Chapter 1 My name is Emperor Xuan
Beidou East Wilderness.

The Immortal Mountain, one of the mysterious seven forbidden areas.

It is isolated from the outside world and forms a world of its own.

It is an ancient and vast forbidden land shrouded in mist.

"Is he...the Lord of the Immortal Mountain?"

"Hey, I can't hold it anymore, do you want to eat again?"

"The timing is not bad. The Qing Emperor has been incarnate for a thousand years, and the era of hardship under the suppression of the Great Dao should not encounter obstacles..."

"Who can know the result until the last minute?"

"Humph, it's just a passing cloud, what does it have to do with me!"

One after another can crush the Eight Desolations and Liuhe, making all sentient beings unable to help but withdraw their spiritual thoughts from crawling on the ground, no longer pay attention to them, and continue to sleep.

"Is it really going to start again?"

"Hahaha, how long ago was the last time?"

"The Qing Emperor has been here for thousands of years. Now that all the kings are gone in this age of Dharma, who else can stop these taboos from existing?"

"Oh my God! It's like reincarnation that makes all sentient beings despair again and again..."

Some orthodox traditions and forces with ancient inheritance and knowledge of those forbidden areas of life can't help but feel a little uneasy, fearful, and sad. Are those dark years about to begin again?
They only hope that there can be a supreme being or an emperor who is also sleeping, who can come out to stop the other party and prevent this terrible and bloody catastrophe.


The dazzling fairy source suddenly exploded.

A majestic, handsome figure with gray-white hair, hazy and exuding extremely terrifying imperial power.

The halberd in his hand was dark and sinister, exuding terrifying power, as if it could crack the heavens and shatter billions of stars.

This is an immortal imperial weapon made of dragon-patterned black gold. Its blade is sharp and terrifying.

"Devoured countless lives and caused countless turmoil——

Now that I have become you, I have taken over all the consequences! "

In those deep, dark eyes.

There is a terrifying scene like the collapse and reappearance of the universe, the creation of the world.

That majestic face like a knife, with a trace of memories and self-mockery, then turned into indifference, with unshakable firmness and determination.

"Stone Emperor..."

In the Immortal Mountain, several supreme divine thoughts from various restricted areas are echoing.

As one of the seven forbidden areas in the Eastern Wasteland, the Immortal Mountain once had at least six or seven ancient supreme beings sleeping in it. However, after a long period of time, more than one great emperor and the Holy Body of Perfection had faced off against the Immortal Mountain.

To this day, apart from an old guy who is too old to hold a weapon, the only ancient supreme being left in the Immortal Mountain is the Lord of the Immortal Mountain, Stone Emperor.

Since he came to this world inexplicably, and then inexplicably took away the sleeping Stone Emperor, he spent hundreds of years inheriting the supreme Tao and Dharma.

During these hundreds of years, Stone Emperor's long life flashed through his eyes like a movie.

He couldn't tell whether he was the executioner Shi Huang who was killing people like crazy and whose hands were stained with blood.

Or is it Shi Xuan who once went to school, studied, found a job, and lived a peaceful life?
In other words, it is the new life after the only fusion of the two.

But that is no longer important. What is important is that he knows that this is a cruel world, a cannibalistic world.

He must become stronger. Only with enough power can he control his own destiny.

"Eternal years have passed, I have lived too long, and I have lived in a state of suffocation, haha... hahaha..."

He was deeply affected by receiving the incomparable memories, experiences, and even Tao and Dharma from a Supreme Being. This was an inevitable price.

He recalled the juniors who once entered the Mountain of Immortality and jumped at his door, and then he endured it;

Some people smashed the Immortal Mountain and moved away a portion of his home, but he still endured it.

Someone moved to the Immortal Mountain and hung out under his nose day and night, but he couldn't bear it
And all this is just because he no longer has the power that was once invincible in the world, or he has become weaker.

He became enlightened through the Holy Spirit, and his fighting power is enough to amaze the world.

But he has become corrupted and has lost his once invincible power. He has become a miserable self-destruction supreme and has been abandoned by the times.

"From today on, I am both Shi Xuan and Shi Emperor, and I have taken over all the causes and effects of the past."

Relying on the familiar yet unfamiliar memories of the past, his own powerful combat power...

Shi Xuan was fearless, influenced by the original owner's strong and even conceited belief, and even more convinced that he would not be weaker than anyone else——

I even have the confidence to be one step ahead of everyone and set foot in the highest realm that was once out of reach!
The atmosphere in Beidou, and even the entire universe, was horribly depressing.

I thought that when the Supreme Being was born, he must prepare to "eat" and bloodbath one ancient domain after another.

