Live broadcast to combat counterfeiting, starting with 800 pages of insurance and body protection

Chapter 116 Online annual meeting, implanting an anti-fraud chapter? [Big chapter asking for support

Chapter 116: Online annual meeting, implanting anti-fraud programs? [Big chapter asking for support]

The entire anti-fraud center was deathly silent.

Everyone was staring at the big screen, which showed the surveillance content of Ye Xuanhei entering the park.

And it was from a few days ago.

Ye Xuan was also angry at this time. He had master-level hacking skills, but he had never seen the contents of these surveillances. These were all entered randomly by him.

Anyway, his purpose is to expose the park. As long as he browses inside and sees things related to Zhang Anzhi, he can prove his identity as a fraudster.


I didn't expect to see such an exciting scene.

Zhang Anzhi does not regard the people in the park as human beings at all, and the movie reflects reality. If he disagrees with them, he will pull out a gun and shoot them.

Zhang Anzhi even took matters into his own hands.

This is a patriotic businessman, this is a transnational overseas Chinese?
Is this the expert who openly speaks on stage at the Anti-Fraud Center to promote anti-fraud?

This man is actually a devil!

Hell is empty, the devil is on earth.

All the people in the anti-fraud center, even the big leaders, were speechless and dumbfounded at this time, as if they were not awakened by such breaking news.

Not to mention the ordinary people, all of them opened their eyes and mouths in great surprise and disbelief.

Zhang Anzhi suddenly panicked, was horrified and shocked.

Shocked and angry, he turned around and ran away.

However, Brigade Lin and several security guards were nearby, how could they let him run away.

I trapped him immediately and pressed him directly against the wall.

Brigade Lin scolded: "Want to run away? You scumbag who lives in the sun, how did you manage to be so hard-hearted and cruel to your own compatriots?!"

Zhang Anzhi knew that the evidence was conclusive and did not refute it. He sneered and said: "People die for money and birds die for food. They are just tools for me to make money. How can they be so-called compatriots?"

Brother No. [-] stood up and yelled angrily: "You are simply inhuman. You have deceived us and all our compatriots!"

Zhang Anzhi sneered: "The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. I have nothing to say."

Everyone was angered by Zhang Anzhi's arrogant and arrogant attitude. Even when death was imminent, he still dared to speak so wildly without repentance!

This kind of person simply deserves death!

Zhang Anzhi said: "Dear leaders, I can't run away anyway. Give me the last chance of dignity. Let me tidy up my clothes. When escorting me, give me a headscarf to cover up. I believe this is the last step in my human rights." You should agree to my request, right?!"

Brother Yi and other big leaders frowned. This was indeed a reasonable request.

If they don't agree, there will be so many reporters and people from all walks of life at the scene. If word spreads, they will say that they don't respect human rights. This is fine at home, but if it spreads abroad, the impact will be even worse.

After all, Zhang Anzhi is an overseas Chinese and the head of a multinational company. His identity is not simple.

Just when he was about to agree, Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Team Lin, search his clothes to see if there are any other electronic products. Don't let him sort them out by himself, otherwise he will destroy the evidence and all our efforts will be wasted!"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Anzhi suddenly panicked, his arrogance and calmness were gone, and he struggled hard.


How could he break free.

After being held down by several security guards, Team Lin immediately began to search, and sure enough, they found a voice recorder, another small mobile phone on the belt, and a miniature camera on the tie.

When these were found and displayed in front of everyone, everyone exclaimed.

"It's so scary that he brought so many electronics."

"Micro camera, is he going to send back our anti-fraud content so that their fraud gang can study how to break through our defenses?"

"Absolutely devilish."

"You can't spare him, you absolutely can't spare him."

"The appearance and situation of all of us were photographed by him. If we were targeted, we would be finished."

Everyone in the center was frightened. Everyone started to turn their heads or put on masks, terrified.

They are all afraid of being targeted by scammers.

Whether it's to lie to them or to take revenge on them, it makes them restless.

Brother Yi was even more furious, so angry that his lungs were about to explode.

He shouted loudly and said: "Collect all these things and carefully check the contents. I will root out all the forces behind Zhang Anzhi!"

He roared angrily: "I don't care what interests you have behind your back, and I don't care how big your business is. As long as you do things that are sorry to the people behind your back, then I will be sorry for you!"

With a wave of his hand, he immediately began to deploy troops and generals. On the spot, he ordered many senior leaders and leaders who were resting outside to go back to have a meeting to study how to deal with this matter.


