Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 75: Wen Cha defeats the Sword Immortal, but I am the only evil Sword Immortal

Chapter 75: Wen Cha defeats the Sword Immortal, but I am the only evil Sword Immortal

"The fusion of man and sword is the legendary highest realm of belief among sword soul masters, the fusion of man and sword!"

"Sword Douluo has actually reached such a state!"

"After destroying Su Xie, Sword Douluo has become one with his sword. There is no way another sword can defeat him!"

"It's too arrogant. He should pay the price for his arrogance."

Most of the soul masters were looking forward to Su Xie's defeat.

He has violated the bottom line of many soul masters across the continent and made them angry. How long can such a person go on?
But how would they know that this was just the beginning.

The great elder of Fengjian Sect narrowed his eyes and muttered:
"No, this kid's sword doesn't look very powerful, but the space around the sword seems to have solidified."

He conducted a mental detection, and as if he was stabbed by something, he quickly recovered his mind.

Chen Xin, who merged with the human sword, was like a sword from heaven, attacking Su Xie.

Su Xie just waved the Merciless Sword lightly, and the fragile sword ignored everything.

After the sword passed, they didn't see what they wanted to see. Su Xie still stood there, as if staring at all the soul masters.

During the battle, he was still absorbing everyone's negative aura.

A large number of soul masters gathered, and the anger and fear of a large number of soul masters... the negative aura generated was also very powerful.

Not only did Su Xie's evil value exceed 95 points again, but his soul power also increased rapidly, and he was about to break through level [-]!
Su Xie did not move, but Chen Xin, who had transformed into the Seven Killing Sword, was like a kite with its string broken, floating in the air and falling to the ground.

A black shadow instantly shuttled over and caught the falling Chen Xin.

After some inspection, it was found that Chen Xin's injuries were extremely serious. From his face to his lower abdomen, there was a bloodstain from being slashed by a sword.

It's nothing short of a miracle.

If it were any other sword soul master, his body might have been broken into two halves.

This sword not only caused severe trauma to his body, but also sealed his soul power.

To put it bluntly, even a Soul King could easily kill him now.

Everyone was silent again.

No one could have imagined that Seven Killing Sword Xian Chenxin would actually lose.

And he lost without dignity, his sword didn't even pierce the opponent's clothes.

This is the ultimate crushing in the way of swordsmanship.

Su Xie's voice rang in the air, and his mouth seemed to be decent. He would not stop until he provoked others' anger:

"I said, Sword Dou Luo Chenxin, but that's it. Do you still have anyone from your Seven Treasures Glazed Sect? Let's come together."

"The sword soul master over there seems to have a lot of objections to me. Why don't you come up and fight me."

"Where are the people from the Star Luo Empire? White Tiger Sect? Fire Leopard Sect? Wind Sword Sect? Star Luo Army? They don't dare to show up anymore, right? I killed your Star Luo Emperor with one sword. You don't stand up for your emperor?" Have you taken revenge? Also, although I killed your emperor, I also sent back a great emperor for you, and that good-for-nothing Dai Mubai will inherit the throne of Xingluo?"

Dai Mubai's succession to the throne was caused by internal struggles within the Xingluo royal family.

It was the general trend for Davis to take the throne, but the sudden death of the emperor and Davis's marriage to Zhu Zhuyun also hindered him.

Many people in the Xingluo royal family believe that the Zhu family has caused trouble, and that Davis's closeness with Zhu Zhuyun has caused him to be involved in trouble. On the contrary, Dai Mubai, who has already severed his relationship with Zhu Zhuqing, is more suitable to succeed the throne.

Secondly, the scene where he knelt down for Emperor Xingluo was witnessed by everyone. Although he was not as bloody as the Xingluo man, it at least proved that he had deep feelings for the royal family.

There were also some powerful people who had been suppressed who wanted to stand up, so they found Dai Mubai and planned a palace and national coup, thus achieving a counterattack.

Su Xie said calmly, his words offended tens of thousands of people, and the anger of more than a thousand people rose up, turning into pure resentment and instilled into Su Xie's body.

However, they dared not get angry and could only stare at Su Xie.

