed. The master had always been arrogant, but at this time he looked at Tang Hao with only respect in his eyes.

In the world of soul masters, Tang Hao is his only idol.

The reason is very simple. He is the enemy of Wuhun Palace and dares to beat the titled Douluo of Wuhun Palace.

"Your Majesty Haotian, you should know that fighting has never been my strong point. I can only teach the third soul master knowledge and help him become stronger in a reasonable way."

Yu Xiaogang explained.

When Su Xie heard this, he just wanted to laugh: "You taught me Loneliness. Without you, Tang San would have become stronger!"

Flanders and the others also requested Tang Hao: "The appearance of such a rebellious disciple in Shrek Academy is due to our inability to teach him well. We also ask His Majesty Haotian to help us subdue this disciple."

"Well, now that I'm here, I won't let him continue to do evil. What's more, if he talks too much, I will smash his mouth so that he can never talk again in the future."

Tang Hao looked at Su Xie, and right behind him, a huge black hammer floated out of thin air.

"Hahaha, Haotian Douluo is really majestic, but I, the Evil Sword Immortal, am not afraid of heaven and earth, good and evil, so why should I be afraid of a coward relying on the power of his wife?"

"Come on, I also want to see what you are, how dare you be the enemy of Wuhun Palace."

Su Xie stood there calmly, not even afraid of the huge Haotian bamboo shoots.

He deliberately mentioned Wuhun Palace in order to arouse Tang Hao's anger towards Wuhun Palace and his longing for his deceased wife.Su Xie's words really made Tang Hao's face turn ugly. He held the Clear Sky Hammer behind him and said, "Son, no matter where you learned these things, you will pay the price for your words."

His hammer was like a huge cauldron, and it suddenly hit Su Xie.

Su Xie stood still, and the evil energy on his fingertips turned into a dagger, which unexpectedly collided with the huge Haotian Hammer.

A strong wind swept across the square of Shrek Academy.

The next moment, Su Xie slid back more than ten meters, his feet sinking deep into the soil.

Tang Hao also flew backwards for dozens of meters and glanced at Su Xie in surprise: "You are the first person in more than ten years who dares to hit me head-on, and you are still a child. In another ten years, you will be the first person to hit me head-on. I'm afraid you're going to get to the point where even I'm afraid, but unfortunately, you don't know how to be patient and you jumped out too early."

"You know how to be patient, so you are afraid of the power of the Wuhun Palace. You have been hiding for more than ten years and dared not come out. This has made the entire sect fall into despair because of you. Is your forbearance just decadence? If you were really strong, you should have entered the Wuhun Palace. Soul Palace, avenge the past."

Su Xie's arms shook, sighing in his heart that Tang Hao still had some strength, but his face smiled lightly:
"Everyone bullies the weak and fears the strong. You know you can't defeat Wuhun Palace, so you don't dare to take action.

But facing me, you came forward just because you thought I was weak and could be manipulated by you, but you never thought that you would lose here today. "

"What a shame! Boy, let me show you my true power!"

Tang Hao's face gradually lost its calmness. Su Xie aroused his anger. One after another, the soul rings slowly rose from his feet. The speed of the soul rings rising was not fast, but with the appearance of each soul ring, his aura It became more and more solemn.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, red.

When all nine soul rings appeared, strong pressure also attacked Su Xie.

Seeing this scene, Flanders and the others consciously avoided to avoid being accidentally hurt, but their faces were a little bitter:
"I'm afraid the college will be destroyed again, and completely."

Zhao Wuji and Dai Mubai were not at all distressed. After all, when Flanders's diary was exposed and their true thoughts were driven out by Su Xie, it meant that Shrek Academy would be disbanded.

"The nine soul rings are really Haotian Douluo, Tang Hao!"

"That turned out to be a red soul ring, a 10-year-old soul ring. It's incredible. There are actually 10-year-old soul rings on the mainland!"

Seeing Tang Hao's soul ring configuration, everyone showed admiration.

The 10-year-old soul ring is indeed known as the most desired thing among soul masters. As soon as it appears, they are extremely envious.

"Boy, face the wrath of the Clear Sky Hammer."

"Xiao San, see clearly, this is the true power of the Clear Sky Hammer."

The fifth black ring on Tang Hao's body lit up, activated his fifth soul skill, and prepared to hit Su Xie.

Unexpectedly, Su Xie was not far behind. Nine soul rings slowly appeared under his feet, and the configuration of the soul rings was not inferior to that of Tang Hao:
Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, red!

Although the soul rings were the same, the strange and mysterious aura exuding from Su Xie at this moment was slightly inferior to even Tang Hao's.

As Su Xie's martial spirit appeared, the sky for dozens of miles around was covered with a layer of light gray mist.

"What, he actually has a 10-year soul ring?!"

"When did he get it?!"

(End of this chapter)

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