Zhang Anzhi also had to be taken away, and he was strictly prevented from committing suicide. He had to get something useful out of his mouth.

This anti-fraud is over here.

Ye Xuanye was about to leave, but was stopped by Brother No. [-], "Director Ye, thank you very much for uncovering such a big rat for us and preventing more people from losing property."

Then he extended his hand and offered a handshake.

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "This is what I should do."

Brother Yi said: "Director Ye, my previous appointment of you as our expert, consultant, and Ping An Ambassador still worked. I hope you won't shirk it."

Ye Xuandao: "I won't shirk it. As long as it's useful and comes to my place, just give me my orders."

Brother Yi thought for a while and said: "Actually, there is really something that I need your help with. You are a great director. We think that besides you, there seems to be no other better candidate."

Ye Xuan was a little scared and said: "You are not asking me to continue filming, are you? I am just an anchor and Internet celebrity. Filming is a hobby. In fact, I don't know how to film."

Brother No. 10000 rolled his eyes and said: "You kid, I haven't given you a task yet, and you started to shirk it. If you work under my hand, you won't be able to get away with a [-]-word review."

"Fortunately, I'm not your subordinate." Ye Xuan was speechless.

I write self-criticisms every now and then, and those who don’t know think I’m back at school.

But he was also a little happy. Brother Yi no longer called Director Ye directly, but called him boy, which was actually a very affectionate behavior.

This is also because Brother Yi communicates with Ye Xuan as an elder, not as a superior, which can make people feel like a spring breeze and not feel very unfamiliar.

Brother Yi said: "Okay, you kid, don't shirk it."

He pulled Ye Xuan to the side, put his arm around his shoulders and said, "There is an anti-fraud APP out there. You should already know about it. It is being promoted vigorously now. You must publicize it well."

Ye Xuandao: "What did I think it was? Team Lin has already told me about this matter, and I have made it clear that I will fully cooperate with this matter."

Brother No. [-] smiled and nodded: "Not bad, not bad. You are enlightened. You are a talent. I am going to help you apply for the title of Nanlu's top ten outstanding youths."

"Then thank you for being old." Ye Xuan was also happy.

For him, having more identities means more layers of protection.

Brother Yi continued: "There is also the promotion of the APP. It is still a bit difficult to just rely on community workers and us to talk with empty words. We hope to embed it into the program. So you see, we still have to make a short film Maybe it would be more appropriate to promote it?”

"Don't refuse in a hurry. Douyin will have an online annual meeting at the beginning of next month. Almost everyone on the Internet will watch it. It has already passed the registration time, but we can communicate with them and let you participate temporarily. But I need you to take a video."

Ye Xuan looked at his watch and widened his eyes, "You are always playing tricks on me. It will be online at the beginning of next month. This only leaves half a month. What is enough for you to do?"

"Aren't you a quick shooter? I've heard that you made a desperate move and took more than half a month to shoot, and you even had post-production. Nowadays, online annual conferences don't show your work. It doesn't need to be as long as two hours. A short play of a few minutes is enough and fits the tone of the platform."

Ye Xuan smiled bitterly and said: "But the annual party is a joyful and festive day. If you ask me to promote the anti-fraud APP, it would not be in line with the tone of making a somewhat tragic film like All-In-One."

Brother No. 500 was also in a dilemma. He sighed and said, "Sure enough, there is still a problem, so I can only give the [-] million special funds to others and let them try it."

Ye Xuan immediately took Brother Yi's hand and said, "You always say what you say, and you don't tell me early if you have special funds. Am I the kind of person who shirks? It is my duty to promote the APP!"


Brother [-] was stunned for a moment.

It seemed that no one expected that Ye Xuan would change his face so quickly.

After thinking about it, it couldn't be for the 500 million special funds, right? !
But when I thought about it carefully, I felt something was wrong. After all, Ye Xuan's films had sold for 2 million yuan, and if there was still money to be taken in the future, it would be the bulk of it, and it would all go into his pocket.

A mere 500 million would probably not enter the eyes of a rich man like Ye Xuan.

However, Ye Xuan really only wanted these 500 million, which was not a small sum of money. After all, the money he spent on the desperate movie ended up in his own pocket, only a few tens of millions.

Donate half of it and pay taxes on the other half, but you’ll only have a few tens of millions left.

500 million is already a lot!And it can also promote anti-fraud. This is his wish and it is naturally obligatory.

