Chapter 6 The Collapse of Zao Wu-Ki
"Dean! Something bad has happened!"

"That kid Su Xie is a ghost!"

Zhao Wuji, who had fled in embarrassment from Su Xie, walked quickly on the path in the college. He came to Flender's office and complained bitterly.

Flanders and Dai Mubai were discussing tomorrow's enrollment plan. When they saw Zhao Wuji running in ragged clothes, they both frowned:
"Zhao Wuji, who beat you like this?"

"Teacher Zhao, what's wrong with you?"

"I just sensed that you used the power of martial arts. There shouldn't be a teacher in our academy who can torture your majestic Fudo Mingou into such a state, right?"

Flanders lay on the chair, adjusted his square black-rimmed crystal glasses, glanced at Flanders, and felt a little ridiculous:
"What's wrong with Su Xie? A kid with an innate soul power of only level 0.6 will have no future in this life."

"But you, you actually used the power of the martial spirit just now. I almost thought you wanted to beat that little guy to death. That is the wealth of our academy. You can just use it for a while. If it hurts someone's life, then I won't agree. It cost a lot of soul coins to raise him so big."

"I really just wanted to teach him a lesson, but what I didn't expect was that the boy's strength and speed were superior to mine. Even if I used the power of martial arts, I could only beat him at a [-]-[-] ratio. That boy I don’t know how I got that evil power, it’s very strong.”

Zhao Wuji quickly explained, but as he said it, he felt that it would be too shameful to admit that he had been beaten violently, so he changed his words to a [-]-[-] split.

But even so, Flanders and Dai Mubai looked at him with disbelief:
"Old Zhao (Teacher Zhao), stop playing around. You are a mighty soul saint. How can Su Xie, a person who doesn't even have soul skills, fight you with this injury on your body?"

Dai Mubai came closer and took a closer look at the bruises and swelling on Zhao Wuji's face. He uncovered Zhao Wuji's ragged clothes and discovered that there were traces of blood inside that formed a pattern of a big turtle.

For a moment, both Dai Mubai and Flanders laughed: "Old Zhao, who did this? What a shame!"

"I said it all, Su Xie!"

The laughter of Dai Mubai and Flender was harsh, and their doubts made Zhao Wuji very hurt, because in their eyes, it was embarrassing to be beaten like this by Su Xie!

Seeing Zhao Wuji's anxious and depressed expression, Flanders and Dai Mubai looked at each other, suddenly feeling that things were not simple.

"Zundu fake duo?"

"It's impossible. Not to mention that Su Xie's talent is poor and his martial arts is low-level. Even the top genius on the mainland cannot have the strength to fight against the Soul Saint at the age of twelve or thirteen!"

"Oh! Oh my god, it's really true!"

Seeing that the two of them still didn't believe this, Zhao Wuji stamped his feet anxiously.

"Go and have a look."

Flanders and Dai Mubai looked at each other and went straight to Su Xie's hut.

The door of the hut was very broken and there was no lock, so they just opened the door and went out, which was also convenient for calling Su Xie.

Unexpectedly, Su Xie was already prepared.

When he entered the door, he saw Su Xie lying weakly on the wooden bed, covered with a torn quilt, and there was blood on his body.

"Dean, Brother Dai, why are you here?"

Su Xie got out of bed tremblingly, his lips turning white. When he saw Zhao Wuji following behind, he trembled all over and huddled in a corner, trembling:

"Teacher Zhao, don't hit me. I know I was wrong. I will go to work as soon as my injury gets better. Please don't hit me again!"

"Dean, the aura in this kid's body is very disordered, and he is indeed seriously injured."

Dai Mubai checked Su Xie's physical condition and found that his pulse was very disordered and his internal injuries were serious.

Hearing this, Flanders snorted, glared at Zhao Wuji and said:

"Zhao Wuji! Is this what you call a [-]-[-] split?! It's really yours!"

"When we came to the college to recruit students, there were not enough manpower in the college. You still injured him so badly and you still told us that it was [-]-[-]. I really want to blow your mind!"

"How many times have I told you? You have to be measured when you strike. He is still a child. If he breaks it, do you have to pay for it?!"

