Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 54 Zhao Wuji: Two super Douluo take action, is Su Xie still alive?

Chapter 54 Zhao Wuji: Two super Douluo take action, is Su Xie still alive?

The disciples of the White Tiger Sect brought by Dai Yueming are not simple.

They are listed as members of the Star Luo National Guard Team. Every five of them form a team, a total of eight teams.

The soul masters of each team are carefully selected on the battlefield. They cooperate with each other tacitly and can use martial soul fusion skills. The eight teams gathered together, led by Dai Yueming, who is in the Contra realm, can burst out very powerful. strength.

This is also the reason why Dai Yueming dares to fight against the Unparalleled Dragon and Snake.

Longgong Meng Shu frowned and refused to give in: "You are the soul master team representing the Star Luo Empire and are affiliated with the soul master army. Strictly speaking, this place belongs to the Tiandou Empire. Do you, Xing Luo, not only want to Do you want to kill this little girl and challenge the majesty of the Tiandou Empire and trigger a war between the two countries?"

Dai Yueming snorted: "The Star Dou Great Forest has never said which country it is divided into. It belongs to all the soul masters in the entire continent. Moreover, our country's situation is special this time. Xing Luo has sent envoys to negotiate with the Tiandou royal family and request Let’s slay the evil immortal together. I believe there will be results soon.”

"Today, Zhu Zhuqing must be handed over to us, and we must use her blood to commemorate the passing of the emperor!"

The White Tiger Sect disciples behind Dai Yueming all had angry faces. Zhu Zhuqing and Su Xie had reached the point where humans and gods in the Star Luo Empire were angry.

Everyone knew that it was Evil Immortal Douluo who killed Emperor Xingluo, but Zhu Zhuqing became the target of public criticism.

They knew that they could not defeat Evil Immortal Douluo, but Zhu Zhuqing was someone they could bully.

Moreover, the cause of the incident was also because Zhu Zhuqing broke off the engagement.

As a result, a saying spread among the Xingluo royal family: "If you want to kill the evil immortal, kill the cat slave first!"

Because Zhu Zhuqing broke off the engagement, the Zhu family was criticized by Quan Xingluo and instantly fell from the altar, becoming the last of the four major families.

There is even a risk that the Zhu family will be removed from the four major Xingluo families.

This incident even affected the marriage between Zhu Zhuyun and Davis, and was related to the inheritance of the throne.

"If I'm here, I won't let you take her away. I'll put it here."

Snake Woman snorted at Tianxiang, her soul ring flashing fiercely, and she was ready to fight.

"In that case, let's use the rules of the soul master world to decide her fate. We Xingluo people also believe in force."

The soul masters behind Dai Yueming all revealed their soul rings, forming a soul master formation, and a pure white tiger emerged.

With the blessing of these White Tiger Sect disciples, his soul power actually increased, reaching the peak of the Contra realm!
Suddenly, Unparalleled Dragon Snake and Dai Yueming fought fiercely.

Meng Yiran comforted Zhu Zhuqing and said, "Don't be afraid. If my grandparents work together, even a titled Douluo can resist for a while. They won't let anyone hurt you."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at the other soul masters who were eyeing him, held Meng Yiran's hand and said: "If you encounter danger later, you should return to your family and don't lose your life because of me. If I die, the master will do it for me." None of them will have an easy time taking revenge.”

Zhu Zhuqing stared at every soul master standing opposite them with stern eyes. She remembered them!

White Tiger Sect, Fire Leopard Sect, Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect. If these people become stronger one day, they will definitely make them pay a heavy price!

"Ghost Douluo, Ju Douluo, take action, that Zhu Zhuqing is the maid of Evil Immortal Douluo."

Not far from where the Unparalleled Dragon Snake and Dai Yueming were fighting, several figures were looking at them indifferently.

A flattering smile appeared on Zhao Wuji's rough face. These two were the powerful titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace!
If they take action, Su Xie will be finished this time!

