Live broadcast to combat counterfeiting, starting with 800 pages of insurance and body protection

Chapter 145 Master of Chinese Martial Arts, Mr. Park [Asking for Support]

Chapter 145 Master of Chinese Martial Arts, Mr. Park [Asking for Support]

The purchasing manager was extremely anxious and at a loss.

But Ye Xuan's attitude left her helpless.

She also understood that this matter was too important. After all, Ye Xuan did not intend to exclusively authorize it. He did not even intend to give Douyin the first broadcast rights, but planned to broadcast it on the entire network.

This is a very bad signal, proving that Ye Xuan has lost confidence in Douyin, or that Ye Xuan has gone beyond their control.

An anchor who comes from Douyin, but cannot be controlled by Douyin, and if it is spread out, people will laugh to death.


Purchasing managers also dare not make arbitrary decisions.

She glanced at Hongfu Nu and the operations manager. Both of them had serious expressions on their faces and wanted to persuade Ye Xuan to change his mind. However, Ye Xuan was playing with his mobile phone at this time and occasionally looked at his watch.

They believed that if Ye Xuan really didn't get a satisfactory answer after half an hour, he would definitely leave.

This matter was beyond the scope of a few people making decisions, so they quickly ran to the side to discuss it.

The purchasing manager said: "Maybe we should report it to the leaders. This matter is really too big and we cannot make any arbitrary decisions."

The other two people immediately nodded in agreement. They had finally reached their current position. If they lost Ye Xuan or agreed to make the company suffer heavy losses because of their arbitrary opinions, they would not be able to afford it.

Several people immediately ran outside the corridor to ask for instructions from the leader.

Ye Xuan continued to play with his mobile phone. He knew how terrifying his "Selling Abduction" was. It was an absolute masterpiece.

Not only is it entertaining in nature, it also plays a very important role in promoting anti-fraud APPs.

Of course.

Selling Kidneys is for the annual meeting of Douyin, and Douyin itself can be obtained, but if "Selling Jade" is a high-level sketch like "Selling Kidneys", then the nature is exactly the same!

Even "Selling Jade" was promoted as a commercial skit and commercial film, and the effect was even more explosive than "Selling Kidnapping".

Moreover, "Selling Kidnapping" was only played during the live broadcast of the Douyin annual meeting. If people who haven't seen it or can't see the full picture want to watch the replay, they will need to pay to watch it.

By then, "Trafficking" will also become a commercial film.

The commercial nature of the two films can be compared and referenced.

Ye Xuan believes that Maguai's strength will definitely shock the top management of Douyin.

If they had never seen "Selling Kidnapping", they would naturally not go to war, nor would they be threatened by Ye Xuan's conditions.


After reading it, I believe that the three Hongfu women will definitely describe the plot, add their own experiences and experiences, and with their professionalism, they will definitely be able to impress the senior officials.

If Douyin doesn't have this vision, Ye Xuan must seriously consider whether to present this skit at the annual meeting!

Although Mr. Li managed to secure a show for him at the Douyin Network Annual Conference, he would rather not participate in the show if Wang Zha's show was humiliated.

Even if it can increase his fan base, even if he can become famous.

However, he didn't want to bury "Selling Abduction"!
Browsing his phone, Ye Xuan found that he hadn't checked the Internet for more than a week. The content on Douyin was ever-changing and a lot of things appeared.

First, he took a look at his video. The popularity of the video has passed, and his playback volume has not increased for a long time.

There are occasionally a few new comments in the comments section, but most of them are from more than a week ago.

mixed reviews.

Those who appreciated Ye Xuan's actions were ordinary fans and some victims, while those who criticized Ye Xuan were some holy mothers and the trolls hired by the Zheng Group.

Ye Xuanhua pulled through the comment section and was suddenly attracted by a comment.

"Ye Xuan shattered the explosion-proof shield with one palm during the live broadcast. He used the lightning palm technique of our Five Elements Sect. One palm was as fast as lightning, and the other palm broke mountains and rocks."

This comment doesn’t have many likes, but it has a lot of comments and amazing replies.

Moreover, Ye Xuan found that there were relevant comments in the comment area of ​​each video, and there were many replies.

