Zhetian: I merged with the Stone Emperor at the beginning and left the restricted area.

Chapter 107: The Seven Heroes of Battle; Gaotaisheng Sarcophagus!

Chapter 107: The Seven Heroes of Battle; Gaotai Sheng Sarcophagus!

At the end of the catastrophe, Xiang Yufei not only climbed several steps in the Secret Realm in one step, but was promoted to the realm of the Peerless Saint Master. He was also only one step away from becoming the King of the Three Immortals.

At the same time, the practice of the new method has also reached the perfection of the condensation realm, condensing the human body and the universe, and initially achieving the physical body to connect with the spirit——

The pitcher's feet are blessed by the great avenue of heaven and earth, which is extremely terrifying.

Moreover, he was now standing on the top of the Eight Forbidden Zones, barely touching the threshold of the Eternal Divine Forbidden Zone.

He is confident that after the Immortal Sanzhan Dao, he will successfully trigger the eternal divine ban and be on par with the emperors of ancient and modern times.


At this moment, a violent aura suddenly erupted from the horizon. Divine power was raging, surging in all directions, and the majestic sacred mountains were constantly being shattered.

"The daughter of the Wanlong Emperor has come here to ask for advice from the chief disciple of the Emperor of Heaven!"

From the sky, a purple divine dragon's claw cut through the void.

Dragon claws flew across the sky, fighting spirit surged, like an ancient true dragon descending, and a figure wearing purple and gold armor came quickly from the horizon.


In the other direction of the sky, at this moment, the mountains were trembling, and the incomparable divine light was rising. A figure was rising into the sky with immeasurable divine light blooming all over its body.

"The son of the ancient emperor Qilin has come here to ask for a fight from the chief disciple of the Emperor of Heaven!"

In a daze, it seemed as if a blue unicorn came from the sky to suppress Xiang Yufei.

Immediately, in the west of heaven and earth, an extreme divine power brought by the ancient emperor's supreme bloodline was as powerful as a prison, like a god patrolling the human world.

"The son of the ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor, invites the Emperor's disciple to fight!"

At the same time, a divine phoenix appeared between heaven and earth, looking down upon the common people. It was extremely majestic and majestic, shrouded in endless fairy fire, burning the heaven and earth.

"These breaths are"

Xiang Yufei was very familiar with these three auras that suddenly appeared, because he had faced these three ancient emperors not long ago.

In other words, the four people who suddenly appeared were all the most powerful geniuses who inherited the invincible bloodline of the ancient emperor.

Yes, although only three people took action, four figures appeared here.

next moment--


Xiang Yufei's imperial talisman deep in the Immortal Platform seemed to feel something, and it independently pulled the power of the great road between heaven and earth——

A supreme emperor descends, the world of chaos is opening up behind him, the sun and the moon are rotating in his eyes, all the rules are being reversed, and the three thousand avenues seem to be chanting hymns for Qi.

"hold head high!"

With four roars resounding throughout the heaven and earth, the sky bloomed with brilliance, and Xuanwu, Divine Phoenix, Purple Dragon, and Qilin emerged between the heaven and the earth, guarding the Central Heavenly Emperor.

In this way, the four spiritual beasts guarded the central Emperor Xuantian, overlooking the other three figures.

Looking up at the four supreme auras that suddenly appeared above the sky, everyone naturally thought of Emperor Xuantian and the three ancient emperors who were now sitting on the Immortal Mountain.

"Then those are the Wanlong Emperor, the Ancient Qilin Emperor, and the Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor. Oh my God, is that Emperor Xuan Tian?"

Among the crowd, a monk tremblingly said something, which immediately detonated the entire area.


The sky cracked, the void shattered, and the huge blue unicorn stepped out with its hooves. It was fierce and domineering, and its combat power was shocking. As soon as Huo Linzi appeared, he rushed straight towards Princess Wanlong without saying a word.

Chi Chi!

Behind Princess Wanlong, the divine dragon flew across the sky, drawing a most stunning fairy light, splitting the void, drawing the ground as a prison, isolating Huo Linzi's Dao Seal, blasting out his right claw, condensing a divine dragon's claw.

Princess Wanlong is facing Huo Linzi, and the tip of a needle is facing Maimang.

A terrifying aura filled the air between the two, as if it was about to shatter the stars in the universe.


On the other side, Huang Xudao was surrounded by a dazzling divine ring, and his aura was as strong as the abyss. He stood tall in the sky, swallowing the essence of heaven and earth——

All methods appeared together, the divine chain of order of the avenue was pierced, and wisps of blazing fairy light shot up into the sky, as thick as a mountain.

