Chapter 125 Who is the master of Zhongzhou?

Zhongzhou is the final place of pilgrimage for many strong men.

Only by entering Zhongzhou can one initially enter the ranks of competition among the strong.

Entering Zhongzhou, I suddenly felt that my eyebrows had become a lot more enlightened.

This is the progress of the energy gathered here.

"Is this Zhongzhou? A place where countless powerful people are attracted by it? It's really a majestic scenery.

I just don’t know how the strong men here are more vindictive than the northwest region of the mainland. "


Only by entering Zhongzhou can we further enter the center stage of the world, the vast world.

Only when you enter the world can you have the opportunity to touch some of the top forces in this world.

Only the top forces can allow everyone to touch the tip of the iceberg in this world.

"Yes, this is Zhongzhou. From now on, it will serve as our center.

As a transfer station that is the source of our Dawn Union's transportation hub. "

Jiang Longyin roared loudly.


In an empty and suspended place in Zhongzhou, Dou Qi Continent, ice clouds spread all over the place, and the mountains and rivers condensed into ice.In the central area of ​​Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, there were all the elders sitting there. They all had serious faces, as if the evil aura was condensed in the dome of the Celestial Eye.

"What happened? There is no news about our law enforcement team and our disciples."

"So, who can tell me what happened? It's so unexpected to everyone."


As the leader of Glacier River Valley, the most surprising thing is what happened today. There is no news about any of the disciples and elders.There was silence, and no one knew what happened.

All I know is that they are most likely dead.

But that shouldn't be the case. The disciples were just asked to carry out a simple task, which was to kill the so-called foreign forces. With such a simple task, there shouldn't be any accidents, right?

But why delay until now?

Moreover, there is no news at all.

Could it be said that nothing happened to this group of people?
However, at this moment, a group of disciples suddenly broke in outside the door, as well as disciples from various forces in Zhongzhou, as well as powerful forces from all parties.They were all piled up at the door, waiting and waiting.

Knowing that the old man of Glacier Valley had called all these people in, this group of people rushed in hurriedly.

"It's not good, leader. All the people we sent out from Glacier Valley were killed, not a single one was left. They were all slaughtered.

All his disciples are gone, and his senior brother has also died. "


Glacier Valley Old Man: "???!!"

Everyone, including the strong ones present, was confused by this report. Their eyes widened in confusion, unaware of what was going on.However, under the rough voice of the old man in the Glacier Valley, these people finally calmed down a lot, "Speak slowly and explain clearly what exactly happened.

What's going on? ,

Talk it out.

If you can't explain it clearly, don't even think about living. "

At this time, the old man in the glacier valley had a gloomy expression on his face.It's like water is dripping out.

"Leader, he's dead, he's all dead." The disciple took a few mouthfuls of saliva, and then repeated, "Everyone is dead.

The senior brother went to surround the Dawn Guild, but they all died without resisting a single move.

The elders went to help, but were all slaughtered by Jiang Longyin before they even got close.

Leader, this group of people are not unknown people at all, but ruthless people who use their best methods to kill.It was impossible to cook at all.You don't know how ruthless these people are. With a swing of the big sword, everyone was wiped out.

A gentle step on his foot, and with a bang, the person who came to rescue turned into powder.

No one can beat it.They are simply devils.

Oh my gosh! ! ! "..."

This disciple seemed to have seen a god and demon, holding his head and roaring back and forth in confusion.


Suddenly, another voice from the leader shocked everyone present, including the disciple who was still in panic, "What is this mess?

What Jiang Longyin, what Dawn Union.

Is it so troublesome for you to contain an external force?A bunch of useless trash, it's so troublesome for you to do simple things?
What are you hesitating to say?Can't we finish it all at once? "

"What's the matter?"


When the old man in the Glacier River Valley saw the male disciple sitting down with his mouth open, looking like he was hesitating to speak, he frowned and felt unhappy for a while, "Ancestor, you'd better retreat quickly. Now that little beast Jiang Longyin has a great reputation." Zhen, instantly grasped the power of many powerful people in Zhongzhou.

Avoid its edge.

Get your reputation back tomorrow. "



The ancestors of the Glacier Valley were dumbfounded.

"What do you mean?"


This disciple is really about to cry. What does the ancestor mean by asking at this time?
"Ancestor, it's very simple. Everyone in the Glacier Valley is coming to kill! Let's leave quickly.

Run away quickly.

Ancestor, retreat quickly.If we don’t withdraw, people won’t be able to leave.

That little beast Jiang Longyin could kill people beyond his level, and even Dou Zun died in his hands.It's no problem if he's a fighting saint.

You know, he slaughtered those Dou Zun without any effort.I'm afraid that Dou Sheng is just a piece of cake for them.

Ancestor, please leave quickly. "


"!!!???" All the disciples present in the Ice Valley were dumbfounded.What is this guy talking about?Let the ancestor avoid his edge?Just hilarious.Funny?

What a mess.

"In other words, this Dawn Union still dares to declare war on our Glacier Valley?" Some elders began to giggle in a funny way, and even stroked their beards leisurely, showing a leisurely attitude.

Some ancestors began to drink tea gently, and the appearance of neither salty nor bland made people look particularly irritating.

"Hahahaha, our Glacier River Valley has stood tall in Zhongzhou for so many years, and we don't rely on some unfounded fame.

If our Glacier River Valley were destroyed by an outside force today, it would simply be a joke for everyone to see. "

"Hahaha, hehehe, it's so funny. How can a bunch of little kids turn against the will of heaven? I'll wait for them to come.

Does it sound like you still want revenge?Hahahaha, okay, okay, come on.I, old man Xuan Bing, am waiting for them. "


The ancestors who have never seen Jiang Longyin take action don't know one thing at all. Their Glacier Valley is famous for killing, but Jiang Longyin is also famous for being a sword god.

So, this is a tough battle.Jiang Longyin is pure revenge.

Glacier Valley is also a revenge of sorts.

"Humph." Until the old man sitting in the front seat opened his thunderous eyes and slowly spoke, "Come on.

No matter how much you come, my glacier valley will be completely destroyed.

Let Zhongzhou take a good look at who is the master. "

(End of this chapter)

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