This anchor is legal but sick, so he wears it conspicuously

Chapter 93 The big brother of the MLM organization is coming

Chapter 93 The big brother of the MLM organization is coming
After the meal, everyone had a great appetite. Even the rice was not enough, so we bought some steamed buns and came back.

"You guys eat too much, you have to limit your food intake next time."

The eldest brother who made the purchase was blushing. This meal cost more than 2000 yuan.

If I continue to eat like this, I will spend all my money within a week.

"Only when you are full can you have the strength to work. Don't be so stingy."

Su Haozhe rubbed his belly and encouraged him from the side.


The man didn't want to offend Su Haozhe, so he packed up.

Su Haozhe only did the cooking, and others would do the other work. Anyway, the cooking was delicious, and no one else had any objections.

After everyone else was sent to sleep, several key members of the MLM organization quietly came to another room.

"I also kept a king crab, but luckily I didn't take it out, otherwise I wouldn't even be able to eat the hair on my legs."

The man took out the king crab and the group started eating.

The two extra ones are Su Haozhe and Brother Yang.

"Brother Su, I think the online loan you talked about today is still feasible."

"Brother, do you have any idea of ​​joining our team? You can also be a lecturer and the commission will be very high."

The lecturer heard what Su Haozhe said was powerful, but he didn't quite understand it himself, so he prepared a lot of clichés.

"Does this lecturer have a fixed salary?"

Su Haozhe took a bite of crab roe, raised his head and asked.

"Yes, but it also depends on performance. When it is high, it can easily exceed [-], and with commissions, the minimum annual income is one million."

The MLM people began to cheat again, preparing to recruit Su Haozhe into the group.

"Let me think about it first and try a bite of crab claw porridge first."

Su Haozhe rushed to eat, otherwise he would lose money.

"Okay, our boss should be on the way. He will be able to test you when he comes."

The lecturer nodded, not worried that Su Haozhe would not agree.

at this time.

Brother Nan, the boss of the MLM organization, was on the phone with a frown on his face.

[The number you dialed cannot be connected, please call again later]

"That's weird. Why didn't Brother Chen even answer my call? You shouldn't."

Brother Nan has made five or six phone calls, not all at the same time.

"I heard that Boss Scar Chen is very powerful in Jiangcheng and has many capable people under his command."

The boy on the side asked.

"This is natural. The boss has many businesses, including pickpockets, telecom fraud, fortune tellers, and beggars."

"Only you can't imagine that there is nothing Brother Chen can't do, but why the phone can't be reached."

Brother Nan was a little puzzled, he was the one who came relatively late.

Scar Chen had developed a lot of influence in Jiangcheng before. Brother Nan had been out of town before and only recently came to Jiangcheng.

It's a pity that the news about the arrest of Scar Chen's gang did not become a hot topic. Brother Nan didn't know that Scar Chen had turned into ashes and all the younger brothers were arrested.

"Then try calling someone else."

The younger brother reminded from the side.

"I called, but no one answered. Could it be that they were engaging in telecom fraud and their number was blocked and changed?"

Brother Nan no longer thought about it and was going to drive there first.

"It's possible, let's go first."

The boys all got in the car and headed to Jiangcheng together.


MLM organization here.

Su Haozhe had a full meal and then went back to the house to sleep.

: "Who is the big brother of the MLM organization? Why is Su Shen so happy here?"

: "I finally understand that knowledge is power. With Su Shen's eloquence and deception ability, I think I can sell this organization."

: "I seem to have heard about the case Su Shen mentioned. There is a village where it seems that the whole village is engaged in illegal online loans."

: “Is this considered fighting crime, or is this considered gangsterism?”

: "..."

Seeing how comfortable Su Haozhe was, netizens also admired Su Haozhe's ability.

Do what you do and love what you do, Su Haozhe fully explained this sentence.

Looking at Su Haozhe like this, Director Zhang didn't worry about his safety and just waited for the boss to come over.

afternoon time.

Su Haozhe elaborated on his philosophy on online loans.

Then we decided what to eat in the evening.Happy time always passes quickly.

Su Haozhe has been here for two days.

Ten o'clock at night.

"Oh, it feels so good."

Brother Yang was lying on the bed with a bag of milk in his mouth.

"If you hang out with me, you'll enjoy the spicy food every time."

Su Haozhe has been enjoying himself these days.

Buy whatever is expensive, and make whatever is expensive.

Su Haozhe usually couldn't bear to eat anything, so he ate several things here.

The accounts of MLM organizations are shared and do not belong to a single person, which makes it unnecessary for anyone to spend money.

Just a few meals in these two days cost nearly 2 yuan.

"What should I do now? There is no money in the account."

The MLM person said with a sad face.

"I said you should go shopping alone. You have to go alone once, but you can eat what you want and the money is gone."

The lecturer stared at him, not knowing what to do.

"Can we stop arguing now? The boss is coming tomorrow. What should we do?"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone fell silent.

All the money has been spent, how can I explain this?

"Well, you go pick up the boss tomorrow. I still have to give lectures."

The lecturer paused and divided the tasks.

"I won't go, I still have to keep an eye on these students."

"I still have to keep statistics on the account books, so I can't get away from it."

"Don't look at me, I have something to do tomorrow too."


Several people each had their own reasons, and no one wanted to pick them up.

This is a job that involves getting scolded, and no one wants to get involved.

"Let's do this, let's play rock, paper, scissors, and the two losers go."

In the end, two unlucky guys were selected using this ancient and fair method.

"The boss said that this time he will drop the car in the next city, and then take a bus over. You two can just go to the station to pick him up."

The lecturer told the boss about his schedule, then got up and went to sleep.

The remaining two people sighed, not knowing how to pick up the phone tomorrow.

"Otherwise, let Brother Su prepare a good table tomorrow. The boss will not be angry after eating the delicious food."

One of them had an idea and planned to impress the boss with delicious food.

"It makes sense. People feel better when they are full. Maybe we won't blame us for spending money. It's money well spent."

The other person nodded quickly and agreed to the suggestion.

the next day.

The two people who went to pick up the boss found Su Haozhe first.

"Brother Su, eldest brother is coming today, what do you think is delicious?"

The two asked, preparing to set up a table at noon.

Although the funds are almost gone, it is precisely this that makes the boss know that spending money on delicious food is worth it.

"It is better to eat four legs than to eat two legs; to eat two legs is not as good as one leg; to eat one leg is not as good as eating no legs."

Su Haozhe gestured towards the two of them.

Both of them were a little confused and didn't know what this meant.

"What legs? Brother Su, just tell me what to buy."

Neither of them knew what they meant.

"Pigs, cattle and sheep have four legs; chickens, ducks and geese have two legs; mushrooms have one leg; fish have no legs."

"If you want to entertain me well, just get some fish and fry some mushrooms."

Su Haozhe gave an idea and asked the two of them to bring back some ingredients.

"By the way, remember to buy some wild mushrooms. They are the most delicacies among the delicacies."

Su Haozhe made another special explanation.

"Listen, I'm almost drooling. The boss will definitely enjoy the food when he comes. We will definitely buy them all."

The two of them discussed with others and pooled some private money before purchasing these things.

(End of this chapter)

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