Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 3 A Yin sacrifices and realizes the wrath of the evil sword demon!

Chapter 3 A Yin sacrifices and realizes the wrath of the evil sword demon!
"Third sister, don't abandon me!!!"

A heart-wrenching roar came from Su Xie's ears.

Standing in front of Su Xie were several soul masters wearing Wuhun Palace uniforms.

Two of them were no strangers to Su Xie. They were Pope Qian Xunji who had just been possessed by him, and the ghost he had just seen.

Opposite them, a middle-aged man was holding a newborn baby and screaming heartily. He reached out to touch the beautiful woman in front of him.

The beautiful woman in a blue-gold dress looked at him crazily. Golden ribbons were raised around the hem of the skirt. A faint fragrance rippled in the air. Her azure eyes were as gentle as sapphire crystals. Powerful energy bursts out, forming a huge magnetic field that isolates everyone else.

"Only in this way will you have a chance to survive."

"Brother Hao, take care of our children."

Ah Yin's expression was very gentle, but her eyes were firm, and she held the belief of sacrifice.

All the soul power began to condense, manifesting into a red soul ring and blessing Tang Hao's body, helping him break through the No. 90 level and become a powerful titled Douluo!

"This was the scene when the Wuhun Palace was chasing the 10-year-old transformed soul beast Ah Yin. It was also the source of the everlasting grudge between the Haotian Sect and the Wuhun Palace."

"It's a pity that Ah Yin, such a gentle and virtuous transformed soul beast, actually took advantage of Tang Hao, a pretender."

Really grass.

Do all the virtuous and kind-hearted women in the world like this kind of Erlang boy?
However, Su Xie is not here to save the beauty, but to aggravate the conflict between them.

Thinking of this, the Bishop of Wuhun Palace possessed by Su Xie took a step forward and outputted:

"It turned out to be a sacrifice of a 10-year-old soul beast. It's incredible!"

"Everyone, hurry up and stop them. This 10-year-old Blue Silver Emperor can only be owned by the Pope!"

"It's such a pity that such a gorgeous red 10-year-old soul ring is blessed by this reckless man!"

"Tang Hao, listen, your Haotian Sect is rubbish! Your brother Tang Xiao is rubbish too, and you are even more useless among the rubbish!"

"Don't think it's a big deal if a 10-year-old soul beast is sacrificed for you!"

"Even if you break through to a Titled Douluo, you are still a waste! It is impossible to defeat our Pope, how can a newly promoted Titled Star compete with the bright moon?"

"You can't protect your children, nor can you protect your wife. You are a coward who needs to sacrifice your wife to become stronger!"

"Ah Yin has been unlucky for eight lifetimes by following you! Even the ant-day elephants are not as outrageous as you are. Pregnant women in other families are confinement at home, with clothes to stretch out their hands and food to open their mouths. What about you? You just have to I can take my wife to the end of the world!"

"Coward! Trash!"

As Su Xie burst out with heart-wrenching remarks, Qianxunji, Gui Mei and other powerful men all looked at the bishop possessed by Su Xie in surprise:
Why have I never noticed that this guy is so talkative before?Have you ever practiced ventriloquism?

However, Qianxunji found it very helpful!

That's right, Haotian Sect is garbage!Tang Hao is also a waste. Even if he breaks through the Title Douluo, he is still no match for him!
Tang Hao was indeed angered.

He was deeply saddened by Ah Yin's sacrifice, and he hated Qianxun so much that he wished he could kill everyone in Wuhun Hall.Su Xie's words deeply stimulated the most vulnerable part of Tang Hao's heart. Suddenly, his eyes turned blood red, and he looked at Qian Xunji and the others and roared:
"If you have the guts, don't run away. I will use the Clear Sky Hammer to smash you one by one into a pulp!"

"Brother Hao, promise me you will live well..."

At this time, A Yin's soul began to dissipate, and all her power turned into a soul ring and was unconditionally attached to Tang Hao. She left a few words to make Tang Hao sober up a little.

Seeing that the resentment generated on Tang Hao's head was weakening, Su Xie decided not to do it anymore, so he took a step forward:
"Still want to live? Dream on! Although these 10-year-old soul beasts were sacrificed, they still left behind 10-year-old soul bones. You still have a child. Our Wuhun Palace will raise this child and let him It would be fun to personally lead the soul masters to destroy the Haotian Sect from now on."

As soon as these words came out, even Qian Xunji and Gui Mei were shocked and looked at the bishop possessed by Su Xie in disbelief:
Damn it, this is a path that I have never imagined, isn’t this too sinister?

At this moment, the sacrificial realm dissipated, and Tang Hao also successfully broke through to the Titled Douluo. Nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, and red appeared under his feet!

A huge and dark hammer appeared in his hand, and instantly expanded hundreds of times, becoming as big as a mountain.

As soon as he made a move, he turned into his true form of martial spirit, wielding a giant hammer and hitting them with all his strength, hoping to smash them all into scum!
Seeing this scene, Su Xie was also shocked. For him now, Tang Hao's strength is really strong!

The next moment, Su Xie's figure appeared on the distant mountain peak, and began to absorb the majestic anger and hatred generated by Tang Hao.

These resentments are the nutrients Su Xie needs most.

"Be angry and hate them. They are the most real emotions deep in people's hearts. I just helped you bring them out."

"Only with these seven emotions and six desires can you be called a human being."

The resentment that no one else could see rolled away and poured into Su Xie's body, causing his soul power level to rise crazily again.

At the same time, Tang Hao had already frightened the faces of several people in Wuhun Palace.

"Why did you say you had nothing to do to provoke him?!"

The ghost was horrified and questioned the bishop who was previously possessed by Su Xie, only to find that he had been beaten to death by Tang Hao's hammer.

Even the ghost himself was shaken out of his psychological shadow, and his thin body trembled involuntarily.

Only Qian Xunji was still in front, with his angel martial soul shining brightly. Nine soul rings also appeared, and his soul power level was higher than that of Tang Hao.

But Tang Hao was still not afraid. All nine of his soul rings began to shatter, and he used the Haotian Sect's unique skill - the Great Sumeru Hammer to explode the rings!
All the soul ring power poured into the Clear Sky Hammer in an instant, and smashed it towards Qian Xunji!
At this moment, the resentment floating in Tang Hao reached its peak, and then began to decrease rapidly!

And Su Xie’s soul power level:

In the end, Su Xie's soul power level exceeded level 70 and was fixed at level 75!
Became a strong soul saint and obtained the seventh soul skill, the true form of the Evil Sword Immortal!

[Sixth Soul Skill: Evil Sword, Demon God’s Wrath! ]

With a rumble, Su Xie stepped on the seven rings, a black sword pierced the air, a dark demon appeared, and swung his sword to break the mountain...

Ghostly in the shadow of the terrifying Clear Sky Hammer, he saw Su Xie's back again and felt it was very familiar.

Suddenly, the back figure turned back, still covering his face with one hand, the black mist was lingering, and an evil smile appeared on his lips, which made the ghost couldn't help but think of the words he left on the top of the Pope's Palace, and screamed uncontrollably:
"Why is it him again?!"

(End of this chapter)

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