In the dark, it was as if a supreme divine phoenix was pressing directly towards Yu Fei.Xiang Yufei was indifferent, the energy and blood all over his body was like a waterfall, falling down to the sky, as if millions of sacred mountains and ancient mountains were lying across his heart, and even more like the vast sea of ​​stars.


There is a supreme figure emerging in the sky, surrounded by endless black and yellow air. The black and yellow air is like a sea, surging with this pure and turbid air, and the immortal light is majestic. He stands above the heaven and earth, surrendering to the power of all rules.


The aura of the Emperor of Heaven filled the air, and the sound waves of the avenue were deafening. Above the vast sky, he stepped out and directly crushed the divine ring of order that covered the sky. The endless divine power was shattered, and instead, the vast divine power of the Emperor of Heaven filled the air.

The mighty power of Godless God spreads thousands of miles, causing the heaven and earth to crack, and rocks to pierce through the sky——

It knocked many monks from all directions away. They coughed up blood and looked at the figure in the sky with horror in their eyes.

Huangxu Dao, who was surrounded by thousands of divine flames, took three steps back in succession before he stopped.

"Xiang Yufei, the first disciple of the Emperor of Heaven, never thought that an opponent like you would appear in the future. I believe this will be an interesting era."

"Xiang Yufei has met four fellow Taoists."

"Hehe, what are you talking about as fellow Taoist and not fellow Taoist? I think we might as well call ourselves brothers and sisters."

"Huo Lin'er has met Senior Brother Xiang."

At this time, I saw a pair of brothers and sisters walking towards here. They were the biological brothers and sisters left behind by the Ancient Emperor Qilin.

Huo Lin'er's eyebrows were curved as she looked at Xiang Yufei, smiling happily, her long blue hair surging like water waves.

Huo Linzi, on the other hand, had an expressionless face, as if someone owed him money and he would not pay it back.

Huo Lin'er's proposal seemed to be approved by the other three people, and soon he saw three other figures cupping their hands in greeting and saying:

"Huo Linzi has met Senior Brother Xiang."

"Huangxu said he has met Senior Brother Xiang."

"Long Xiner has met Senior Brother Xiang."

Xiang Yufei returned the favor one by one.

Although he knew that when these four extremely talented princes and princesses met for the first time, they acquiesced in the identity of his senior brother because of his status as the first disciple of the Emperor of Heaven.

But he believes that one day, he will tell these four people with facts that he truly deserves the title of senior brother.

this moment--

Above the sky, five figures stood majestically, roaring with blood energy. The four princes and princesses were the first disciples of the Emperor of Heaven. The five geniuses gathered together and launched a world-shattering collision.

After this day, a shocking storm started from Beidou Zhongzhou and began to sweep across the entire universe.

Xiang Yufei, the first disciple of the Emperor of Heaven!
Huang Xudao, the son of the ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor!

Long Xiner, the Princess of Ten Thousand Dragons!
The prince and daughter of the ancient emperor Qilin, Huo Lin'er and Huo Linzi.

These five geniuses dominate the world, and no one in the universe can be their combined enemy.

Unexpectedly, one day after that, seven geniuses appeared out of the blue. Each of them held a divine sword. The seven swords combined made them no match for the four princes and princesses who inherited the blood of the three ancient emperors.

Even Xiang Yufei, the first disciple of the Emperor of Heaven who claims to have inherited the supreme Taoism of Emperor Xuantian, can only barely contend.

For a time, the seven geniuses who suddenly appeared became famous and dominated the whole world, and they were known as the "Seven Heroes of War".

Later, it was spread that the Seven Heroes of Zhantian also came from the Immortal Mountain and were the direct descendants of Emperor Xuanwu, one of the Four Ancient Emperors of the Spirits.

Therefore, after Emperor Xuan and the Ancient Queen Four Spirits, the entire universe once again fell into the age of the Immortal Mountain.

And just as the outside world is once again shrouded in the shadow of the Immortal Mountain, deep in the Immortal Mountain at this moment——

The Four Spirit Ancient Emperors guarded the Central Xuan Tian Emperor and came to an unknown void.

In the center of heaven and earth, stands an altar.

There is a small ancient coffin no bigger than a palm placed on the altar.

However, this small ancient coffin, in the eyes of the Four Spirits Ancient Emperor, was even more amazing than a square of heaven and earth.

Just because, in their eyes, there is
(End of this chapter)

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