When they thought of this, Zhao Wuji and Ma Hongjun couldn't help but smile happily on their faces.

"Catch her first, and then ask about Su Xie's whereabouts!"

"Jie, Jie, Jie, don't be in a hurry, let them fight first, not to mention that our target is Evil Immortal Douluo, not Zhu Zhuqing." The ghost was in the dark, and even though he was standing not far from him, Zhao Wuji couldn't see it. Clear his face.

Listening to the ghostly laughter, Zhao Wuji and the others always felt a little weird. Su Xie seemed to laugh like this sometimes?
"I'm a little curious that the Unparalleled Dragon and Snake would actually help her. Although the Unparalleled Dragon and Snake together have the strength of peak Contra, it's not cost-effective to face the wrath of the Star Luo Empire. What made them do this? decision?"

"Could it be that this Evil Immortal Douluo really has such strength and charm? I want to meet him more and more."

Ju Douluo Yueguan looked like a woman. He spoke in a high-pitched voice and licked his lips.

"Lord Ju Douluo, you will definitely regret seeing him. He is ordinary in appearance, and his behavior is evil, bold, and ungrateful. He is simply a wicked person. His hands and feet should be crippled, and then driven into the killing city, so that He was severely bullied by the evil people inside!"

Zhao Wuji said fiercely that he could not defeat Su Xie, but the two in front of him were heard to be elders of Wuhun Palace and were very powerful!

Moreover, according to Zhao Wuji's understanding, the Xingluo Empire once sent people to Wuhun Palace to ask for an explanation.

I heard that this kid Su Xie was spreading rumors in Xingluo. He was actually from Wuhun Palace.

Therefore, these two people are very active in searching for Su Xie, which shows how much they want to kill Su Xie!
Zhao Wuji felt a little gloating in his heart. Who could Su Xie throw the blame on?
With his level as a Titled Douluo, even if he were thrown to other forces, no one would be able to hunt him down.

It happens to be the Wuhun Palace, the most powerful soul master force on the continent!
"You are quite ruthless, Fudo Ming Wang Zhao Wuji."

Yue Guan's little jade hand crossed Zhao Wuji's chest, squeezed his huge muscles, and exhaled a breath of hot breath.

The ghost waved out a black energy and hit Yue Guan on the back of his hand. Yue Guan was so shocked that he stopped his hand and said resentfully:

"Old man, what are you doing?"

The ghost hummed: "We have been ordered by His Majesty the Pope to do business. Put away your petty thoughts, otherwise you will be careful of His Majesty the Pope's punishment."

"Tch, aren't you jealous?"

Yue Guan hummed: "Don't be jealous. Although this reckless man looks physically stronger than you, he is only in the Soul Saint realm and is actually far less powerful than you."

"As for that Evil Immortal Douluo, can he still escape if we two level 95 super Douluo take action?"

"Now that he has killed the Titan Ape, he is probably absorbing some kind of power erupting from the Titan Ape's body. As long as he takes action after absorbing it, he will not be able to escape our eyes."

Yue Guan calmly stated his judgment.

Cold sweat broke out on the back of Zhao Wuji's neck, goosebumps appeared all over his body, and he cast a grateful look at the ghost.

He always felt that this Ju Douluo was a little weird.

Could it be that he likes macho men and is attracted to him?
What is his relationship with Ghost Douluo?

However, these two are actually level 95 super Douluo?
Two super Douluo take action, is Su Xie still alive?

Ghost said: "Don't be careless. Since this Evil Immortal Douluo can kill the King of the Forest, it shows that he has some strength. His Majesty the Pope asked us to come together to see him, which is enough to show how much he is valued."

Just once again, a powerful wave of soul power erupted from a certain edge of the outer circle, causing the surrounding soul beasts to flee like crazy.

Immediately afterwards, a young man's figure appeared above the forest. Looking for resentment, he flew towards Zhu Zhuqing's position.

"Evil Immortal Douluo appears!"

(End of this chapter)

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