As for shirk, it's just for benefits.

Brother Yi said: "Xiaoye, it's really good that you have such a heart. So what are your plans for the new show?"

Ye Xuandao: "When you said it, I actually had an idea. After all, it is an annual meeting. To match the festive atmosphere and not take up too much time, we can only take the Spring Festival Gala route and shoot a cross talk or sketch, or maybe There’s no better way to sing a song.”

Brother Yi thought for a while, but had no clue, and said: "It's a good idea, but I don't know how to show it in detail. It's up to you to decide. In short, I will give you the green light to do whatever information you need or what you need to do." .”

"When will you distribute the special funds?" Ye Xuan was still more concerned about money.

Brother No. [-] said: "I will pay you the accounts when I get back. At the same time, various documents will be sent to you. You just need to sign them when the time comes."

Ye Xuan was happy and quickly agreed.

Afterwards, we briefly chatted for a few words before watching Brother Yi leave.

After Brother [-] left, he passed by the door and patted Brigade Lin who was working on the shoulder, which made him extremely happy.

When Ye Xuan passed by, Captain Lin was very excited, "Director Ye, thank you for your kind words for me."

Ye Xuandao: "What's with the good words?"

Brigade Lin said excitedly: "It's you who said good things for me, otherwise Brother [-] wouldn't have come to pat me on the shoulder and praise me for my meticulous work."

Ye Xuan shrugged and said, "Then you did a good job. Keep up the good work."

Team Lin was so excited that he almost flew into the sky and said: "Director Ye, you are my noble man. Mr. Wang, who refused you to give a speech before, has already resigned. He submitted the early leave application form himself. Then there are a few of us. More than a dozen teams in the district have a chance to go up, but now it seems that I have a better chance."

Ye Xuan's eyes lit up.

If Brigade Lin goes up, it will be easier for him to find people to do things in Nanlu.

Although he has some relationship with Brother Yi, this kind of thing cannot be done indiscriminately, and many small things cannot be done by others.

He said: "Team Lin, if Zhang Anzhi's matter can be handled quickly and beautifully, maybe you will really make a step forward."

Team Lin's eyes lit up, and then he said: "Director Ye, please help me. Your hacking skills are very powerful. Our network supervisors are not even as good as you. Can you please help me be a technical guide?"

Ye Xuandao: "Yes."

He did not refuse and set off with Brigade Lin.

the other side.

Monkey has finished the live broadcast, packed up his things and went back.

Before ending the live broadcast, he took a special look at the live broadcast room. The number of people online had exceeded 300 million+. That was a very scary figure!

This is also the second time Ye Xuan has exceeded this number.

There are countless rewards and countless comments.

Monkey directly took the live broadcast materials and went back to edit. At night, Ye Xuan came back, said hello to each other, and went to rest.

After Ye Xuan came out of the big situation, he was very tired and fell asleep directly.

The next day I got up early to go there again to assist in the investigation. I didn't come back until evening again, and I was even more exhausted.

However, after taking a bath, he felt better.

And summoned Monkey, Mimian, Zhang Fan, Muddle-headed Beast and others.

Ye Xuan was lying on the sofa, holding his mobile phone, looking at the expectant eyes of everyone, and first asked: "How is the matter with Tianyi?"

Mimi An was in contact with Classmate Meng and others about this matter, so Mimi An explained: "The announcement was made yesterday, and several people in charge of Tianyi were arrested. The store manager He Qimei and Director Liu They were all caught for selling three-no products, inducing consumption and illegally raising funds.”

"Other employees were also fined or warned to some extent. The entire store was closed down and fined 30 yuan. The street office where the accident occurred was fined 10 yuan and the person in charge was warned. The general manager and legal person of the store were asked to punish Meng The classmates and other victims apologized and received a refund of one dollar and three dollars of the money spent.”

Ye Xuan nodded, this punishment was indeed in place.

Mimian continued: "In addition, several senior executives were also taken away from Tianyi's headquarters. They were all suspected of purchasing Sanwu products and illegal fund-raising, and measures were taken. The boss, Boss Ma, was abroad and was not dealt with. , but the head office was fined 500 million."

Is it only a fine of 500 million?

This amount of money is really small. For these big investors, maybe 500 million can be spent in one night!


500 million is not just a literal punishment, but also tells all walks of life that if they touch Tianyi, the backers behind Tianyi will no longer be reliable.

No one can disrupt the market, otherwise Tianyi will be their fate next!

