Live broadcast to combat counterfeiting, starting with 800 pages of insurance and body protection

Chapter 125: Arrogant and domineering, with overwhelming momentum [Please support]

Chapter 125: Arrogant and domineering, with overwhelming momentum [Please support]

Ye Xuan was angry.

A direct roar.

The two clerks were suddenly frightened and trembling, not knowing why.

Many of the people watching around were frightened because Ye Xuan's roar was too loud.

Two children were frightened and cried. The children's parents were frightened and wanted to go up to argue, but Ye Xuan was still furious and they did not dare to go up.

Ye Xuan said angrily: "You are simply lawless. You are completely trampling on the intelligence of consumers and cutting their flesh with a sickle!"

"You, and you, you are all scammers, your smiles are not angels, but devils, you make me sick!!"

There were roars and curse words.

The two clerks were immediately confused, at a loss, and panicked.

However, Ye Xuan's live broadcast room has exploded, the number of people has increased sharply, and the number of people online has exceeded one million in an instant!
The popularity has exceeded [-] million, with countless barrages and countless rewards.

"When I heard Ye Xuan roar, I knew he was really angry."

"Don't be afraid of newcomers. Brother Ye has this temper. He will yell when he sees injustice."

"Brother Ye's yelling wasn't because he was unqualified, but because he was really angry."

"Although you don't have to speak loudly when you say you are reasonable, you should be tough when you speak out."

"Although Brother Ye speaks loudly, he is not savage, but full of rage, shocking the younger generation with his thunderous roar."

"Seeing this counter and the tactics of the two saleswomen, I thought of myself. I just went to buy an egg, but ended up being deceived into buying a jade pendant worth several thousand yuan. It turned out to be fake and worthless. "

"I have also been deceived, but not in a shopping mall, but in an old antique street. The store's tricks are even deeper. They say that you can draw a lottery with your air tickets and bus tickets. At first, they said you would be given away various things in the lottery, but after you won, they said you would buy it at a discount. , Alas, don’t mention the past again!”

Many people have experienced being cheated, and what Ye Xuan is experiencing now is something that many people have encountered.

They are either behind the shopping mall, in the antique street, in front of the school or on the street. The routine is the same.

So Ye Xuan encountered Duolaibao's scam this time, which resonated with most people.

Many people recall the experience of being deceived, and all of them are filled with emotion.

Monkey glanced at the live broadcast room, thought for a while, and released his position so that many people could see that his position was in Nanlu City.

After loosening its positioning, it ranked first in the regional list, in the top [-] in the top [-] list, in the top three in the hourly list, and in the top [-] in several related hot searches.

In various exposure positions, the number of people online instantly exceeded 130 million, and this number is still increasing rapidly.

Old fans took the initiative to explain the ins and outs to new friends, which resonated with more people.

Young Xiao Nan and the middle-aged father and daughter were both very angry. They had been deceived, and now Ye Xuan was willing to stand up and speak out for them, which made them very excited and moved.

Zi Qin sat on the chair and watched quietly.

"Sir, is there any misunderstanding?" The store manager was still a little confused. Seeing so many people watching, he quickly tried to persuade him and said, "What's wrong? Let's talk privately. Don't shout or scare us." Someone else.”

Ye Xuan shouted: "What I want to scare is you bad guys who drink human blood and eat human flesh. You dare to lie to people in broad daylight. Nanlu's reputation has been ruined by you."

The store manager panicked and said hurriedly: "Sir, don't sneer at me, and don't continue to curse for no reason. You are really scaring people."

Ye Xuan saw that there were almost many people watching, and if this kind of community shopping mall was exposed and spread from person to person, even if people nearby did not go online or watch his live broadcast, they would know what happened today.

When the time comes, lightning protection will also be provided.

Ye Xuan pointed to the three jade Buddha ornaments bought on the counter and said: "You said that these three jade Buddha ornaments are worth 30, and each one is worth 10. Is that right?!"

The store manager didn't know why, but he still nodded and said: "Our listing price is 10 each."

Ye Xuan shouted: "Don't give me the listing price, just tell me, are you saying they are worth 10 yuan each, and then if I buy them for 1 yuan each, I will make a profit?!"

The store manager hesitated.The other side's eyes dodge at the same time.

Ye Xuan shouted: "Tell me, have you ever said these words?!"

The two still refused to admit it. Everyone around them saw it. Ye Xuan was deceived and then found out, so he became angry.

Ye Xuan continued to yell: "Okay, okay, you don't admit it, do you? It doesn't matter, I have records here, I have a camera and a voice recorder on me, your and my conversations have been recorded, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it! !”

As he spoke, he took out a camera and a voice recorder from his body and held them high.

The two women wanted to snatch it, but they were able to snatch it away from Ye Xuan inside the counter, and he was snatched back.

The two of them were anxious and wanted to snatch back the Jade Buddha ornaments.

Ye Xuan pointed at them and said: "I have already paid for the things. There are invoices, receipts, and receipts. These things are mine. If you dare to rob them, you are robbing people and property. You will have to sit for at least three years!"

The two store managers were immediately frightened and said bravely: "We won't sell it to you anymore."

Ye Xuan snorted coldly, "Don't want to sell it? I have all the invoices and receipts. The goods have been delivered. This thing is already mine!"

He picked up an ornament and said, "This thing is worthless. How dare you price it at 10. Even if you cheat me into a lottery and sell it to me at a discount, it still costs 1!"

He walked around holding the ornaments for the onlookers to see clearly.

He was furious, "This thing is just a piece of broken stone and broken glass, worthless."

Onlookers made accusations one after another, and some finally spoke out about their experiences of being deceived.

"I told you a long time ago that there is something wrong with this thing!"

"They are scammers. None of us locals will buy anything here."

"I've been scammed, but what I bought was priced at several thousand, and I only spent a few hundred, so forget it."

"It's so miserable. I was defrauded of tens of thousands."

"This guy is really tough, but I'm afraid he will still suffer in the end."

There were different opinions, some comforted Ye Xuan, while others told him to calm down.

The two store managers looked at each other, took out their mobile phones, and made a call.

Ye Xuan shouted: "Who are you calling?"

The store manager was startled and said hurriedly: "Give us Manager Pan."

Ye Xuandao: "Okay, call your leader, I want to ask him how he dares to do such a thing."

"Without the permission of your leader, you would never dare to act like this! However, even so, you can't break away from the relationship."

The two store managers were very scared and kept asking Manager Pan to come quickly.

After a while, a middle-aged woman came, also wearing business attire and looking a bit fierce.

Wearing a jade bracelet and a gold ring on her hand, there are middle-aged reading glasses on the bridge of her nose.

There were several security guards behind him, and the security guards were holding steel forks and explosion-proof shields to clear the way.

Many of the customers who were watching were rushed away and cursed.

When the woman arrived, the two store managers seemed to have seen a savior.

The store manager cried, "Manager Pan, he is making trouble!"

The woman came to Ye Xuan and said angrily: "Do we have anything to offend? Why are you making trouble in my store?!"

(End of this chapter)

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