Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

Chapter 98 Stepping into the Killing Fields of Hell

Chapter 98 Stepping into the Killing Fields of Hell
"Only by putting yourself to death and living again can you unleash your unlimited potential."

"I can lose to anyone, but he and Wuhundian, I can't afford to lose. I must aim to be stronger than him."

Su Xie's evil face appeared in Tang San's mind. The look in his eyes that wanted to mess up the whole world and humiliate them couldn't be faked.

"The rules of the Killing City are decided by the King of Killing. Everything here is arranged by the King."

"Do you want to challenge the authority of the King of Slaughter? If so, the great King of Slaughter will definitely wipe you out from here. Since you are here, you can only abide by the rules here."

A dark light bloomed in the eyes of the girl with black gauze, her aura changed slightly, and she said in a deep voice:
"Otherwise, you will not only lose the twelve-hour protection of the Killing Messenger, but you will also be wanted by the King of Killing."

"Even though the Evil Immortal is famous now, in the Killing City, the King of Killing is invincible. If the Evil Immortal dares to show up again and challenge the rules of the Killing City, he will surely die at the hands of the Killing King. "

The girl in black veil is extremely sure that no one can defeat Wang in the City of Killing. No matter how powerful they are outside, whether they are Super Douluo or even Peak Douluo, it is useless. This is the strength of Wang and the City of Killing. order.

Although the Slaughter City has some kind of relationship with Wuhun Palace, even the strongest people from Wuhun Palace would not dare to go to the Slaughter City to be arrogant.

Otherwise, Wuhun Palace would have destroyed the Killing City long ago and completely turned this place into Wuhun Palace's territory. Why leave this sinful city as a hidden danger?


Hearing the girl in black gauze passing by, Tang San didn't feel the slightest bit afraid, but instead became even more excited.

Kill Su Xie?That would be great?
"When will the King of Slaughter take action?"

If the King of Slaughter joins forces with his father, the success rate of killing Su Xie will be unprecedentedly high!

Su Xie is seeking death!
"That's not what I'm qualified to know. The King of Slaughter is extremely noble, and few people know his thoughts and whereabouts. In fact, the King of Slaughter has not shown up for many years. I believe that if he appears again, he will definitely make people aware of his thoughts and whereabouts. City Shuffle.”

The girl in black gauze said calmly.

Tang San had some disappointment on his face, it would be great if there was some way to contact the King of Slaughter.

Sensing what Tang San was still thinking, the girl in black gauze was obviously a little dissatisfied with him. She didn't continue talking, but strode towards the inner city.

"I want to go to the killing fields of hell."

At this moment, Tang San remembered his father's words. The goal his father had set for him in the Killing City was to become the champion of the Hell Killing Fields.

The girl in black gauze was stunned for a moment, "Are you sure? Less than one tenth of the people who enter there can come out alive. It is also the place where death is most likely to occur in our killing city. Everyone is only required to enter hell every year Killing Fields once. As long as you can pass one battle, you can live in the Killing City for another year."

"Sure, take me there."

Precisely because of the terrifying mechanism of the Hell Killing Fields, it is also one of the most exciting places in the Killing City. Those at the top of the Killing Fields are the objects of high discussion in the Killing City.

Especially the No. 1 holder of the Hell Killing Fields, everyone will pay attention.

Under the leadership of the girl in black gauze, Tang San came to a special building.

The building appears as a circle, more precisely, it is a non-standard cone shape, with the largest area at the bottom, and narrows as it goes up.

When it reaches a height of almost 30 meters from the ground, it maintains the same diameter and extends upward until it reaches a height of 50 meters.

This hell killing field sounds nice, but it is actually a gladiatorial arena similar to ancient Rome, where a group of people rush in, and only the last person alive can win and survive.

"This is the killing field of hell. After entering, sign up with your own identity card. Then wait for the game to start. Each group of people entering the killing field is about ten. No matter what method you use, as long as you can come out alive in the end. Well, only one person from each group can come out alive." The Killing Messenger told Tang San the rules.

The condition to achieve the goal that Tang Hao set for him - to win the championship of the Hell Killing Fields is to win a hundred games!
If you want to enter the Hell Killing Fields to watch and compete, you can't make any contribution. You need to offer a Bloody Mary, which can be your own or someone else's.

But some people still enjoy it, because watching people kill each other, the despair of humanity, and the aura of killing blooming in everyone's eyes, is a very interesting thing for them.

There were already people around who were greedily eyeing Tang San, but seeing that the Killing Envoy was following them, they didn't take action against him and could only speak provocatively:
"You little brat, you look so immature, and you dare to participate in the killing fields of hell when you just arrived in the killing city. Are you going to risk your life?"

"If it weren't for the Killer Envoy protecting you, I would have cut off your blood vessels and taken a few Bloody Marys from you to taste."

The people around him were also making noises. Tang San's eyes narrowed and he stared at the big man and said, "You came just in time. I happened to be short of a Bloody Mary, so I took it from you."

Tang San's figure flashed, and he directly used the Tang Sect's movement technique Ghost Hidden Tracking Step. Immediately, a mysterious jade hand controlled the crane and captured the dragon to suck the opponent over, and pulled out the dagger of a person around him.

A scar was cut directly on his neck, and bright red blood rushed out, quickly filling up a glass of Bloody Mary.

"Looking for death." Tang San said coldly.

Everyone around him was frightened by Tang San's smooth operation. This kid was at least level [-]!
The Killing Envoy was a little surprised and watched Tang San enter the inner registration of the Hell Killing Fields.

As Tang San's figure arrived inside the Hell Killing Fields, the first killing showdown was about to begin.

The four of them, Su Xie, also set foot in the inner city of the Killing City.

As soon as he walked in, Su Xie smelled a strong smell that he liked.

Ah, it’s the ugly smell of human nature~
It’s a strong evil spirit~
Su Xie took a deep breath.

He had sensed that Tang San had entered the killing field of hell, and sensed that Tang San was working hard to become stronger.

But Su Xie didn't panic at all. Instead, he wanted to laugh:

Slave human nature, watching people emerge from despair and enter hell again, the ups and downs of human nature, is a drama that Su Xie really wants to watch.

At the same time, some people around noticed Su Xie's arrival.

The three beauties next to Su Xie are really eye-catching. They are young and beautiful. Whether they are used as slaves or used to make Bloody Mary, they are top-notch and a very rare asset.

If it were someone else, they might think it was too stupid to bring three women to a place like the Killing City to show off, as it would cause a lot of trouble and get into trouble.

But for Su Xie, he enjoyed it endlessly.

Conflict will escalate people's conflicts and stimulate more negative emotions in people. In this way, he can absorb more negative emotions and become stronger!

"Let's go, let's go to the Killing Fields of Hell." Su Xie said calmly.

"Little guy, you are so young, do you think it's appropriate to have three beauties all to yourself??"

In the inner city, some reckless men with scars all over their bodies couldn't help but gathered around him.

(End of this chapter)

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