Live broadcast to combat counterfeiting, starting with 800 pages of insurance and body protection

Chapter 157 God’s Kung Fu?Parallel boxing champion cheats money and sex [please support]

Chapter 157 God’s Kung Fu?Parallel boxing champion cheats money and sex [please support]

Iron Fist Superman's face was dull and his eyes were stunned.

He looked at his assistant with confusion and frowned.

Why did Ye Xuan break 10 bricks with one punch?
Even he couldn't do it. After all, any brick is 5 centimeters thick, and the red bricks calcined in a high fire are half a meter thick and cannot be penetrated by a rifle!
How could manpower possibly penetrate it?
But the assistant was also confused at this time. He winked at Iron Fist Superman and then shook his head in denial.

But in the eyes of Iron Fist Superman, that is not a denial, but a stubborn refusal to admit it.

Iron Fist Superman felt a little unhappy, but when he saw that everyone present was cheering and shouting with excitement, and the number of people online in the live broadcast room was also soaring, and the rewards were ten times more than usual, he was relieved immediately!
Who is this anchor? He is so powerful and can have such high traffic!

He was confused, but usually everyone was not on the same channel, and they were all busy making money, so it was normal for them not to know each other.

Even if I occasionally saw news about Ye Xuan, I would just glance at it.

Especially for colleagues, if they are not specialized in research, they will have no interest in seeing relevant news!

After all, we are all in this industry, so no one knows who is who!
Iron Fist Superman saw that the number of people online in the live broadcast room has reached 15+, and it is still soaring.

The rewards have not stopped since Ye Xuan arrived, and some people have rewarded several Porsches and yachts.

The level of luxury made him dumbfounded.

No matter who he is, you must keep him. Keeping him means keeping traffic!

Iron Fist Superman doesn't care whether the brick is real or fake, he must do something about it!
He said: "Awesome, Brother Ye, my limit for splitting bricks is only three. This thing looks very simple, but it is actually super difficult. Unexpectedly, in Brother Ye's hands, it is just ordinary!"

Then he faced the live broadcast room and said: "But, brother, I have to clarify one thing. My bricks are all from brick kilns. They are definitely not fake. I also welcome counterfeiters!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was happy.

They are basically tourists, and some are tour guides.

There were originally some anchors, but they were all peers, and those who could come to the Bund to attend the annual meeting were all capable.

Therefore, they all have their own live broadcast content, and naturally they will not stay in one place for too long, let alone live broadcast other people's content!

As a tourist, I am naturally happy to see an anchor who knows how to live up to his rhythm.

Everyone bared their teeth and smiled.

Netizens and fans in the live broadcast room were also happy.

Iron Fist Superman is also very satisfied with everyone's smiles. He said this deliberately to guide everyone to think more about the fake bricks!
Anyway, he also said that he is welcome to crack down on fakes. When others come to crack down on him, it will be fine if he is not fake!
He also said that he could split three bricks!

He still has the strength!
But Ye Xuan split ten bricks, which was so exaggerated, it was obviously fake!

On weekdays, if he is tired, tired or injured during the live broadcast, if the intensity of the live broadcast is too high and he needs to live broadcast, he will often use props!
Anyway, no one can deceive him through the screen!
If someone really comes to crack down on counterfeiters, he will be able to handle it if he is the real one.

What's more, who is tired of living and dares to fight against a heavyweight boxing champion who holds the title of a small Southeast Asian country? !
Even though he is a boxing champion, there is absolutely no doubt about his strength!

He deliberately set the pace to make people think that Ye Xuan was playing props. The audience responded enthusiastically because he set the pace.

So everyone smiles heartily!
However, the live broadcast room is different!

He glanced at the live broadcast room, only to find that the netizens in the live broadcast room agreed with his words and did not refute it at all.

"I used to suspect that Iron Fist was a parallel boxing champion, but now it seems that he has real abilities."

"Brother Ye is definitely capable. Since he's here, he hasn't gone crazy yet, and he's not broadcasting live under his own account, it means that the parallel import boxing champion is really awesome."

