Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 72 Ning Rongrong: Grandpa Jian, slap his butt hard with the 7-kill sword!

Chapter 72 Ning Rongrong: Grandpa Jian, slap his butt hard with the Seven Kills Sword!
"This Qibao Glazed Sect is indeed one of the top three sects and the richest sect on the mainland. These days, we eat delicacies from the mountains and seas, wear brocade clothes, and live in jade towers. These days are so comfortable!"

On the fourth floor of Qibao Glazed Mountain, a rugged man lived in a luxurious guest room to recuperate.

"Shut up~"

Zao Wou-Ki picked up a cup of fragrant tea brewed from centuries-old tea leaves on the sandalwood table, and lay on the rocking chair to take a sip.

This little life is really comfortable.

Back then, he was in the Star Dou Forest, escaping from the people of Canghui College, and couldn't find a good place to go.

In the end, by chance, I exchanged the intelligence information about Su Xie for the opportunity to recuperate at the Qibao Glazed Sect, and also obtained the qualification to become a registered deacon of the Qibao Glazed Sect.

This period of time in the Qibao Glazed Sect can be said to be the most nourishing life that Zhao Wuji has lived in decades. He finally understood that the Qibao Glazed Sect's wealth is not just for boasting. The decorations and buildings in the sect are quite luxurious, comparable to those of the imperial palace. .

Wandering at the foot of the mountain, with the breeze blowing slowly and being served by two maids, one carrying tea and the other carrying a plate of pastries and fruit, Zao Wuji thought that it would be good to spend the rest of his life in the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Moreover, that girl Ning Rongrong was the daughter of the sect leader Ning Fengzhi, so she had her back against a big tree to enjoy the shade.

However, his leisurely days will soon be broken.

Looking down at the mountain gate of Qibao Glazed Sect, the pastry that Zhao Wuji was about to put into his mouth fell to the ground. His expression changed, he rubbed his eyes, and said in disbelief:
"What the hell? Why are they here too? Are they chasing me?"

"Don't I just want you to wash your underwear? I've been beaten and humiliated. There's no need to stare at me all your life, right?"

At the gate of Qibao Glazed Sect, a man and a woman walked indifferently. It was none other than Su Xie and Zhu Zhuqing who had come for an appointment.

Seeing Su Xie's arrival, Zhao Wuji ran back to the guest room in a panic, closed the door tightly, and repeatedly told the maid:

"No matter who comes, they all say that I am not here. No, there is no such person as Zhao Wuji in the Qibao Glazed Sect now. Do you understand?!"

Zhao Wuji was extremely afraid of meeting Su Xie again.

But at this moment, many people in the Qibao Glazed Sect were paying attention to Su Xie's movements.

The Xingluo Royal Family, Wind Sword Sect, Fire Leopard Sect, Blue Lightning King Dragon Sect, Wuhun Palace... the most famous sects in the soul master world all sent out positions to keep an eye on Su Xie.

Especially when Su Xie came to Qibao Glazed Sect, it attracted the attention of all soul masters.

The great elders and sect leaders of Fengjian Sect came in person, expecting to see the showdown between the Evil Sword and the Seven Killing Sword.

Just as Ning Fengzhi and the others said, Su Xie's Evil Sword has become world-famous, while Chen Xin's Seven Killing Sword has been famous for a long time. Which one is stronger and which one is weaker?

"Great Elder, do you think Sword Douluo and Evil Immortal Douluo can fight?"

The leader of Fengjian Sect asked.

The great elder looked at the Qibao Glazed Sect and said in a deep voice:
"Evil Immortal Douluo is afraid that the world will not be in chaos. Since he comes to the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, he will definitely cause some trouble. If he harms the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, then Chen Xin, who protects Douluo, will have to take action. ”

In front of the mountain gate, a young man in black clothes, who looked about 20 years old, opened a portrait and compared it carefully with Su Xie and Zhu Zhuqing, his eyes instantly sharpened:
"Are you the Evil Immortal Douluo?"

