Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 86 Super Evil Immortal, the human sword merges into one, this is the victory of no sword wit

Chapter 86 Super Evil Immortal, man and sword merge into one, this is the victory of no sword over having a sword!
On Qibao Glazed Mountain, a handsome young man dressed in black walked out of the secret realm.

Su Xie's soul power successfully exceeded level 95, becoming the youngest Super Douluo in the continent.

At the same time, Su Xie's martial spirit also underwent transformation.

The range of perception and absorption of evil thoughts has increased from about 80 kilometers to 160-200 kilometers.

This is a very vast area, and the land area of ​​some small kingdoms on the continent is no more than this.

This also means that if Su Xie stands in the center of a kingdom, he can almost absorb the resentment of people from the entire kingdom, which is very terrifying.

"Master, congratulations."

Behind him, Zhu Zhuqing followed Su Xie, his eyes full of worship and admiration.

Su Xie turned around and said calmly:

"Cat slave, with our current strength, no one should be able to leave us behind under the gods."


Zhu Zhuqing was shocked by these two words. For her at this age and state, God was unattainable and unimaginable to her.

Sensing Zhu Zhuqing's shock, Su Xie said indifferently:

"Don't be surprised. God is actually nothing. With your talent and hard work, you can become a god in the future."

Su Xie rubbed Zhu Zhuqing's head and said something that made Zhu Zhuqing's eyes shine.

Zhu Zhuqing took a breath: "Me? Can I really do it?"

"of course."

Su Xie was extremely sure.

Zhu Zhuqing trained with the master's group and became the god of speed. Now he has become his cat slave, and he will not be able to get a first-level god in the future.

Zhu Zhuqing was very happy. If the master said it was okay, then it would definitely be okay!
Her realm is still very low, so she must practice hard and try not to hold back her master.

She was surprised to find that she seemed to be able to absorb part of her master's evil spirit. In the short period of time just now, there was a black mist that could almost turn into liquid around Su Xie.

She also absorbed a small part and even broke through two levels in a row.

At this moment, Chen Xin, holding a wooden sword, stepped forward again, raised his hand to Su Xie and said:
"Thank you for your guidance, senior. I have entered the sword realm where no edge is better than having an edge, but I still have doubts about the sword realm where no sword is better than having a sword."

Chen Xin thought he was inferior to Su Xie in swordsmanship, so he called himself a junior.

Chen Xin seemed to have made a very heavy decision and said to Su Xie:

"Senior, this junior's sword realm has improved, and I think it's hard to find an opponent below level 98. Now that senior has broken through again, I want to see if my wooden sword can compete with senior."

Chen Xin succeeded in breaking through, and most of his injuries recovered. He was bent on pursuing the peak of swordsmanship, and naturally he was not willing to let go of the opportunity to face off with Su Xie in the new sword realm.

Chen Xin's challenge made everyone look at each other.

Ning Fengzhi hurriedly stepped forward and said anxiously:

"Uncle Jian, you can't. You finally broke through. If something happens again, our Qibao Glazed Sect's position on the mainland will be in danger."

You must know that the Qibao Glazed Sect can secure its position as the top three sects, and its money is secondary. It is mainly because of Ning Fengzhi, the best assistant in the world, and the two guardian Douluo.

Without the two Guardian Douluo, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect would probably have to stay in the lower four sects.

Zhao Wuji was also dumbfounded. He was beaten into a pig's head by Bibi Dong. He admired Chen Xin a little. After suffering Su Xie's ruthless sword, he still dared to fight him?
Anyway, after I witnessed the death of Su Xie's Titan Evil God, I no longer dared to resist Su Xie.

That move was enough to cut him into pieces!

"Feng Zhi, there is no need to persuade me. If I can seek the opportunity to reach a higher sword realm, I will have no regrets even if I fall into his hands."

Chen Xin waved his wooden sword and pointed it at Su Xie:
"Senior, please enlighten me." "Okay, I just want to try it. What kind of power can I unleash now that the Evil Sword Immortal has reached the Super Douluo realm."

"Since you have sealed the Seven Killing Sword and switched to using a wooden sword, I won't use soul skills and will use a real human-sword fusion to fight you."

Su Xie laughed and his figure flew into the sky.

Chen Xin's eyes are filled with fire, is the true unity of man and sword?Is it any different from your own?

Su Xie did not use martial arts or perform any soul skills.

When he arrived in the sky, he actually absorbed the resentment of nearly two hundred miles around and turned it into an invisible sword.

"This sword can be big or small, long or short. It seems like there is no sword, but in fact there is a sword."

There was a faint black air floating around Su Xie. He held the sword in his hand, but there was no sword in his hand.

Chen Xin didn't believe this evil, so he slashed the wooden sword in front of him, and a sword energy with a diameter of several feet came out.

Just when he was about to hit Su Xie, the evil energy around Su Xie's body unexpectedly condensed into a sword of evil thoughts, swallowing up all the sword energy of the wooden sword.

Su Xie pointed out his sword and said calmly:
"Chen Xin, you have a skill, Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect, today I will show you my Evil Sword Returning to the Sect!"

"Sword come!"

The moment Su Xie exited, a black sword condensed on the heads of people within a hundred miles.

Within a hundred miles, the population is more than one million?
Suddenly, there were tens of millions of black evil swords rising into the sky.

That scene caused a sensation among countless people.

They dare not even imagine such a scene.

Millions of evil swords flew over and appeared behind Su Xie.

Su Xie stood there, and following his every move, he didn't need to use his hands or thoughts to specifically control those evil swords.

They seemed to be Su Xie himself, and they could defend themselves against any attack that tried to cause harm to Su Xie.

Soon, Chen Xin fell into a sea of ​​swords.

Each sword seems to have its own intelligence and different personalities, some are violent, some are cautious... They are the swords of thousands of evil thoughts that protect Su Xie.

These swords kept impacting Chen Xin. He kept waving the wooden sword and instilled soul power into it, transforming the wooden sword into a golden sword. It was strengthened to many levels and was almost as tough as the Seven Kills Sword.

But even so, under the erosion of millions of evil swords, the golden wooden sword in his hand turned into debris, leaving him with no sword to wield.

Then, hundreds of thousands of evil swords sealed Chen Xin on the mountain of Qibao Glazed Sect. There were countless wounds on his body, and he almost turned into a sword sieve. He didn't know how long he could survive.


Another second.

Level 95, instantly killed the level 97 Sword Douluo!
"This Ten Thousand Swords Returning Sect is truly terrifying."

"Although each sword is not as good as the soul skill sword previously displayed by Evil Immortal Douluo, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. The power gathered by so many evil swords is too terrifying!"

Sword Douluo was defeated and Su Xie withdrew from the fighting state. All those evil swords disappeared and were converted into soul power to repay Su Xie's lost soul power.

This is the return of ten thousand swords to the sect, is this the true unity of man and sword?

Although he has no sword in his hand, he still has countless swords in his heart. Is there no enemy in this world? !
"Evil Immortal Douluo, please spare Uncle Jian's life!"

"Uncle Jian, why are you doing this..."

Ning Fengzhi said bitterly.

 I have a fever and a cold, and I feel like dying. It must be due to two yang symptoms.
(End of this chapter)

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