"Since that brick passed through Brother Ye's hands, it must be true."

"The parallel import boxing champion can actually hit three bricks on weekdays? It's amazing!"

"Brother Ye is even more powerful. He broke ten bricks with one punch!"

"I just say that Kung Fu is not a weakling. There are only people who can't beat it. There is no Kung Fu that can't be beaten!"

"So, is it really possible for Brother Ye to learn something real from Master Lu?!"

"So, Master Lu is really awesome?!"

There are a lot of barrages and a lot of rewards.

But seeing the content of the barrage, Iron Fist Superman almost burst into tears.

He was full of doubts and confused.

He deliberately used the rhythm to make people think that Ye Xuan was playing with fake props, but everyone thought it was true!
"Fuck, I usually fight, but they all say it's fake. Ordinary people can't do it. They question this and that, but now they take it seriously?!"

Iron Fist Superman was unhappy.

Ye Xuan clapped his hands, looked calm, picked up a brick, looked at it, and then threw it away.

He did not refute that although these bricks had been weakened, they were not as good as real red bricks.


The hardness and strength are still 80%.

Moreover, such bricks are also in compliance with factory standards. Naturally, they cannot be used to build residential buildings in China, but not because of their hardness, but because of environmental pollution.But it is still possible to send this to Southeast Asia to build houses.

If this boxing champion uses these bricks to perform on weekdays, then it is indeed not considered fake!

Mimian watched from the side, her eyes full of surprise and admiration.

"Brother Ye, you are so awesome." Mimian said in surprise.

Ye Xuan was delighted and said: "What's wrong with this? It's not great. I have something even more powerful."

Mimian's face turned red.

Iron Fist Superman was not willing to let the heat go down, so he seized the opportunity and said: "Brother Ye, you are so powerful, why don't you continue to perform for us."

Ye Xuandao: "Forget it, I don't really want to show off."

Iron Fist Superman said: "Your fists are so hard, you must be very powerful. I often practice kicking steel plates and durians on weekdays. Do you want to give it a try?"

Ye Xuan frowned and said nothing.


Iron Fist Superman has already asked his assistant to put on the props.

They also asked people to set up a cordon, euphemistically called it, to avoid injuring onlookers during the performance.

Some people were dissatisfied and objected because they didn't think they would be hurt. However, some people in the crowd took the initiative to maintain order and retreated outside the cordon.

Ye Xuan was a little confused. He had a spider sense and could feel that people who took the initiative to retreat seemed to be making eye contact. Sometimes they stood together, but now they retreated separately.

It's clear that it's just to control the situation.

"This boxing champion anchor?"

Ye Xuan was a little confused and thoughtful, and finally seemed to understand something.

Iron Fist Superman felt that he needed to show off his skills, otherwise he would not be able to get the traffic of this person called 'Brother Ye'.

And he must prove himself at this time, otherwise the audience will spread the word and say that he is fake.

This Brother Ye has traffic, and he must seize the opportunity to catch this wave of traffic!
Iron Fist Superman said: "Brothers, I have two more levels here. If Brother Ye passes it, the 1 yuan will be given to Brother Ye. Then, I also have a 20-gram gold bar here, which will also be given to Brother Ye as a reward. !”

As he spoke, he took out a small piece of gold bar.

As soon as it appeared, passers-by were immediately surprised. The gold bar was worth [-]!

In other words, the reward is 2!

Everyone in the live broadcast room was cheering, but they were not surprised by the reward.

I just want to watch Ye Xuan perform!

Ye Xuan didn't want to show off.

He said: "Forget it."

Iron Fist Superman was not willing to give up this wave of traffic. He also saw the content in the live broadcast room and knew that Ye Xuan was an anti-counterfeiting anchor.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Brother Ye, aren't you cracking down on fakes? Netizens often say that the things I do during my live broadcasts are fake. You can come and crack down on me!"

Ye Xuandao: "That brick is real."

He pointed to the brick he had broken earlier.