He clicked on the person's profile picture and took a look, and immediately discovered that the person was an old man in his sixties or seventies, wearing a mandarin jacket and long robes, with the air of a master.

Introduction: He is the head of [Lu Family's Five Elements Sect].

There are a lot of videos, almost a dozen a day.

It didn't look like there were many likes, but after clicking in, I found that there were a lot of comments.

Likes and comments are out of proportion.

Just click on a video and enter the comment area, where Ye Xuancha will lead you to tears.

"Master Lu, I've been suffering from insomnia recently, can you use your Lightning Five Elements Palm to make me fall asleep?"

"I can defeat a group of such seventy-year-old masters."

"Looking so soft, how dare you touch Porcelain Leaf Wudi?"

"Where did the clown come from?" "The decline of Chinese martial arts was caused by people like you."

"You are disrespectful to me. Just do aerobics, don't talk about martial arts."

"Teacher Lu's live broadcast PK is still very fierce. People from all walks of life are often connected in the live broadcast room, and in the end they always win big."

"It's over-packaged, and there's trouble everywhere. I've learned boxing for three months. If you have the ability, you can fight with me."


After reading the comment section, Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows thoughtfully.

Nowadays, all kinds of ghosts and monsters are popping up. After all, he is a person who is frequently searched for. In just half a year, he has become an internet celebrity with tens of millions of fans.

Everyone wanted to take a sip of blood from him.

Whether it is a real master or a fake master, they are all here to touch the heat of porcelain.

Now that he sees Master Lu's video, he knows that he is an ordinary master who likes to practice martial arts and keep fit.

Even at the age of seventy and eighty, he can still wield a machete, a long sword, and drive a wooden mannequin, which is already better than 99.9% of the elderly.

But, fitness is fitness.

Movement is movement.

Being able to fight is two different things.

However, he didn't pay too much attention to these people, otherwise he would just increase the popularity of the other party, which could be regarded as satisfying the other party.

Just now.

Master Lu's live broadcast room started. Ye Xuan was watching him backstage when he saw the live broadcast started.

Then he watched the live broadcast directly outside the live broadcast room.

He wanted to row away, but when he saw the old man giving a fist-cup salute to the camera in the live broadcast room and speaking very politely, he was a little confused.

"Dear fans and friends, I'm here again. Today I will perform a brick splitting with my bare hands as a kick-off."

Without any nonsense, he just picked up a brick and struck it with one palm, breaking the brick into two pieces.

Ye Xuan was a little surprised. He clicked in to see the reactions of netizens.

Anyway, it’s okay to be idle now, just watch the excitement.

As soon as he entered, Ye Xuan was shocked.

The number of likes in the video area is not that good, and there are only a few hundred thousand fans, but there are more than 1 people after the broadcast!
This is a very scary number.

Many big Internet celebrities with millions of dollars don’t have this number when they start broadcasting.

Even some of the early Internet celebrities who had their data uploaded had tens of millions of fans, but they didn’t have enough online followers to reach [-].

This Master Lu is very powerful!
The barrage is also very fun.

"Fake, definitely fake."

"That brick is foam."

"One glance."

"You can try it yourself if it's fake."

"I built it at home, and you can tell it's real bricks."

"You are already seventy or eighty years old, what else can you do?"

"I have learned boxing for ten years. I heard that you are very bad. Do you have the guts to challenge me? I will give you a hand!"


Most of the people who posted the comments were skeptical, but there were also some die-hard fans who were very supportive of it.

There are also some people who hope to become famous in one battle and challenge Master Lu in the live broadcast room.

The rewards in the comment area have been accumulating since the time you broke the bricks.

Ye Xuan took a look and thought he was just an entertainment anchor, and was about to quit.

As a result, Master Lu talked about him in the live broadcast room.

"Babys, have you all seen the video of that fighting anchor Ye Wudi, right?"

"He used martial arts many times during many live broadcasts, which is inseparable from my Lu Style Five Elements Quan."

"He once visited me, and I taught him for two months. He was very talented, and he finally achieved what he is today, um, um, not bad."

Ye Xuan's eyes widened, this guy actually touched him live? ! !

(End of this chapter)

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