Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 51: To convince you, you killed the Titan ape?

Chapter 51: To convince you, you killed the Titan ape? (three)

The third sword was released and directly chopped off one of the Titan Ape's arms.

The Titan Ape almost lost the will to fight.

This is why it rarely chooses to escape.

It looked at Su Xie with awe in its eyes.

This human is too strong!
Moreover, it can be seen in his eyes: murderous intent.

"Not enough, not enough."

Su Xie held the demon-suppressing sword and chased the Titan ape to slash.

When has the majestic king of the forest ever been so embarrassed?

He actually ended up being chased and chopped?
The blood on the Titan ape's body was constantly flowing. It shuttled through the forest, and a large pit was dug out of the land it walked on. Inside the pit was a pool of blood, and the branches and leaves of the trees were dyed red.

The Titan Ape's body is getting weaker and weaker, losing too much blood and still bearing the pressure of the Demon Suppressing Sword.

It made a low cry, as if begging for mercy: Stop chasing!Let me go please!
It roared in a certain direction in the forest, as if it was roaring at someone.

The Titan ape stumbled away while struggling to speak human words:

"Hao... Haotian... Douluo, you... still haven't... taken action!"

As the Titan Giant Ape said these words, the demon-suppressing sword flashed and struck it again.

It finally couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground.

"Human, you... are very strong. I lost."

Under the demon-suppressing sword, the Titan ape began to lose its pride.

Looking at the sword in Su Xie's hand, it really couldn't resist.

The Titan Giant Ape asked himself that he had never been convinced by any soul master, and now Su Xie was one.

Give it another choice, and it won't listen to Tang Hao's slander anymore.

The Titan Ape looked in a certain direction resentfully, but Tang Hao hadn't made a move yet!
His breath also disappeared.

Haotian Douluo, ran away!
Tang Hao's figure indeed disappeared.

He waved the Clear Sky Hammer, blasted a small exit in the Evil Sword Formation, and took Xiao Wu and Tang San deep into the forest.

Looking at Tang Hao fleeing deep into the forest, Su Xie smiled.

Of course he knew that Tang Hao was lurking in the dark, and he had been paying attention.

I just didn't expect that the majestic Haotian Douluo didn't even take any action, he turned around and ran away!

Xiao Wu glanced back, her eyes full of worry: "Uncle Tang, where is Er Ming?"

"Dad, have you killed Su Xie?" Tang San asked expectantly.

Tang Hao swallowed a mouthful of saliva and was a little silent. It was not until he was far away from the outer circle and arrived in the mixed circle that Tang Hao said:
"We haven't seen each other for a while. Su Xie has become stronger again, and he also obtained a demon sword. Er Ming has no chance to resist in his hands."

Tang Hao also had a disdainful word in his heart that he didn't say, for fear of hurting Xiao Wu's heart:
The so-called Titan Giant Ape, the king of the forest, is nothing more than this, but he is so vulnerable. Let alone restraining Su Xie, he is just a big piece of meat, ready to be slaughtered by him!
"So how is Er Ming doing now?" Xiao Wu asked nervously.

"Suppressed by Su Xie."

"What? So Uncle Tang, you abandoned Er Ming and escaped alone?!"

Hearing this, Xiao Wu felt bad, trembling all over, and was very disappointed with Tang Hao.

It was a huge mistake to let Er Ming follow him to kill Su Xie!

"What's running away? This is called planning and then acting. I'm not sure I can defeat Su Xie. Am I going to die?"

"Only after you hide, practice, and gain stronger power can you kill him."

Tang Hao said in a deep voice, he didn't like the word "escape" very much. "Then Er Ming should not have been allowed to die from the very beginning."

Xiao Wu looked at Tang Hao with a bit of resentment.

"Little girl, don't hate me, I didn't expect that boy to get such a sword.

Without that sword, if I join forces with the Titan Ape, we will be able to defeat him. "

Tang Hao said: "Besides, don't be too nervous. Su Xie will not kill the Titan Giant Ape. After all, it is a high-end soul beast and is difficult to encounter. A 10-year-old soul ring is every soul master's dream. "

"And he has reached nine rings and cannot absorb any more soul rings, so if he kills the Titan Ape immediately, then the soul ring will be meaningless because no one will absorb it and it will lose its value."

"So he will definitely keep the Titanosaurus, and we still have a chance to rescue it."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu bit her lip: "Uncle Tang, you'd better keep your word, otherwise if Er Ming's life is in danger, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"Okay, Xiao Wu, don't worry, dad knows this, we are all a family.

Er Ming, since you are a good friend, you are also our family. Dad will not give up on it. "

Tang San touched Xiao Wu's head, hugged her into his arms, and comforted her.

Xiao Wu's eyes were complicated, and she always felt a little untrustworthy, but she seemed to have no choice but to believe them.

"I hope so."

Xiao Wu was very worried about the condition of the Titan Giant Ape.

Tang Hao said at this time: "By the way, Xiao Wu, don't you have a good friend, the Azure Bull Python? It should be more powerful than the Titan Ape. If you can make it cooperate with me, maybe Can save the Titan ape."

Xiao Wu's face was frozen and speechless.

Uncle Tang, Haotian Douluo, do you still want to show your face?

[Side mission - Defeat the Titan Giant Ape has been completed.The reward for the eighth soul ring is that the life span exceeds 10 years and is additionally completed. 】

Su Xie's figure fell into the big tree in front of the Titan Ape. Among the dense leaves and branches, the eighth soul ring at Su Xie's feet began to transform from black to red.

If any soul master could get close and see the transformation of the soul ring under Su Xie's feet, they would be greatly surprised.

At a young age, the worst soul rings on his body are all purple, and he also has two 10-year-old soul rings. What is this concept?
Knowing that the rewards from the system had been distributed, Su Xie held the Demon Suppressing Sword and swung it again without hesitation.

And this sword is completely different from his previous sword.

He had swung his sword at the ape before, only to wound it.

This sword is a soul skill given to Su Xie by the Demon Suppressing Sword: Demon Slaying!
Kill the demon with one sword, causing evil thoughts to spread throughout the world!
Su Xie held the demon-suppressing sword and pointed at the sky, causing the sky to change color.

Thick black clouds came in, densely packed, and turned into a sky-reaching black energy that connected with the Demon Suppressing Sword. The majestic power affected a radius of dozens of miles.

Tang Hao, Tang San, and Xiao Wu, who were heading to the core of the Star Dou Forest, also saw the black air and couldn't help but look back.

"Isn't this Su Xie's power?"

Tang Hao was a little lucky. This power was probably not inferior to the power of his own nine-ring explosion.

"What does he want to do? This power... will kill Er Ming!"

Xiao Wu suddenly became excited and her body flew out desperately.

Finally, he was imprisoned by Tang Hao's power: "Girl, are you crazy? In the center area of ​​​​this power, even the remaining power can kill you. If we want to take revenge, we must become stronger!"

At this time, not sure if he was affected by the sight of the majestic demon-slaying soul power, Tang San groaned, and his soul power bloomed, breaking through level [-].

Sword in hand.

The figure floated in the clouds, and Su Xie swung a sword light that destroyed the world and struck the Titan ape directly.

Immediately, the Titan ape turned into two halves and fell. The entire outer circle seemed to be divided into two halves by the sword light.

(End of this chapter)

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