Even Gu Rong did not dare to take action and was persuaded rationally by Ning Fengzhi: "Uncle Bones, don't be impulsive. Uncle Jian has been seriously injured. The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect cannot make the two Guardian Douluo lose their ability to fight at the same time. The risk is too great." ”

This made Su Xie very disappointed.

He could only shake his head and returned to the foot of Qibao Glazed Mountain, where he found Zhu Zhuqing making tea in the pavilion.When Su Xie came back, Zhu Zhuqing had just made the first cup of tea, and the temperature was just right. It wouldn't be hot or cold, it was warm!

"Master, you are amazing!"

"Warm tea defeats the Sword Immortal, but I am the evil Sword Immortal!"

Zhu Zhuqing handed the tea to Su Xie's hand, her eyes were full of him, I'm afraid she wanted to look like him.

Although Su Xie and Chen Xin fought back and forth several times, it didn't take too much time to crush the duel, and it was normal for him to kill with one move.

"This Chen Xin's strength is actually pretty good, but it's a pity that he's only at level 96. If he reaches level 97 and the Seven Kills Sword completely transforms, even the ruthless sword won't be able to hurt him like this."

Su Xie said calmly while drinking tea to quench his thirst.

Zhu Zhuqing asked: "Since Sword Douluo is powerful, master, why do you still say that to everyone? Aren't you making people hate you?"

"Hate, are you still afraid of being hated?" Su Xie said nonchalantly.

Zhu Zhuqing pursed his lips and said, "As long as I stay with my master, I won't be afraid even if I am hated by everyone in the continent."

"That's good. I'm afraid that others won't hate me. It's best if you hate me too. Then I'll be even more excited."

Zhu Zhuqing's face turned red, as if he thought of something indescribable: "Master, you are really worried about the world being in chaos. It turns out that master, you like that kind of fun..."

Master, do you like the tone where the more you resist, the more humiliated you become?
Well... for the master, I can learn anything and act in anything!

Chen Xin woke up in Gu Rong's arms. When he woke up, some healing soul masters came around, but they could only alleviate his injuries slightly, and it was difficult to cure them for a while.

But the first time Chen Xin opened her eyes, she was not concerned about her injuries, but was thinking about Su Xie:

"Evil Immortal Douluo, where is Evil Immortal Douluo Su Xie?!"

Chen Xin grabbed Gu Rong's collar and said excitedly.

"In just a quarter of an hour, this is the ninth time that you, No. 90, have called his name and banned him."

Gu Rong said helplessly.

"Is he gone?"

Chen Xin endured the injury, stood up, and asked.

Ning Fengzhi couldn't bear it and blamed himself: "Uncle Jian, you still want to continue fighting with him? You will die. I should have taken action at that time to assist you, at least not to hurt you so seriously."

Ning Rongrong also said aggrievedly: "Grandpa Jian blames me."

Chen Xin shook his head: "No, in a real sword fight, if you take action, that would be my regret. Where is he? I want to find him. But don't worry, I don't want to fight him, I want to Ask him for advice.”

Chen Xin coughed twice and said, in Su Xie's sword, he seemed to see a new artistic conception, and there was a faint feeling that he was about to break through.

It was also during this battle that he finally saw his position clearly. There was still a certain gap between himself and Su Xie. Only when he broke through to level 97 could he see his back.

This also means that this teenage boy is likely to have peak strength around level 98.


As soon as these two words came out, Gu Rong and Ning Fengzhi both looked at each other.

If they remembered correctly, in terms of swordsmanship, Chen Xin had not said these two words for decades.

They thought that there were almost no people in the world who could ask Chen Xin for advice on the art of swordsmanship.

"Tell me, I have been pursuing the peak of swordsmanship all my life. If I can't answer the confusion in my heart, even if I die, I will not rest in peace."

Chen Xin covered his chest slightly, the grace of that sword was especially in front of his eyes, it was very terrifying, as if everything would be cut off and destroyed.

He seemed to see the height of Grandpa Chenxun.

Gu Rong and Ning Fengzhi sighed. They were afraid that Su Xie would be moody and kill Chen Xin.

"He and Zhu Zhuqing are drinking tea in that pavilion."

(End of this chapter)

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