No, there hasn't been any movement.Dayue is majestic and majestic.

A huge fairy gate stands, looming and unattainable.

Stars and moonlight are hanging down like a surging Milky Way, and strands of fairy energy are lingering, shrouding the Immortal Mountain, and a crystal clear fairy mist is lingering.

It is sacred and peaceful, like a fairyland, and should not be offended.

"No movement?"

"Hey! Could it be that this greatest source of darkness also gives birth to compassion?"

The taboo beings who had been awakened and had not continued their hibernation looked towards the direction of the Immortal Mountain in surprise and uncertainty.

But there, the supreme aura is restrained and the pressure is not obvious.

The streaks of light that fill the sky soar into the sky, distorting the spatial field and isolating the spiritual exploration from all the supreme beings in the restricted area.

It doesn't look like he is going to launch a dark catastrophe at all.

Some people even wondered in their minds, could it be that the Lord of the Immortal Mountain, who had initiated more than one turmoil and was known as the source of the greatest darkness, really had that ridiculous compassion and couldn't bear to be ruthless and kill all living beings?

But is this possible?

How could an executioner, whose hands, no, whose whole body and soul were stained red with endless blood, be so kind-hearted?

In the vast Immortal Mountain, a majestic figure stands there. Even if the supreme law of order is restrained, the unparalleled pressure is still mighty, as if it can suppress the nine heavens and ten earths——

It makes people feel so stunned that they dare not and cannot despise it, and cannot help but kneel down.

He didn't care at all what the other Supremes would think.

It's not that he cares about the common people so much that he is unwilling to initiate that dark catastrophe.

In fact, his current state is similar to that of other hibernating supreme beings, and he does not need to "eat" at all.

It took hundreds of years to completely inherit the Dharma and Tao of a supreme being, but even so, his foundation must be somewhat unstable in the future.

It is not his own, after all, it is not his own. If he wants to climb to a higher peak, he will definitely need to spend a long time to make up for it in the future and stabilize his foundation!

It's just that compared to practicing with his own mortal body that has been reduced to ashes and has no talent, this body with the innate Holy Spirit is much better.

Shi Xuan looked indifferent and didn't feel any disappointment.

In his current state, even after getting rid of such a predicament, he will definitely have to spend a lot of time repairing his foundation and tempering his Tao Fruit to a complete and flawless level.

Perhaps influenced by the powerful and even arrogant belief of the ancient emperor who once ruled the world and was proud of the eternity, he has absolute confidence in his ability to climb to the top!
"How can you live a new life and be content with being ordinary? What if you fall on the road?"

His eyes were fierce and bright, with unshakable determination.

Shi Xuan didn't believe that he couldn't reach that height by relying on himself and his prophetic memories!
"Throughout the ages, countless strong men have sacrificed their lives to survive in this harsh environment. Even if some people have returned to their peak state with the help of the Nine-turn Immortal Pill, they are no longer perfect and flawless after all. !”

"After a period of time, the abundant vitality will be consumed, and the realm will still fall. It will be impossible to truly restore the complete supreme status and stand in that field forever..."

His deep gaze was like two sharp peerless knives, staring at the vast starry sky.

The elixir has long lost its effect on him now.

"In my current state, even if I kill everything, with my lifespan insufficient and my energy and blood exhausted, I still can't continue to climb the heights and ascend to the throne again!"

In his current poor state, if he tried to rebuild everything, he would only die faster, and Shouyuan would not be able to survive for long.

This path, for now, is doomed to be impossible.

"Beidou, Forbidden Zone, Immortal Medicine, Great Emperor and Ancient Emperor."

"In one era, only one person can become an immortal!"

"Waiting for eternity, enduring humiliation and gasping for breath, just to win that trace of true immortality!"

This somewhat familiar yet unfamiliar universe was somewhat consistent with his memories of his previous life.

Thinking back on the past bits and pieces.

" is said that God rewards hard work, why do you always find it inexplicably ironic?"

There was indifference in Shi Xuan's eyes. Even though he didn't fall into darkness, his heart was already cold.

"There are still thousands of years, nearly ten thousand years, before the Immortal Road opens."

The Immortal Road opens, which is hundreds of years after the plot of the book begins.

In other words, there are still thousands of years before Emperor Ye Tian appears.

This is a real world. Even if it is slightly different from the one in memory, the general trend will not change!
This is undoubtedly a huge inherent advantage!
"In this life, I will defy heaven and resound throughout the heavens with the name of Emperor Xuan!"

Shi Xuan's cold eyes were shining brightly, making it impossible to look directly at them.

(End of this chapter)

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