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Chapter 141 Ten thousand in teaching fees, Black Earth Media recruits people [please support]

Chapter 141 Millions of teaching fees, Black Earth Media recruits people [please support]

Aya was confused at this time.

100 million for a day of teaching?

This is too scary.

She was confused and dumbfounded.

I thought that the teaching fee of 3000 yuan a day was already very high-end, but in the face of the teaching fee of 100 million yuan a day, [-] yuan is simply insignificant, and it is not enough to cover the travel expenses for a trip here.

Aya looked at Zhang Fan who was mingling with everyone again, and was very excited at this time.

Originally, she was a little dissatisfied with Zhang Fan for rejecting many announcements, but now it seems that it was the right decision.

Being able to follow Ye Xuan is definitely a huge gain.

This 100 million a day may not be worth it in the eyes of many people.

But for actors, in the long run, this is an improvement in skills and strength, as well as the accumulation of connections.

One million a day, if you can invite Baiyun Heitu to teach you skills, you are definitely making money.

After a simple welcome ceremony, Kurotsuchi, as the king of sketches, spoke first, "Director Ye, tell me about your two scripts. Which one should we start with?"

Everyone started to become serious when they talked about work.

Ye Xuandao: "Let's start by selling crutches. This is the foundation. They are the first to learn and the easiest to learn."

Kurotsuchi nodded and said: "Then let's learn from selling abducts. In fact, we have already read it before coming here. If this book is performed like this, it may be better..."

He started teaching directly.

It has to be said that the king of sketches is the king of sketches. After reading this book and studying it for a night or two, he has mastered it and knows how to perform it to the best of his ability.

However, during the actual performance, he still occasionally got stuck, constantly adjusting and changing the rhythm.

Everyone looked at it very seriously.

First, they watched Kurotsuchi, Baiyun, and an apprentice they brought with them perform. After a set of procedures, everyone felt as if they were watching a brand new movie.

Obviously they have memorized the script and even read the storyboards by heart, but when they watch Baiyun Kurotsuchi's performance, it is still like watching a new sketch.

Even, they know how to lean forward and back together.

I have obviously seen that joke and baggage, and I have also performed it, but now after watching the other party's performance, I actually have a completely new feeling, and I laugh so naturally.

Ye Xuan watched from the side and couldn't help but smile. Looking at the state of everyone, he knew that his money was not in vain.

One million a day, he was also very distressed, but the performance should not be taken lightly.

He could make another desperate movie, and he could do it simply and hastily, but if you fool people, the results will fool you.

So Desperate One's Own currently has a box office share of more than [-] million, but if he can make a good film and go to theaters to share the box office, the final box office may be in the billions!
Of course.

It was Ye Xuan’s decision to go all-in on the free version, and no one can blame him.

Now that Ye Xuan plans to do it seriously, it is necessary to hire the best teacher to teach him.

The performance of the sketch may seem very simple, but being able to do it naturally and grasp the rhythm will be of great help to future performances in movies and television.

These people are all future team members, and Ye Xuan naturally wants to train them all.

Even though Muddlehead is a director, he is also an actor, and he is also learning to improve his learning and teaching abilities.

Follow along to learn and follow along, and the improvement will be huge.People like Godzilla and Hawkeye also learned from it, and they also gained a lot, which will be of great help to them in the future.

Kurotsuchi's teaching was very serious, and everyone studied very hard.

During the teaching process, Baiyun Heitu saw everyone's talent and hard work, and couldn't help but teach some real things, which were only taught to apprentices.

Now that I have been hired with a lot of money, and I see how hard-working and talented these young people are, I can't help but love their talents, so I teach them some real things.

A few hours later, Bai Yun saw Zhang Fan making a non-standard movement, so he sternly slapped him with a ruler.

"Be serious, you have to move like this. I told you, that is the camera, your position must be facing it. In your current position, the camera can't see you, and the audience can't see your expression. You It’s like performing in vain…”

Zhang Fan endured the pain and performed over and over again.

He graduated from the acting department, but found that what he learned in four years of study was not as rich as what he learned in one day here.

Others were also very emotional.

Especially for voice actors such as Godzilla, Shirayun Kurotsuchi personally taught them how to perform monologues, only to find that the feeling was completely different when reading a sentence.

Only with both voice and emotion can the lines be dynamic, otherwise it will just be a mechanical reading.

It's no use even if you can change countless voices, the voice must have emotion.

They teach Godzilla and others to imagine the scene and gain emotions by being immersed in it.

"When actors are performing, the director wants you to get into the mood quickly, otherwise you will drag down the crew. Every second is money. If you cry, if you can't cry, use eye drops instead. It is convenient for you, but the audience is also It was obvious that you had been fooled, so the curses followed..."

"Emotional control is the basis for an actor. If you can't change your emotions at any time, you are not good enough. So what I am teaching you now is to let you quickly control your emotions. Whether you are performing or reading lines, You have to have feelings..."

Baiyun Heitu's teachings made everyone study seriously.

All of a sudden, a week passed.

Everyone learns very quickly. They have already finished learning the performance of selling crutches, and they are already able to perform to a certain level.

Baiyun Kurotsuchi gave them makeup according to their roles.

Mimian is a makeup expert. According to Baiyun Heitu's instructions, she quickly put on makeup and immediately received a lot of praise.

"The girl is pretty good. Her makeup skills are very good. Are you willing to work as an art director in our media?" Kurotsuchi poached him in person.

Agent Aya was shocked.

In the past few days, she had been thinking about whether there was a chance for Zhang Fan to join Baiyun Heitu's media company, which was the largest media company in the north. If he could join and become an artist, he would have a bright future and countless resources!

But she didn't invite her, and now that she's taken a liking to Mimi'an's makeup skills, she actually invited her!
People are more mad than people.

Mimian glanced at Ye Xuan, and then said: "No, thank you teacher, I still like to be free."

Kurotsuchi was happy, "I'm afraid it's not for freedom, but for waiting."

He looked at Ye Xuan again and said: "Director Ye, you guys are very talented. Although there are a few people missing, the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs. It is completely possible to set up a media company and increase the talent pool. In the future, the film will be able to Come out one by one."

Ye Xuan smiled and said: "We are making preparations, we are making preparations."

In fact, he was not prepared at all.

Kurotsuchi smiled and said: "How about you bring them into my media company together, and I will be the branch boss for you, and you will get the shares and commissions, but I will not interfere with your decision?!"

(End of this chapter)

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