Mimi'an added: "There is also news. I heard that Tianyi's head of legal affairs, Mr. Chang, has resigned."

Ye Xuan was silent for a while, and then said: "We don't care about the fate of these big shots. The victims like Classmate Meng and Wenwen must be properly dealt with and taken to the best hospital for examination. The most important thing is to restore their health. .”

Mimian nodded and said: "After they get the money, they should be able to find a good doctor. Experts from Nanlu Hospital also said that their condition can be recovered, but it will take a longer time, maybe two or three years. .”

"It's a good thing to be able to recover." Ye Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while, and said: "In this way, you contact Wenwen and the others and let them rest assured about the treatment. If the compensation is not enough, all the expenses will be paid by me. Also One thing is, let them pay off all the loan money, and be more careful in the future and not be fooled by others so simply."

Mimian was shocked and said: "Brother Ye, you pay for it yourself? That's probably a lot of money."

Ye Xuan shook his head and said: "It's a lot, but not much. Go get in touch. You are a local. Go and get in touch in person. If you can ask experts to treat you at Nanlu Hospital, that would be the best. If it doesn't work, just do it. Go to Shanghai BJ, in short, we must solve it."

Mimian and others were shocked, but also looked serious.

Confused Beast, Godzilla, Zhang Fan and others originally thought that they knew Ye Xuan well enough, but now they found that they still underestimated Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan is a person of high integrity, selfless, and out of vulgar taste!
He really cares about others, not just to gain traffic while helping others, or to help others while eating traffic!


After Tianyi's incident is over, there won't be much traffic. Normally, changing to another internet celebrity will stop there.

Regarding the follow-up situation of Wenwen and other victims, it is enough to make a vlog. Who would care about their health?

What's more, you have to pay for their possible subsequent expenses out of your own pocket!


Ye Xuan did just that.

He did what many people have never done, he is a high-level person!
After handling the matter, Ye Xuan asked again: "How is Director Liu of Tianhai Town doing?"

The monkey spoke and said: "I asked our village chief and Azheng, they said that Director Liu has been controlled. When the Lin Brigade sent people to arrest Li Erniu and the others, they all confessed to Director Liu. There were so many As a witness, Director Liu did not deny it at all, and wanted to surrender and confess in exchange for a lighter sentence."

Ye Xuan snorted coldly: "Anyway, he can't get away if he instigates others to stir up trouble, abuses his power, and threatens. At his age, he may have to stay in it for the rest of his life."

Everyone was happy too.

Then they all asked: "Director Ye, you have been running for the overall situation these two days. Do you have any mission?"

Speaking of this matter, Ye Xuan felt a little headache and said: "I have a mission, but I have been running for the general situation these two days, mainly to help collect criminal evidence in Zhang Anzhi Park."

"We have collected almost everything today, and their technical talents are in place. I won't need to go there later."

Mimian said: "Then why are you so embarrassed?"

Monkey said: "Maybe it's not because of this that Brother Ye is in trouble, but because Brother Yi asked him to prepare a program for Douyin Network's annual meeting."

Mimian said: "Oh, well, Douyin also invited me two months ago and asked me to record a dancing video and send it to them as a program for the adult party."

Zhang Fan and the others were full of envy. It was a good opportunity to show their faces and gain huge exposure.

It's a pity that they all got up too late. This matter had already been arranged and they had no part in it.


Mimian said: "But Brother Ye, this matter has been decided a long time ago, and the invitation to Internet celebrities to produce programs has been finished a long time ago. Are you participating now, is it too late? I remember that it will start broadcasting in 20 days." ”

Ye Xuan scratched his head and said, "That's why I have a headache."

Mimian sighed: "It's true. If Brother Yiyi and the others open the back door, they can sign up anytime. But it's impossible to schedule a program in such a short time."

Zhang Fan said: "It is indeed impossible."

Monkey said: "We also need to promote anti-fraud, especially that APP."

Everyone was even more shocked and shouted, "That's even more impossible."

Ye Xuandao: "Actually, it's not impossible."

Everyone was stunned for a moment and asked in astonishment, "Director Ye, do you have a show?"

Ye Xuandao: "Of course there are programs, but what bothers me is that I have too many programs, and they are all high-quality. I don't know which one is suitable!"

 Sorry for the late update, please support, recommend and vote for me.It will be more exciting next time. If you have any good programs to introduce, please leave comments and I will copy them.

(End of this chapter)

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