"Su Xie is seriously injured now and can't do anything. Now you do it all!" Zhao Wuji was stunned, pointed at Su Xie with wide eyes and said, "He's just pretending!"

"Su Xie, what are you acting? I didn't even touch you. How were you injured? You were the one hitting me the whole time!"

Zhao Wuji rolled up his sleeves, trying to lift Su Xie up and expose his hypocritical mask.

But after hearing these words, Flanders and Dai Mubai both showed helpless smiles: "As expected, it is self-directed and self-acted. First it was [-]-[-], and now it is beaten throughout the whole process. Can it be any more outrageous?"

The sick Su Xie looked at Flanders helplessly: "Dean, help me~"

"Okay, Zhao Wuji, haven't you made enough trouble yet?!"

Powerful power burst out from Flender's body, and he grabbed Zhao Wuji's hand and dragged him out of the hut.

He said in a deep voice: "Old Zhao, are you sick? A soul saint is here competing with a waste with an innate soul power of level 0.6. What do you want to do?"

"You killed him and drove him away, and you are happy? Your underwear is so smelly, who will wash it for you in the future? Our college also lacks a free handyman, what are you trying to do?"

"No, Lao Fu, why don't you believe me?"

Zhao Wuji was about to cry but had no tears: "Why didn't you see that this kid is so scheming before? He is pretending to you! According to my estimation, he is at least in the realm of Contra, and his level is not low, otherwise he would not be able to do it with just one move. Beat me like this."

Flanders looked at Zao Wuji as if he were a fool:
"Then according to what you say, if a twelve- or thirteen-year-old Contra warrior has this talent, why didn't he show it early? Will he have to suffer a lot as a handyman in the academy?"

"Old Zhao, you know, the reason why Shrek Academy is called this name is because Shrek represents monsters. I want to cultivate geniuses among geniuses who can compete with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and even the soul masters of Wuhun Palace. Duel student, if this kid is as powerful as you say, I would have enshrined him as an ancestor long ago."

"Okay, Old Zhao, let's stop this matter. Don't argue with this waste anymore."

"The most important thing for us now is tomorrow's enrollment. The college has not recruited any students in the past few years. Soul coins have been flowing out. The economic situation is already quite tight. I hope to recruit a few more students this year to form a soul master team and participate in the competition. Some games brought back blood.”

Flender patted Zhao Wuki on the shoulder and comforted him.

Although he didn't believe what Zhao Wuji said, Zhao Wuji was a powerful soul saint and the second strongest person in the academy. He would not really have a quarrel with Zhao Wuji because of Su Xie.

"Su Xie, please take good care of your injuries first. This bottle of medicine has healing effects. Please accept it."

"Don't take Teacher Zhao's matters to heart. He is the kind of carefree person who doesn't take things lightly or seriously. His intentions are not bad."

Flanders left a bottle of medicine for Su Xie, comforted Dai Mubai for a few words, and then left.

Looking at their leaving figures, Su Xie showed a strange smile on his face:

Yes, his heart is not bad. If he hadn't awakened the Evil Sword Immortal Martial Spirit and absorbed the resentment to counterattack, he would have been beaten half to death.

At this moment, Zhao Wuji turned back again. He couldn't figure out what the purpose of Su Xie was pretending to be?
"Our Shrek Academy is poor and has no treasures. Why are you hiding your strength and staying here like this?"

Zhao Wuji walked into the small hut, and when he saw Su Xie, the wounds on his body ached faintly.

How wonderful that he dared to go in!
Su Xie smiled faintly, walked to Zhao Wuji's side, and said calmly:
"I just love it here."

"I just want to play with you."

"I've got you, Zao Wuji."

Su Xie's palm rested on Zhao Wuji's thick shoulder. Almost instantly, a powerful evil energy penetrated his shoulder bone, and severe pain instantly swept through his body.

Zhao Wuji's expression suddenly changed, and his mentality collapsed. This boy was really just faking it!

"Dean, Mubai, come back quickly, I can't bear it alone!"

Zao Wou-Ki wanted to cry without tears.

(End of this chapter)

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