Su Xie looked at the young man in front of him, and a wisp of dark red negative gas floated from the top of his head. Su Xie saw his warlike and unyielding heart.

"I, Chen Nian, a level 55 soul sect, do you dare to compress your soul power to fight with me in the same realm?"

Five yellow, yellow, purple, and black soul rings appeared under the young man's feet, and the Seven Killing Sword of Wuhun appeared in his hand, pointing at Su Xie:

"It is said that Evil Sword is the most promising sword spirit to defeat the Seven Kills Sword. I, Chen Nian, want to prove to all the soul masters that the Seven Kills Sword will always be the strongest sword spirit." "Sword Douluo, Chenxin is you. who?"

"He is the elder of my clan and the target of which I, Chen Nian, am proud."

Su Xie shook his head, condensed a gray sword on his fingertips, and cut Chen Nian's Seven Killing Sword into two pieces, and hummed:

"Why should I compress my realm to fight you? It's a waste of time. If everyone in the whole continent wants me to fight with him in the same realm, then how long will I have to fight? What's the point of practicing to a higher realm? "

"Go away, let Ning Rongrong come out to see me, I, Su Xie, am here."

Su Xie kicked Chen Nian mercilessly, and this generation of Seven Killing Sword successors was basically useless.

"Isn't it inappropriate for a generation of titled Douluo to deal such a harsh blow to a junior?"

"I heard that the evil immortal ignores the laws of the world and behaves boldly and arrogantly. Today has happened, and it is indeed worthy of its reputation."

At the top of Qibao Glazed Mountain, a blue sword appeared in the air, flew down, and blocked Su Xie's face.

The appearance of that sword and that figure immediately attracted the attention of all soul masters.

"Sword Dou Luo Chenxin, did you draw your sword?"

"That is the Guardian Douluo of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Chen Xin!"

"The Seven Killing Sword Dou Luo Chenxin is known as the number one attacker in the entire continent!"

"Uncle Jian usually has a very calm personality. Why did he take action today as soon as he said it? Alas..."

Ning Fengzhi stood on the top of the mountain, watching Chen Xin leave with his sword, feeling helpless.

Gu Rong patted his shoulder and said:
"It's normal for him to be a little excited after meeting his opponent for a long time. This battle may bring him to a higher level."

Ning Rongrong looked at Chen Xin, who was flying with the sword and looking carefree, and shouted:
"Come on Grandpa Jian! Teach him a lesson and help Rongrong get revenge!"

"Use your Seven Kills Sword to slap his butt hard and make him come to me to beg for mercy!"

Ning Rongrong's face was very excited, as if she had seen the scene of Su Xie being beaten.

Seeing Ning Rongrong so excited, Gu Rong and Ning Fengzhi couldn't help but look at each other with strange expressions:
Rongrong, what did this kid Su Xie do to you?Why do you have problems with your mental state when you come back?
The Seven Killing Sword is a killing sword with extremely murderous intent. When has it ever been used to spank someone?
"Master, this person can actually fly with a sword. He looks very strong, so be careful."

Zhu Zhuqing was worried about Su Xie and reminded him.

Su Xie took a step forward and said nonchalantly: "If we really count, this Evil Immortal is only twelve or thirteen years old, and Sword Dou Luo Chenxin is already a hundred years old. If he attacks me, how can he not use the older to bully the younger?"

"Hahahaha, okay, okay, in this world, only strength is the main thing. Evil Immortal, I challenge you in the name of the sword. This battle is my personal matter and has nothing to do with the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect."

If it were someone else's sword soul master, Chen Xin would never add this last sentence, because he would definitely win.

But facing Su Xie, he was not absolutely sure, and Su Xie had a weird personality, so it was not impossible for him to destroy the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Chen Xin stood in the air, the Seven Killing Sword of Wuhun appeared in his hand and pointed at Su Xie, "Let me see how powerful your evil sword that killed the King of the Forest and defeated Haotian Douluo is!"

(End of this chapter)

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