Live broadcast to combat counterfeiting, starting with 800 pages of insurance and body protection

Chapter 118: Students buy jade, shopping mall routine? 【Ask for support】

Chapter 118: Students buy jade, shopping mall routine? 【Ask for support】

"Sell abduct?"

Everyone was confused and didn't understand why.

What does the sketch about trafficking in trafficking have to do with anti-fraud?
Ye Xuan didn't explain too much. This was a god-level skit, but he still needed to think carefully about implanting an anti-fraud APP.

Otherwise it may directly ruin the sketch.

"Think about it, you have to think about it."

Everyone was confused, but Ye Xuan had no intention of explaining. Although they were confused, they all trusted Ye Xuan.

So, I didn't say much.

Mimian said: "Brother Ye, I'm going to rest. Anyway, if you need my help with this matter, just ask."

The monkey said: "Me too."

Zhang Fan said: "Me too."

Others also nodded to express their opinions, and Ye Xuan smiled and agreed.

Several people left one after another, leaving Monkey to continue working. Ye Xuan got up and made a portion of instant noodles and cut two taels of braised beef.

I took out a bottle of wine from the refrigerator and took a big sip, finishing almost half of the bottle.


"This wine isn't very good, so why is it so expensive?"

Ye Xuan smashed his mouth and was speechless for a while.

The monkey said: "It's imported from foreign countries, so it's strange that it's not expensive."

Ye Xuan looked at the bottle, glanced at it, and said: "Isn't this made in our country? Or is it from Henan? When did our core Central Plains area become foreign?"

The monkey was also happy, "These unscrupulous businessmen are really shameless."

Ye Xuan continued to take a sip, "Okay, find a time to fuck them."

The monkey said: "Okay."

Ye Xuan has been too busy recently, so he has no intention of arguing with this wine producer for the time being. He finally took a rest and lay down to watch videos for a while and have a good rest!
Lying on the sofa, Ye Xuan took out his mobile phone and started watching videos.

He wanted to take a look at his recent video data, because he was too busy and had no time to take a look in the past two days.

When he opened it now, he was shocked.

The number of fans has exceeded 1500 million!

"Come on, when did the number of fans get so high?" Ye Xuan was shocked.

Monkey said: "The one that broke through this morning has been on the hot search list every day recently, and it has been at the top of the list for several days. That means our subject matter is a small category. If it is funny or other subjects, it may exceed 3000 million. A fan!”

Ye Xuan was delighted. Unexpectedly, he had only created the account for two or three months and already had 500 million fans. This data was enough to shock countless people!
But the Internet is ridiculous. It rises as quickly as it falls.

If the popularity is not maintained, the big data will decline in the future, and even if there are more popular products, the popularity will not be as good as before.

Therefore, high-quality videos must be produced frequently.

Ye Xuan looked through the major videos in the background. Just at a glance, all the videos had more than 2 million views, and the latest two videos exceeded [-] million views!

The top film "All or Nothing" has been labeled as a movie, and the number of views has exceeded 3 million, and the backstage account has already reached 2.2 million!

There are about 2000 million accounts in it, thanks to the major communities and units organizing people to watch it repeatedly and then write down their experiences.

Ye Xuan was very grateful for this.

As for the latest two short videos, one is a video of Tianyi store manager He and Director Liu not closing the store even after they were locked down, and even beating people. In the end, they were directly banned by the relevant departments and forced to close the store, and an announcement was made asking Tianyi to The art studios were closed, fines were imposed, and people were arrested.

The entire video is relatively long, and is basically recorded. The announcement at the end is the clipped footage of the monkey running alone to shoot, which is a connection and explanation of the previous video.

There is also a video of a speech at the Anti-Fraud Center. The entire video is a live broadcast. Ye Xuan deceived the Anti-Fraud Center staff, volunteers and the audience twice, making it more popular!
The number of views exceeded 2 million.

Both of these videos are long videos, so they have participated in the Medium Video Plan and have a terrifying number of views. The income from the videos alone is already hundreds of thousands.

Ye Xuan clicked on the latest anti-fraud video, and the comment area was filled with a sea of ​​joy.

"It made me laugh so hard. When I was watching the live broadcast, I thought Brother Ye was really going to arrange high-paying jobs for them. I was going to beat him up."

"Hahaha, I watched the whole live broadcast. Brother Ye fooled everyone present twice in a row."

"I have to say that it would be really easy for anti-fraud people to commit fraud."