Iron Fist Superman smiled.

He thought it was false, after all no one could break ten bricks!Even now, I think the assistant got it by mistake.

The assistant was confused at this time. He had already given Iron Fist Superman a hint that it was true, but Iron Fist Superman was so eager to prove himself and the whole story that he didn't watch it at all.

Iron Fist Superman said: "Yes, yes, the brick is real, it must be real!"

He laughed again: "But many people said that the durians and steel plates I kicked were fake, and that the strength of my boxing was fake."

He patted the dynamometer next to him, as well as the durians, steel plates, wrenches and other props that were displayed.

"Brother Ye, you are fighting against fakes. You have to prove it to me." Iron Fist Superman said happily, "If I am fake, you beat me. If I am real, you have proved it for me."

Ye Xuan couldn't tell that the other party wanted to use his traffic to make a living!

Mimian also saw it, so she didn't want Ye Xuan to be taken advantage of.

And Mimian also feels that these boxing and martial arts are too dangerous. Even if the performers are hydrated, they are still very harmful to the body!


I don’t want Ye Xuan to participate!
Just to take Ye Xuan away.

Ye Xuan didn't want to participate either. It just happened to be a good match and he wanted to leave!

Iron Fist Superman continued, saying: "Brother Ye, don't leave. I see the live broadcast room asking you to beat me up. If you don't fight, it will prove that I am real in disguise, but if you fight, you can better prove it." ah!"

He faced the camera and said: "Brothers, come on, let me show you our Southeast Asian magic, babbling, babbling, babbling~~"

Iron Fist Superman jumped up and down and stamped his feet. After pretending to be a ghost, his eyes suddenly became sharp.

The live broadcast room was also boiling.

"Come on, come on, the god of Iron Fist is doing the magic, asking the god to possess you, who is it this time?!"

"Look at that, that posture is absolutely awesome!"

"Every time I see Tekken's masterful martial arts, my blood boils. If I had this skill, I wouldn't have to be bullied."

"This is the martial arts of Southeast Asia. Iron Fist also teaches people, but you have to pay tuition."


Iron Fist touched his nose, said Ada, and performed some of Bruce Lee's signature moves!

He picked up a wrench, put it on the table, and kicked it with his feet!

Bang bang bang!
"Ada Ada Ada~~"

Five or six kicks in a row bent the wrench!

Iron Fist Superman just stopped. After closing his eyes, his body twitched for a while, and then he regained consciousness and said: "Come on, come on, Brother Ye, beat me!"

To outsiders, he modestly asked Ye Xuan to crack down on counterfeiting, but from Ye Xuan's perspective, one could see the provocation in Iron Fist Superman's eyes!
Ye Xuan understood. If he wanted to catch this wave of traffic, he had to stand and earn money!
It was nothing at first, and he wouldn't get angry just because of someone else's few words.

After all, no matter how cheap this parallel boxing champion is, he is indeed a boxing champion, and the bricks he took out are indeed real.

There is no fraud, I just want to make a living and earn traffic.

Ye Xuan just ignored it.


At this time, a voice sounded in Ye Xuan's mind.

"It has been detected that the host has encountered a Southeast Asian parallel import boxing champion who uses his own strength to pretend to be a ghost and defraud traffic and money. You can make the following choices."

"Choose one, directly expose the opponent's tricks and ruin the opponent's reputation. You can obtain the superpower [Qigong] and receive a cash reward of 5000 million yuan."

"Choose two, ignore this and get a 5 yuan scratch-off ticket."

"Option three, let the other party take advantage of it, make it bigger and stronger, deceive more people, and gain the contempt of the system."

Ye Xuan was stunned at this moment. He really didn't expect that this Southeast Asian parallel import boxing champion would actually cheat!

It’s not that his performance of kicking durians or boxing was fake, but that he used these things to add a mysterious color, and then pretended to be a ghost, taking this opportunity to deceive people! !
For example, ask a god to take over, and then teach the god to perform martial arts and deceive people and sex!

