Chapter 41 This is Sword Flying

"Master, I'll give it to you to eat."

In an inn on the outskirts of Xingluo City, Zhu Zhuqing, wearing a black hat, entered the room with a bowl of steaming noodles and placed it on the table in front of Su Xie.

I am afraid that even the people of the Xingluo royal family did not expect that Su Xie had committed a heinous crime and killed the emperor of a country, but did not leave the Xingluo Empire immediately. Instead, he stayed around Xingluo City for a few days.

Because Su Xie had beheaded Emperor Xingluo in a majestic manner, word spread throughout Xingluo City very quickly. People were panicking. In addition to apprehending the murderer, there was also the most important thing, which was who would inherit the throne?
I heard that the eldest prince Davis had hurried back from Xingluo Royal Academy after hearing the news to take charge of the overall situation.

At the same time, some ministers began to favor Dai Mubai's succession to the throne. Before Emperor Xingluo died, Dai Mubai sacrificed his dignity to save his father, which moved the royal family and ministers deeply.

There are even some princes from various places in Star Luo who are ready to fight for the throne.

The situation in the Star Luo Empire is in chaos, and the battle for the throne and the national enemy Evil Immortal Douluo have become the hottest topics in the entire Star Luo Empire.

This situation is something Su Xie likes to see.

The reason why he still stayed in the Star Luo Empire was because he was still absorbing the negative aura constantly generated by the people of Star Luo.

It was still a very powerful resentment.

Moreover, because of the deep-rooted philosophy of the weak and the strong throughout the Star Luo Empire, there will be a lot of negative atmosphere in the empire, which is oppression, complaints, and resentment.
These negative auras were basically absorbed by Su Xie and turned into part of his power.

It wasn't until the resentment floating in the sky gradually became thinner in Su Xie's eyes that he withdrew his mind.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Su Xie murmured:
"It's not far from level 94."

Su Xie smiled faintly and sniffed Zhu Zhuqing's face. It was very fragrant.

He glanced at Zhu Zhuqing and was a little surprised:
"You broke through again? You're at level [-]."

Su Xie could see through Zhu Zhuqing's soul power at a glance.

Zhu Zhuqing nodded: "Maybe it's because the pressure in my heart has disappeared, so absorbing soul power has been particularly smooth recently, and the soul master level has improved faster than before."

In half a month, she broke through the third level. This is an exaggerated speed. It might have taken her a year to break through the third or fourth level.

At this moment, the task bar on the panel appeared in Su Xie's mind:
[The task of breaking off the engagement has come to an end for the time being. Although the completion process was very bumpy and the result was very willful, fortunately, the host's original intention of fearing that the world will be unstable is still firm, and it has also triggered the national hatred of the Star Luo Empire, and its strength has increased significantly. 】

[The basic mission is now released: Go to the Star Forest and help Zhu Zhuqing hunt for the third soul ring.After completion, the host can choose to upgrade any of its soul rings to the same number of years as the soul ring it absorbed. 】

Zhu Zhuqing's third soul ring should be around the year 2000. In other words, the value of helping Zhu Zhuqing hunt for soul rings is actually equivalent to the one previously released by the system to conquer the Star Luo Emperor.
Su Xie mourned three seconds of silence for Emperor Xingluo in his heart. You, the king of a country, are not as valuable as me, a little kitty slave. It is really sad and lamentable.

However, by killing Emperor Xingluo, Su Xie did not feel that he had brought disaster to the Xingluo Empire.

Although Su Xie is the binder of the Evil Sword Immortal Panel, he doesn't want to admit that he has done a great thing.

This Emperor Xingluo is not a good person.

He also killed his half-brothers to take the throne, and even killed several more powerful uncles to prevent them from threatening his throne.

The concept of law of the jungle is fully implemented in his hands. The army fights and the people are tyrannical. In everything, force is supreme. The weak have no right to survive.
"Let's go."

Su Xie stood up from the bed. Zhu Zhuqing obediently helped Su Xie tie his shoelaces and asked, "Where are you going?" "Star Dou Forest, hunting the third soul ring for you."

After Su Xie said this, the following words appeared on the Evil Sword Immortal panel:

[The Star Dou Forest is one of the three most famous soul beast settlements in Douluo Continent. It is a huge primeval forest with complex terrain that breeds many powerful soul beasts. The closer the soul beasts are to the inside, the more powerful they will be. There is a terrifying 10-year-old soul beast, which is very dangerous! 】

Su Xie was speechless. If I were to hunt a 10-year-old soul beast, it would be fine if you just reminded me like this.

After all, I am a titled Douluo now, hunting a thousand-year soul beast, how dangerous is it?
"Thank you master."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing was a little happy. Unexpectedly, Su Xie planned to take her directly to hunt for the third soul ring.

Seeing the faint crimson gas floating above Zhu Zhuqing's head, Su Xie felt something bad: No, this girl is greedy for my body again!
It has to be said that the Evil Sword Immortal Martial Spirit is very useful. It can see the emotions generated by others and infer their true inner thoughts.

This is not the first time that Su Xie has seen this crimson and pink aura floating above Zhu Zhuqing's head.

This is obviously a manifestation of desire and emotion.

I kindly took her in as a cat slave to help her get rid of the suffering in the world, but she actually coveted the body of my Evil Sword Immortal!
this is too scary!

No wonder every night when she goes to bed, she is reluctant to leave after warming up the bed, wanting to compete with him for the bed. It turns out she has already fallen in love with him!
I'm afraid, I, the Evil Sword Immortal, will lose my virginity to her one day and die in a woman's body, crying out in sorrow!
"Let's go now."

Su Xie said decisively, putting on a black robe, covering most of his face.

Although Su Xie was not afraid of being pursued by the Xingluo royal family, it would be troublesome if someone found out and pestered them.

Even if you kill him, you still have to waste a few seconds, right?

Someone said it before, even if it is a titled Douluo, when he is alone against an empire, he may kill everyone until he is exhausted.

On the outskirts of Xingluo City, two figures in black stopped on the flat ground.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Seeing Su Xie suddenly stop, Zhu Zhuqing asked cautiously, had they been discovered and followed?

Unexpectedly, Su Xie took out the Demon Suppressing Sword.

As soon as the demon-suppressing sword appeared, Zhu Zhuqing seemed to be suppressed, his face turned red, and he gasped:
"Master, why did you take it out? It looks so scary, ah! It's getting bigger? It's getting so big!"

Zhu Zhuqing's voice was trembling.

Under Su Xie's control, the demon-suppressing sword became several times larger, floating in mid-air like a small boat, which made Zhu Zhuqing surprised again and again.

Su Xie lightly jumped onto the demon-suppressing sword, stretched out his hand to Zhu Zhuqing and said:
"Star Luo City is located on the south side of the continent. It is [-] miles, if not thousands of miles, from the Star Dou Forest. How long will it take to walk there? What's more, we are still wanted criminals in the Star Luo Empire. Let's fly there. ,save time and energy."

Su Xie smiled faintly, and his charming and philosophical smile made people addicted: "This is flying with a sword."

(End of this chapter)

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