"There are really too many fools these days, and there are not enough liars." "Others are honest about anti-fraud, telling stories, or they show up and speak out, but Brother Ye directly cheats on the spot."

"It was numb, it was numb. I felt numb at that time."

These comments are very popular, and each one has hundreds of thousands of replies.

There are also many comments about Zhang Anzhi being caught in the anti-fraud center, and they are indignant about this.

"I didn't expect that Zhang Anzhi is so arrogant that he dares to sit openly in the anti-fraud center."

"Fortunately, Brother Ye caught him out."

"The big fraudster is in the anti-fraud center listening to how others are trying to defraud him. The movie shows it, it's so scary."

"Reminds me of all-or-nothing."

"What is Brother Ye thinking? It's amazing."

"What I care about more is Brother Ye's hacking skills. He can hack into other people's mobile phones in person and watch the surveillance of foreign parks. This is terrifying."

"So if my wife and I watch short films, Brother Ye can also watch them?"

"I was so frightened that I immediately deleted the surveillance system at home."

"I was about to do that on the bus, but the person next to me said that I was watching short videos, and I said it was my home surveillance. He patted me on the shoulder, silently comforting me, woo woo~~"


Ye Xuan was very happy after reading these comments, and occasionally replied with a few words on his trumpet to generate more popularity.

However, the trumpet is not well known, and it has basically fallen into obscurity.

After watching this video, Ye Xuan ran to watch Tianyi's video again and kept reading the comments. He came out of it late at night.

There are a lot of high-level comments on Tianyi. Obviously, Mr. Ma still wanted to lead the rhythm in the early days. Unfortunately, as it became more popular, they invested more money in wanting to lead the rhythm, so they gave up.

However, the rhythm made the video more popular. After all, the results came out, and he didn't care about the setbacks during the process.

After watching the video, Ye Xuan took another look at the private message.

There was a lot of private message content, and many blue labels came to chat with him privately, using their official accounts.

Most of them are merchants who hope to cooperate with them to bring goods or endorse them.

Ye Xuan just brushed it off and ignored it completely.

He is not short of money now, and he does not want to bring goods for endorsement.

Anyway, you can make a lot of money by making videos and live broadcasts. Although it is far less profitable than bringing goods, it is enough, and there is no need to ruin your account.

He is a crackdown on counterfeiting. If someone sets the pace and he leads the goods, he will probably destroy his own future!
Not even for charity.

In addition to those who asked him to cooperate, there were also some who commented and asked him to fight against counterfeiting.

What these people sent were illegal activities of some unscrupulous merchants in their local area. Some had chat records, some had chat recordings, and some had direct location and descriptions of themselves.

But these are not evidence, and even Ye Xuan himself cannot tell whether the news is true or false.

Until a video was sent, it was located in Nanlu, but in a remote area of ​​Nanlu.

Nanlu is very big, and that area is almost 200 kilometers away from Ye Xuan.

The content of the video is very simple. It shows a person holding up his mobile phone, pointing it at a corner merchant similar to a shopping mall from a first-person perspective, and then yelling curses.

"Liars, you are all liars. The jade pendants you sold me are all fakes. They are all glass slag. How dare you sell them to me for 3!"

"Refund, return, return it to me quickly..."

"Hey, you don't return the goods and you still beat people. You are simply lawless. I don't believe that no one can cure you."

The video was switched to the first perspective, and then the security personnel came to coordinate. In the end, the matter was settled, and the person who took the video was asked to go to court to sue them, but they had no control over it.

The video ends here. There is a paragraph at the end, which Ye Xuan saw after pausing.

"Brother Ye, help me. I'm just a middle school student. I have been saving New Year's money for three years and want to buy a birthday gift for my mother. I walked out of the mall and took the shopping receipt from the mall to draw a prize. I was told that I won the special prize. , is a jade pendant worth 2 yuan, and the special prize can be purchased at a 3% discount. I wanted to give it to my mother, so I paid [-] yuan."

"But, I took it back that day and contacted the online treasure appraisal teacher. The teacher said it was fake at first glance and the jade pendant was made of the same material as a beer bottle. I got it back and returned it, but they didn't admit it! They asked me to sue them casually. Don’t be afraid! I really have no choice, Brother Ye, only you can help me!"

 Please give me recommendation votes and monthly votes. I beg you.

  The next updated content will be even more exciting, don’t miss it

(End of this chapter)

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