Then he can't just sit back and do nothing!


Must choose one!

Ye Xuan felt that there was no need to hesitate, so he chose one directly and killed this liar!
His eyes gradually turned cold.

If it was an ordinary host, it wouldn't matter to him.

After all, there are a lot of live anchors on the Internet who talk about playing this and which one all day long, or they perform some performances by themselves, such as kicking banana trees or splitting bricks.

Most of them are doing it alone, and there are only a few people who are truly capable.

But no matter which one it is, as long as the live broadcast is to attract traffic, gain profits, and is not harmful to nature, everyone will treat him as an entertainment anchor and laugh at him, so he doesn't care!


The Southeast Asian parallel boxing champion in front of me is completely different. He doesn't just do his job, he also promotes his amazing fighting skills. He even wants to attract fans and then make money for teaching!

That is completely different in nature. It is fraud or even a crime!
How could Ye Xuan sit back and watch.


The parallel boxing champion Iron Fist Superman kept showing off, and even half-jokingly and half-seriously asked Ye Xuan to beat him!

Ye Xuan looked at him deeply and said, "Do you really want me to cheat on you?"

The parallel import boxing champion looked at Ye Xuan and was stunned for a moment, a little scared.

When he was frowning, he discovered that the number of people in his live broadcast room had soared, almost reaching 18+. This terrifying traffic was beyond his reach no matter how much he hyped it up!
Eyes bright with surprise.

"Yes, yes, Brother Ye, you can crack down on me. If I am a fake, I will be punished. If I am real, you can also clear my name."

The parallel import boxing champion laughed, completely unaware that Ye Xuan's eyes had changed.

The assistant was standing next to him, feeling very guilty.

He took a look at the few bags he brought and found that there were indeed some fake props inside, all for the purpose of dressing up.

If that was beaten by Ye Xuan, it would be trouble!
Moreover, Iron Fist Superman didn't know how powerful Ye Xuan was, but he understood it very well. The traffic was very scary, and it was a hot search every two days!
The assistant wanted to give Iron Fist Superman a warning, but Ye Xuan had already accepted the challenge.

Ye Xuan shouted: "Okay, I will take your leave today!"

The assistant was startled by a sudden roar, and the parallel boxing champion Iron Fist Superman was also stunned and startled.

He also wanted to wink at Ye Xuan and tell him not to be so serious, just to live together.


Ye Xuan ignored him.

Instead, he said directly: "You are so powerful, is it because you are so awesome?"

Iron Fist Superman was stunned and said: "I am powerful, what do you mean?"

Ye Xuandao: "Crack bricks, kick wrenches, etc."

Iron Fist Superman smiled and took the opportunity to promote his own stuff and said: "Brothers, as we all know, an ordinary boxing champion only has a 500-pound fist. I can reach 700 pounds. I can chop bricks, kick wrenches, and banana trees. That’s why I practiced Shen Da Gong!”

"As you all know, I used to be the boxing champion in Southeast Asia. The official data of my fist strength is 510 pounds, but after continuous training over the years, I have reached 700 pounds, which is even more powerful than Tyson!"

Ye Xuandao: "In other words, you are awesome because you practice Shen Da Gong?!"

Iron Fist nodded repeatedly.

Ye Xuandao: "You also sell courses on practicing God's Kung Fu online?"

He took out his mobile phone, flipped through it, and found the contents of Iron Fist Superman's product display window, and said: "And your courses are divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced. The cheapest course costs 500, and the most expensive one costs 5000!!"

Iron Fist Superman smiled and said: "A thousand pieces of gold are easy to get, but magical powers are hard to come by!"

He suddenly performed a set of air attacks, and then said: "Brothers, you get what you want. With me being so powerful, let alone five hundred and five thousand, even fifty thousand will be picked up. I don't make money from you, I’m just teaching you something.”

Ye Xuan pointed at him and scolded: "You are lying, what you teach is bullshit, and you are none of the bullshit!!"

 Sorry for the late update, I will be more energetic tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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